01-31-2005, 09:36 PM
That FF7 would be a whole lot better with graphics blah blah blah, but actually GET TO GO WITH THE GIRL, it's like... Call me a romantic? but I just wanted to see Tifa and Cloud be together and be all romantic.. But whenever I saw them together, it made me think of a cute, but awkward situation, It's one of those things that make me CRAAVVEE to see after the ending, what does everyone else think?

02-01-2005, 01:53 AM
Then watch Advent Childen once it comes out. That's what I think.

02-01-2005, 03:18 AM
I really think FFVII did an incomplete ending. I liked Tifa better than Aeris the entire game, and I hoped FFVII would wrap that up at the end of the game. Making movies about it afterwards is not the way to do it.

02-01-2005, 02:43 PM
Yeah, I think I'd liek Advant Children loads? but I'd perfer playing it, and Living the characters?

02-02-2005, 02:07 AM
You are living the characters if you have a wierd imagination

02-02-2005, 07:05 PM
But you don't get to decide the fate, or get different reactions from the other party members. It's just not the same...

02-02-2005, 07:15 PM
in my opinion the ending wasn't too great and i think that was one of the reasons square decided to make advent children

Black Waltz
02-02-2005, 08:03 PM
I think it wouldnt be any better with better graphic, its would still have the same boring story line. If they are going to "redo" a FF then they should "redo" on that deserves its like FFVI or FFIV.

02-04-2005, 12:48 PM
I only find FFVII boring now I completed it once, the battles bore me etc, I can only play it once per lifetime lol.

02-04-2005, 12:51 PM
I think square are playing the ff7 card a bit too much. A sequel, a mobil game, a movie...

mister pickle
03-17-2005, 12:12 AM
okay... here goes. of course it couldn't get better graphics 'cause it was made in 1997. picture this.... you are in the nineties and you've got this excelent storyline which should keep players on it for days only one prob.. you can't get excelent graphics unless you make it roughly eight discs long and that is way too bulky and expensive so you just get bad graphs but who cares you get tonnes for it anyway so why bother...... and now for my opinion, sephiroth should have won the last battle 'cause if it wasn't for that slut aeris casting holy and basically halving his strength to stop it from happening then pussy boy cloud would have gotten his spikey ass annihalated..... beat that and i'll show you my shiny metal ass

03-17-2005, 06:40 AM
Well, it is possible to go on a date with Tifa instead of Aeris. I've done it before (You have to be nice to tifa and mean to Aeris), but I'm pretty sure nothing good happens. But meh, it may help.


*Hates Aeris with a passion*

mister pickle
03-17-2005, 11:05 PM
Well, it is possible to go on a date with Tifa instead of Aeris. I've done it before (You have to be nice to tifa and mean to Aeris), but I'm pretty sure nothing good happens. But meh, it may help.


*Hates Aeris with a passion*

Kit Thespian
03-18-2005, 01:30 AM
I agree that the ending was a little lacking. I mean, the only character's fate you know about is Red XIII, and all you can guess is that he finally found a female of his kind and had babies. It doesn't say what happened to the rest of them and it really bites.

I wanted to see Cloud and Tifa get married, but in Advent Children they don't seem to be. Cloud and Tifa should be together! WAAAAHHH!!!

My brothers love the end because of the final confrontation with Sephiroth in Cloud's mind and that part gets me grieving cuz they just had to show what a hunk Sephiroth is right before he gets killed! What's the deal with that?! Villains aren't supposed to be that good-looking!

(looks around at stares and realizes that she's gone off on a rather embarrassing tangent)

Anyway...I wouldn't mind if they remade FFVII or FFVI (the latter I really wouldn't mind as long as they take Wrexsoul out. I HATED HIM!) I know they re-released VI with cinematic sequences, but I think you have to get it off ebay now.

The end of FFVII needed a lot of work, they just left too many holes.