James (The Disney Guy)
04-19-2016, 03:53 PM
Supergirl: Music From Season 1

Yes, That's Right Another TV Series Various Artists Collection. I Know These Collections Are Not Very Popular Becuase They Are Not Flac or Scores, But I Post These For Those Who (Like Me) Enjoy These Collections. Also For The Select Few Who Enjoy And Follow My Collections.

<A HREF=""><IMG HEIGHT=400 WIDTH=400 SRC=""></A>

*Album Art Created By Me, Collected And Compiled By Me*

Artists: Various
Codec: MP3 VBR
No. Of Tracks: 36
Length: 2Hr 19 Mins Approx
Size: 260MB Approx

Track List:


04-19-2016, 04:45 PM
Thanks for taking the time to compile the music to this and other shows.

Nice finale. Perhaps not as strong as some of the show's best episodes but it stuck the landing. (The fight alone was worth it.)

James (The Disney Guy)
04-19-2016, 04:52 PM
Thanks for taking the time to compile the music to this and other shows.

Nice finale. Perhaps not as strong as some of the show's best episodes but it stuck the landing. (The fight alone was worth it.)

It Was, I Really Hope A Season 2 Gets Lit. I Wanna See This Show Expand.

04-19-2016, 04:58 PM
Can't wait for the score album. Neely's work is great, Zimmer and Junkie XL could learn a few things from him. And yes, I'm hoping the show to get renewed.

04-19-2016, 05:10 PM
It Was, I Really Hope A Season 2 Gets Lit. I Wanna See This Show Expand.

Agreed. I'd love to see a Martian Manhunter solo episode. I love the re-design of J'onn J'onzz and Harewood does a great job of breathing life into the character. Glad the producers decided to make Henshaw one of the good guys.

My guess on what is in the pod: young Kara from Earth 2 in other words Power Girl.

Damn those inter-dimensional breaches created by The Flash.

(Someone suggested Krypto the Super Dog. I'd love to see that although that is probably too much of a gimmick. Supergirl had a super cat named Streaky, but cats don't take directions the way dogs do.)

James (The Disney Guy)
04-19-2016, 05:37 PM
Agreed. I'd love to see a Martian Manhunter solo episode. I love the re-design of J'onn J'onzz and Harewood does a great job of breathing life into the character. Glad the producers decided to make Henshaw one of the good guys.

My guess on what is in the pod: young Kara from Earth 2 in other words Power Girl.

Damn those inter-dimensional breaches created by The Flash.

(Someone suggested Krypto the Super Dog. I'd love to see that although that is probably too much of a gimmick. Supergirl had a super cat named Streaky, but cats don't take directions the way dogs do.)

I Had Read, That Powergirl Could Be In It, I Would Like Super Dog.
Honestly I Would Love A Crossover And We Finally See Super man (And I Would Love Tom Welling to Return From Smallville!)

Can't wait for the score album. Neely's work is great, Zimmer and Junkie XL could learn a few things from him. And yes, I'm hoping the show to get renewed.

I Hear Ya, This, Arrow 4, Flash 2 & Legends, Gonna Be Some Great Tracks!

04-19-2016, 06:51 PM
Oh wow. Thanks for this. Kinda fell off the show. Now that the season's over, I can catch up. Are any of the songs on the album in any of the episodes?

@mgm5215 and Mr Gold:

I agree with both of you. The Season 3 Agents of SHIELD score will be nice of one gets released. Not sure of Season 2 had an OST for it or not. On the DC front, I tend to lean towards Arrow, Flash and LoT (especially the opening title & end credits) over Supergirl as far as scores go. The only Supergirl that really gets me is the music heard during the opening narration, the song heard when Alex confesses to killing Astra and Supergirl/Kara crying her eyes out after asking Alex if she killed anyone when she was under the Red Kryptonite influence which was the last episode I saw before I got off the wagon so to speak. However I learned not to expect much from officially released scores as they leave material, usually good material out.
I can provide some examples to prove my point:

Flash S1 - From the Pilot episode, Barry Allen talks to Oliver Queen, basically to get advice on how to use his powers. That music is missing from the released OST. A portion of it is on a track (forgot which one), but it's not complete because it's missing the part where Oliver tells him to wear a mask and both of them say cool after seeing how they both make their exits.

