02-02-2005, 11:07 PM
Night falls gently as the tears come again.
I know not where you are my love,
But do you still know who I am?

Life tares the threads that bind us all,
Killing Giants,
Crushing Moles...
Silent as a snowflake
I look upon your face,
A memory,
A Photograph,
An image lost in space.

You call out to me in my dreams,
I call you on the phone.
You make my dreams sound as if it's child's fantasy,
Jealousy of a friend's life.
Wishing I had what she did...

Nothing reaches you,
Do you even know who I am?
Did you ever take the time to learn?
You touched my hand, my heart, my mind...
You created a new me,
And left so I could fend for myself.

Where are the sunny days,
Summers at the beach long gone.
Rainy days huddled up together,
Trying to keep warm.

I called you this evening,
You talked to me a little.
How can I tell you how I feel?
When I can't admit it to my self.
Are these feelings true?
Or just words I think i need?

I don't think i could ever share...
this with you.
You are strong, and brave, and every thing I'm not.
It kills me to think of it,
I could cry my self to sleep,
But at this point it doesn't matter.

I want you here with me,
I know that much is true.
My friend, My life, My hope, My love.
Will you ever return to my side?
Will you remember me if you do?

If you have forgotten then it is best...
Not to come back...
Not to drag you back...
Into the past with me.

Another day
Another phone call.
Another check on the calendar...
Promises broken again and again...
Empty memories... Empty fears...

Come back to me,
At least once more.
All I need is one final goodbye...
Before I can let go...

02-02-2005, 11:20 PM
Wow. Really, I loved it. It's sooo passionate and beautiful. You would definetly win, I'm sure of it. It's wonderful. I had that feeling too many times! It's seriously beautiful. What ever inspired you?! :swoon:

Love Blaise

02-02-2005, 11:29 PM
My dear friend, who if I'm lucky will be able to visit me soon ^_^ which makes me really happy... I just get really depressed when my friends leave, cuz I'm all sad and lonely and all... it's not alot of fun to be alone... I really hope he can visit, that would be great.