01-30-2005, 12:48 AM
Online Host: Hello, you have entered #ffviiichat.

sefiet has joined the room.

sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!

InstructorTurnedSeeD has joined the room.

InstructorTurnedSeeD: Hi everyone!
sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!
sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!
sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!
sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!
InstructorTurnedSeeD: sefiet, quit flooding.
sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!
sefiet: woo hoo! we're chatting!
sefiet: oops sorry

HandsomeBroodingSeeD has entered the room.

HandsomeBroodingSeeD: (Stupid, overly long screenname anyway. Why'd I let sefiet pick my screne-name?)
InstructorTurnedSeeD: Hi, HandsomeBroodingSeeD
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: ...
sefiet: well, aren't ya gonna say hi
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: Hi.
Gamer: GF, Ifrit, triangle triangle triangle
seifet: whats with gamer
InstructorTurnedSeeD: Probably just some weird troll, just ignore.
sefiet: 'k.

HBroodingLover has entered the room.
TroubledSharpshooter has entered the room.

HBroodingLover: Hi everyone!
TroubledSharpshooter: Hey, babes, what's up?
InstructorTurnedSeeD: Now be nice, Troubled! Hi, HBrooding!
Gamer: Item, Potion.
TroubledSharpshooter: Anyone know what's up with Gamer?
InstructorTurnedSeeD: Galbadian spy maybe? I'm just gonna go ahead and put him on ignore.
sefiet: hes kida funny, rofl!
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: ...
HBroodingLover: It's okay, Squall, you can laugh.
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: I never know what to say in these chats...

MasterFighter has entered the room.

InstructorTurnedSeeD: You're late, Zell.
MasterFighter: Ah, knock it off, Quisty. We're not in the classroom anymore.
sefiet: yeah, were chatting!
TroubledSharpshooter: Isn't sefiet the best?
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: Yeah, the best...
TroubledSharpshooter: Hey, aren't you supposed to be fighting Donald and Goofy or something?
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: ...
HBroodingLover: Hey, leave him alone, or I'll use Angelo Cannon on you!
TroubledSharpshooter: Whoa, hey baby! Calm down there!
Gamer: Junction GF Cerberus, Irvine
MasterFighter: Anyone have any idea what Gamer's talking about?
HBroodingLover: Oh, just ignore him. Or her.
MasterFighter: Ah, 'K.

MalePosseMember has entered the room.

MalePosseMember: How's everyone doin', yo?

FemalePosseeMember has entered the room.

FemalePosseMember: GREETINGS.
HBroodingLover: Hey, Fujin, hey Raijin.
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: (Oh man, who invited them?)
HBroodingLover: Be nice, now, Squall. I can tell what you're thinking.
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: ... Whatever.
sefiet: ah come on knck it off squall lets have soem fun!
Gamer: ATTACK!
TroubledSharpshooter: Any hot girls, press '8' now.
Gamer: Ah man, this game is stupid. (throws down controller)

Gamer has exited #ffviiichat.

Landlord of Sector 7
01-30-2005, 03:00 AM

Did this actually happen or are you just making this all up?

01-30-2005, 03:52 AM
LOL! Of course it didn't actually happen. It's just good fun.

01-30-2005, 01:48 PM
uuhhhhh O.O its SEIFER btw o.o

01-30-2005, 05:24 PM
Agent, It's soooooo funny!! I laughed my ass of!! Hehe...
especially with:
"TroubledSharpshooter: Any hot girls, press '8' now."
"HBroodingLover: Be nice, now, Squall. I can tell what you're thinking.
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: ... Whatever. "

Do you have more?

01-30-2005, 05:28 PM
I seen some funny stuff but i anin't ever seen anything like that =)

01-30-2005, 10:20 PM
Do you have more?
I was actually hoping it could be a sort of continuing game. So if anyone wanted to post their own continuation?

P.S.: I actually was inspired by a segment in MAD XL in which they did a Wizard of Oz chatroom.

uuhhhhh O.O its SEIFER btw o.o
"sefiet" is Selphie! They sometimes call her Sefie as a nickname and t of course being the first letter of her last name.

01-31-2005, 07:22 PM
Hehe..Okey..I continue..
*I hope..* XD

#FFVIII Chat goes on:
TroubledSharpshooter: Hmm..I guess no one likes me then...
Sefiet, HBroodinglover, InstructorTurnedSeeD: DUUHH!!
HandsomeBroodingSeeD: ....
HBroodingLover: What is it Squall?
MasterFighter: He's hurt
HBroodingLover: Why's that?
MasterFighter: Cuz I told him that you were in love with ME! MWUHAHHAHA!!
IntstructorTurnedSeeD: Uuuhm...Zell?
MasterFighter: ....
HBroodingLover: name is HBroodingLover! Why do you think i'm called that way huh?
MasterFighter: I'm Handsome and i'm a SeeD!
HBroodingLover: Huh?! Get real, not handsome Master Fighter Brooding SeeD...or whatever you're called..

Gamer picks up controller

Gamer: GF, Quezacoatl, Rinoa

ALL (except Sefiet): Knock it off, Gamer!!
Sefiet: Now..don't be rude you guys! He or she is still a Noob!
InstructorTurnedSeeD: Yeah, You're right sefiet! *turns head to gamer*
"Could you please stop NooB Gamer?"
Is that better?
Sefiet: .... Oh no!

Gamer is dissapointed that sucked.... -_-'

01-31-2005, 07:38 PM
now that sucked.
Just remember, you said that, not us. ;)

01-31-2005, 09:42 PM
Yeah.. hehe....
anyone..? continue?

02-10-2005, 07:50 PM
dudes, get the morron out of the pool

02-10-2005, 08:29 PM

02-10-2005, 10:46 PM
Yeah, I think I'll say that too, except I'll do it like this --- WHAT?!

02-10-2005, 11:08 PM're right...
No wait...
I think...


P.S...I did the red color cuz i'm angry...
and...i actually..feel sorry for this guy or girl...cuz he/she hasn't
got any sense of humor....

02-12-2005, 02:24 PM
Hah! That was brilliant! I thought you were just posting random stuff from a FFVIII chat room or something, where everyone was just roleplaying under the character's names and this Gamer guy was just being random...

Nice work, though!

02-12-2005, 11:23 PM
Thanks, glad you liked it. And as I mentioned, anyone feel free to continue it. And don't be afraid of sounding dumb. Jasmijn and I were sort of joking with each other, but anything anyone can add is good.

02-20-2005, 01:15 PM
Jasmijn and I were sort of joking with each other

03-04-2005, 01:20 AM
ooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ .............
sorry... i was... just being crazy to think about... hahahaha...