Arrow S1 - Episode 3, Oliver reveals his identity to Diggle is just one of many materials that's missing from the released score.

Arrow S2 - Flashback scene of Oliver putting on the green hood for the first time and Slade looking in a box and pulling out the Deathstroke mask, holding it above his head is technically missing. I say technically because there's a track on the S2 score called Essence of Heroism. It features a variation of the music from that scene, but it is not exactly how it is heard when the scene is taking place/being watched. The music wear Oliver gets the mask as a gift from Barry and Felicity puts it on him for the first time, it's the closing scene to Three Ghosts. That music, which is great is not surprisingly missing from the released score.

I have suspected that some material is left off releases because they are on the composer's website and either the composer wants the listening of such material to take place on his website (maybe that's a crazy theory) or the label releasing the score feels like "Oh they can get those tracks off the composer's site so why bother making the effort to release them on the album?" (probably a more likely theory, I think.) But I feel if you're gonna go through with the effort of releasing something, give a complete release. I know LLL does (mostly) complete releases. The music I described from Three Ghosts is even missing from LLL's Arrow S2 score. Yet they had everything on their releases of both of Tim Burton's Batman films as well as Batman Forever, among other films, new and old. But oh well, can't get everything you want in life.

If you watch the scenes and listen to the scores, you'll notice what's missing.

They seriously need to release Season scores for The 100. Like the popular show or not, it's got great music. It's three seasons in and the 3rd season's almost over. Still no score release. Sad, considering the music. Sorry if this whole thing came off as a complaint/rant lol. Some may see it as that.

04-19-2016, 07:00 PM

04-19-2016, 07:03 PM

James (The Disney Guy)
04-19-2016, 07:05 PM
dawnofthedead they are tagged as to which episode they appear in. check the track list....

04-19-2016, 08:04 PM
Honestly I Would Love A Crossover And We Finally See Super man (And I Would Love Tom Welling to Return From Smallville!)

Welling could be Superman of Earth 2.

James (The Disney Guy)
04-19-2016, 08:05 PM
Exactly My Thought.

04-20-2016, 04:12 AM

James (The Disney Guy)
04-20-2016, 08:44 AM

04-20-2016, 12:24 PM
Thanks for putting this together!

James (The Disney Guy)
04-20-2016, 12:29 PM

04-20-2016, 10:38 PM
@Mr. Gold:

Thanks for that info :)


Welling could be Kent on Earth-2. Don't know how old Tom currently is. But isn't he a bit old now though for the Clark role unless the Earth-2 Clark is an older version? Anyway Earth-2 is strictly a Flash exclusive for now and though Flash, Arrow, LoT and Supergirl are all in the same universe - and we've seen Flash crossover to Supergirl so only a matter of time before she guests on his show - I don't know if Earth-2 will carry over to other shows though it might at some point, but hasn't yet to my knowledge. Of course Earth-2 doesn't have to carry over as characters from other shows could just make guest appearances on Earth-2 episodes of The Flash if that continues past Season 2. I'm curious as to what Superman & Supergirl we'll see on Earth-2. Will they be older? Will they still be good or will they be bad like Caitlyn, Cisco and Firestorm's doppelg�ngers (Killer Frost, forgot Cisco's brother's name, and Deathstorm?)

James (The Disney Guy)
04-20-2016, 10:46 PM
Cisco's doppelg�ngers (forgot Cisco's brother's name)


04-20-2016, 10:51 PM
Ah yes! Reverb! Thanks!

04-21-2016, 04:45 AM

Welling could be Kent on Earth-2. Don't know how old Tom currently is. But isn't he a bit old now though for the Clark role unless the Earth-2 Clark is an older version?

