04-14-2016, 01:45 AM
We have only rumors until now. I'd consider buying a "future remaster" of FF XII for some reasons:

1. Story isn't great, but it works, the "judges' plot" is solid yet the main villain lacks depth;
2. Active Dimension Battle (or what FF XIII tried to copy and failed) - oh, the blue lines reaching out for enemies and the red ones coming back in response;
3. Gambit system - not a feature that leaves the game to its own devices. It has tons of customization and failing to understand it will kill the party anyways;
4. No random encounters - like every modern RPGs are supposed to be;
5. Huge dungeons to get lost in it with some good secrets and alternate paths;
6. Side quests and Rare game - the meat of FF XII. It had a lot of backtracking in the middle, but it was great to go hunting;
7. Trophy support couldn't agree more with it (and the Sky Pirate's Den was sorta of an achievement system)

Just hope SQEX leaves the soundtrack as it is (Hitoshi Sakimoto did a very competent job creating sounds that didn't follow Nobuo Uematsu's steps, but managed to impress)

06-12-2016, 05:10 AM
Only IF it comes to PC, as well.

06-17-2016, 12:11 AM
Only IF it comes to PC, as well.

It's going to be called FF XII The Zodiac Age (saw at Play Asia). For now, no PC announcement (but you never know!) : D

09-28-2016, 04:50 PM

01-10-2017, 03:46 PM
Looks like on the videos the characters were remodeled but not the background.
I feel the disappointment when it'll be released...

01-27-2017, 09:14 AM
Looks like on the videos the characters were remodeled but not the background.

As far as I remember from some HD remasters, the backgrounds always suffer a little in the quality department (nothing that turns me off though).

04-14-2017, 04:48 AM
To be honest, the game is compelling. I'm playing through again currently, it's holding attention, if at times a bit random - like when you can get some of the first rare weapons. You have more powerful bows and guns than you do ninja knives and daggers, or bomb arms... they dont start filtering out until later but even the early ones make it possible to take on more powerful enemies than you should be able to. I like that part about it. I know the faults of the story, i would have wished they continued down the same track as at the beginning - like larsa, and vayne... however they didn't. It would be redeemed in my memory if it included new areas, or at least doing the same thing they did for the ffx series - extra dungeons, new jobs, etc. But i'm saying this from the point where i'm playing the original, not the izjs, so the gameplay is a bit different - if only because they added more weapons in that game, but left everything else the same. I never played revenant wings to its finish, and didn't manage to get through ffta2 to see the connections with the characters there. I've played tactics, and advance, however only managed to get through advance, which makes my opinion of ff12 to be based on the fact it's the only ivalice game that i've actually been able to finish.

04-27-2017, 03:03 PM
To be honest, the game is compelling. I'm playing through again currently, it's holding attention, if at times a bit random - like when you can get some of the first rare weapons.

It is one of the FFs I dared to get everything, one I bothered with (FF XIII made getting everything quite a pain and a drag to be true, I stopped much before halfway...) and I don't regret, won't regret doing it all again (even if my spare time is not that much today...). Personally is the greatest IMHO, great OST, not-so-great plot but memorable characters and locales nonetheless.