Bus Driver
02-01-2005, 04:29 AM
What no one knows, is that when one man feeds hate
It feeds the cycle that continues to reciprocate

We allow the flow of anger that courses through our veins
To rise to the surface to create anothers pain

With open eyes we are blind to see
That those we hate are you and me

With all our life we are but of one soul, one mind with a choice
And through it all we doubt the power of one voice

We have yet to realize that no power comes from violence
And that the strongest of words have faded in silence

For so long have I held in the anger that burns
And I ignored the cry of others for it was not my concern

I now see the error of my ways, I must find control
For I fear one day I may lose my soul

I only see now what I should have known from the start
That real truth only comes from your heart

For I have met one person who has made the truth clearer
Even in the reflection I no longer see myself in the mirror

The times are harder, I remain one man standing alone
Because that is the way and truth stands on its own

02-01-2005, 04:31 AM
PM this to MMM. He will love it!

Neo Xzhan
02-01-2005, 02:56 PM
You should honestly try to drop the rhyming, you are so trying to force the poem to rhyme that it messes up the rest.