If memory serves when DC did its massive reorganization known as Crisis on Infinite Earths Earth 2 became the home of the classic version of DC's heroes - Jay Garrick as Flash, Alan Scott as Green Lantern, etc . . . - while Earth 1 was the home of the modern versions of the DC pantheon.

So Earth 2's Superman could be older. He's generally been portrayed that way as have most of the Earth 2 heroes. Older, but by no means feeble. (It's a wonder what a healthy diet and daily exercise can do.)

04-21-2016, 05:09 AM
Woot! Thanks this is awesome. Love these.

James (The Disney Guy)
04-21-2016, 08:31 AM
Woot! Thanks this is awesome. Love these.

lol Enjoy! :D

bob kelso
04-26-2016, 05:11 PM
Love the show so far (We're only officially up to around episode 12 here).

Thanks for this album:)

James (The Disney Guy)
04-26-2016, 05:22 PM
Enjoy! Boy You Have A Good Few Left to See.

04-26-2016, 08:19 PM
If memory serves when DC did its massive reorganization known as Crisis on Infinite Earths Earth 2 became the home of the classic version of DC's heroes - Jay Garrick as Flash, Alan Scott as Green Lantern, etc . . . - while Earth 1 was the home of the modern versions of the DC pantheon.

So Earth 2's Superman could be older. He's generally been portrayed that way as have most of the Earth 2 heroes. Older, but by no means feeble. (It's a wonder what a healthy diet and daily exercise can do.)

Yes. That is true. I don't know if it'll happen, but Earth-2 (and if I remember correctly, they mentioned that there are other earths beyond 1 & 2 that exist) does provide them a chance for alternate versions of characters not on the Flash show. I assume the older Oliver Queen will be the same one seen in the LoT episode that centered on Star City where an older Oliver, thought to be dead, was alive with one arm. We've seen alternative Flash characters already, except Wally as I guess his E2 would be Kid Flash. But aise from Superman and Supergirl and characters from that world, I'm curious as to an alternate Bruce Wayne/Batman, not just from an individual standpoint, but from a life standpoint. Would he still be Batman or would the 8 year old tragedy not have even happened? If there is a Batman, would it be someone else? Or if Bruce was Batman, which incarnation? Same goes for Green Lantern. of the two, I think GL's a better chance of being seen on any one of the shows, E1, E2 or both, over Batman. The actor who plays Hank/Manhunter on Supergirl stated he'd like to see Batman on Supergirl. I'd like to see him on all four DC shows.

bob kelso
04-27-2016, 05:17 PM
Enjoy! Boy You Have A Good Few Left to See.

I've been avoiding spoilers generally, but have seen enough to say there's a few I'm definately (more) interested in.
One is this weeks (ep 13 - For the girl that has everything). 16 (Falling) also sounds fun and of course there's the crossover ep.

That said, it is another show that I am hooked on.

James (The Disney Guy)
04-27-2016, 05:20 PM
The Crossover Is Good, There Is A Funny Scene In The Finale. And Some Good Scenes.

04-27-2016, 05:37 PM
@Bob Kelso and anyone else who has not seen the finale yet:


@everyone else:
I hope there's a S2. They did a good setup for it and I wanna see how they handle Project Cadmus and what, if any crossovers that will result in. We've yet to see Arrow crossover which would be fun.

09-17-2016, 01:13 AM

James (The Disney Guy)
09-17-2016, 06:17 AM

10-06-2016, 08:07 PM
Really enjoy these, although I have to ask: the sound quality of the last few compilations has been subpar compared to older ones like Flash S1. Are you doing something differently? Sounds like the old stuff might have been YouTube rips (good quality), and the new stuff being from Spotify streams or something.

Again, love these, just wish the recent additions sounded as good as your old offerings!

James (The Disney Guy)
10-06-2016, 08:10 PM
Same As Before.
But I Stopped Doing Them Now Sorry.

bob kelso
10-11-2016, 05:55 PM
Well, I appreciate the work that you've put in on these collections, so I'd just like to say thanks again and I've enjoyed the ones I've got from here:)