01-30-2005, 12:25 AM
Hiya I was thinking of playing the game through again to try and get all the GF's...I found it hard last time to beat Bahamut and find some of the items. Any tips or any particular level i should be at if i want Bahamut? {I think thats what it's called, havent been playing in ages >.<}

01-30-2005, 12:28 AM
bahumut is easy just use aura on squall and use one renzokuken. junction either ultima,meteor or something like flare to his attack and have 9999 health with all 3 chars and its really impossible to lose. level in FFVIII doesnt make a world of difference. the junction system makes it possible to be ultimley strong at like level 20.

01-31-2005, 03:36 AM
That's only kinda true. Unless you use GF Tonberry's Level Up ability and then sustain the battles, it's really hard to get certain types of magic below a certain level and thus get enough to junction up to really good stats, or use.

01-31-2005, 04:35 PM
Okiez...thanx for the tips ^_^ I am a bit more clued up now that I've played it like 4 times...the first time I was just totally confused. Thanks guys ^_^

zell hell yeah!
02-06-2005, 01:15 AM
Yeah but remember that when u kill Bahamut, u still have to killUltima Weapon after that to get Eden - i struggled with Ultima so good luck!

02-06-2005, 04:30 AM
Yeah Ultima weapon is a bit difficult, but you can get the hang of him right away. Best thing to have is a hero .. but it is kinda like cheating :P

02-06-2005, 04:30 AM
my characters were pretty worthless when i got bahamut - just use squalls limit break... and i used rinoa for her angelo limit breaks and i prayed for invisible moon.

good luck

02-06-2005, 04:32 AM
Invisble moon does not come that often does it? Bahamust is best to get around lvl 20 or higher. Your characters are a bit more developed then.

02-08-2005, 12:44 PM
Bahamut... I was too stupid to realise he even existed in FF8.... =S

02-13-2005, 06:55 AM
Yeah but remember that when u kill Bahamut, u still have to killUltima Weapon after that to get Eden - i struggled with Ultima so good luck! It's a lot easier to just Draw Eden from Tiamat at Ultimecia's Castle on Disc 4; that way, you still get the fixed Tri-Face encounters. Use these for an unlimited amount of Dark Matters >=D

zell hell yeah!
02-13-2005, 01:03 PM
It's a lot easier to just Draw Eden from Tiamat at Ultimecia's Castle on Disc 4; that way, you still get the fixed Tri-Face encounters. Use these for an unlimited amount of Dark Matters >=D

oh okay lol, but i enjoy a challenge!

Aerith Gainsborough
02-13-2005, 05:52 PM
Last time I run into Bahamut, I couldn't hit it with my weapon because I gave him plus HP with every hit. I didn't have good magic, either. So, I had to wait until my character was on low HP to use the limits. It worked quite good, because Bahamut isn't that strong in my opinion. :rolleyes:

Ultima Weapon is a lot harder, especially if you try to get 100 Ultima for every character. I always do that, because I don't want to pay for Ultima magic. ;)

02-13-2005, 07:02 PM
bahumut is easy just use aura on squall and use one renzokuken. junction either ultima,meteor or something like flare to his attack and have 9999 health with all 3 chars and its really impossible to lose. level in FFVIII doesnt make a world of difference. the junction system makes it possible to be ultimley strong at like level 20.
It is easy...the Ruby Dragons are hard.

The Scientist
02-14-2005, 02:55 AM
yup Bahamut can be fought like a normal Boss .. The battle takes a while but that's it ..
The Ruby Dragons are idd what makes it hard.
I had one of them use Cerberus (Double and Triple to everyone) and then let everyone do Triple Demi. You can get Demi's easily from refining them from Black Holes etc .. That way the first 1-9 Demi's do 9999 .. After that, the Demi's do less damage, but you can attack with Squall then.

02-26-2005, 01:03 AM
to defeat bahamut, junction strong spells to squall's strenght until it reaches 255 then have someone with aura and meltdown spell. first cast meltdown on bahamut, then cast aura on squall, if possible, cast protect on everyone or maybe shell. then after you cast aura on squall, unleash his renzokuken. if u got his lionheart weapon, and u unleashed his special attack lionheart, bahamut's down with just one attack!

03-01-2005, 11:49 PM
i junctioned ultima to str and firaga to elemental def and meltdown was junctioned to something i remember his attack were taking really low dmg.

03-02-2005, 06:40 PM
Well you said you wanted to get all the GF's, for that the advice I give you is draw from every boss you see. Youll get a few doing that. I mean every boss though, I was suprised when I drew Pandemonium from Fujin.
