01-29-2005, 07:38 PM
I'm really pissed of right now, cause the first and third disc of my beloved FFVII is broken, and since I live in Lillehammer, Norway, I will probably never get my hands on another copy. What's worse, I never even got to see what really happened in the ending! I've read this short story, Dark Phoenix, which is about the ending, but I think it's just pure fiction. So please, somebody help me out and tell me what happens in the ending of the best FF game ever!

Puh-leeeeeas!! =)

01-29-2005, 08:09 PM
In a nutshell:

Sephi gets killed. Party watches the earth on the Highwind. Meteor comes towards Midgar. "Holy" is released but is insufficient. The planet then releases its Lifestream to stop Meteor.

And they all lived happiliy ever after...until Square decided that was not the case, with the production of AC!

01-29-2005, 09:44 PM
Thanks, now I can live in peace:P

01-29-2005, 09:55 PM
I know it by heart ^_~
sephiroth get killed by cloud. the lifestream surounds cloud, and then he sees aeriths hand, but its really tifa. she grabs his hand, and they leave the northern crater in the highwind. so tey are talking random stuff....and then meteor gets so close to midgar that it starts to destroy everything. and then a girl goes to the window and says "the flower girl?" and then you see a little bit of the lifestream, and then more, and then more. it goes underneath meteor, and then destorys it. then after the credits they show Red XIII with some little cubs, as they look at midgar.....500 years later.

01-29-2005, 10:09 PM
That's so touching. Thanks by the way:D
It seems to me they were planning a sequel... any thoughts on that?
Would still appreciate more details on the ending.
And the Dark Phoenix was just fiction, it seems. :P

Cloud Strife101
02-01-2005, 05:35 AM
yeah the ending was pretty cool after I beat it like 2 or three days later someone deleted my file but PS1 disks dont work on my PS2 so Im getting the new PS2 the little thin one then Im gonna beat FF7 over the summer again I beat FF7 AGES ago but Ive been too lazy to beat it again so Im gonna beat it over this summer

02-01-2005, 05:39 AM
i dont know where people get the idea that cloud thinks its Aeris' hand. Nothing indicates that when i saw the ending.

02-02-2005, 02:06 AM
The music? Aeris's hand and Tifa's hand looks the I don't know anything other than the music that could have indicated that.

02-10-2005, 12:10 AM
I know it by heart ^_~
sephiroth get killed by cloud. the lifestream surounds cloud, and then he sees aeriths hand, but its really tifa. she grabs his hand, and they leave the northern crater in the highwind. so tey are talking random stuff....and then meteor gets so close to midgar that it starts to destroy everything. and then a girl goes to the window and says "the flower girl?" and then you see a little bit of the lifestream, and then more, and then more. it goes underneath meteor, and then destorys it. then after the credits they show Red XIII with some little cubs, as they look at midgar.....500 years later.

The girl who looks out the window is marlene.

02-10-2005, 12:20 AM
It seems to me they were planning a sequel... any thoughts on that?
Would still appreciate more details on the ending.

They never planned a sequel beforehand, especially not a movie. The ending to FF7 is extremely open, with many loose ends. But with the game being released early, it's just the way it is. But for some reason, I'm satisfied with the ending despites its complete lack of explanation. What's been described is pretty much the whole ending.

A sequel would have definately cleared a few things up, and I hope that AC will do this. However, I'm not liking the story I've heard so far. It simply sounds like another completely new story added on to something that was incomplete, therefore it remains incomplete. But hopefully, with Sephiroth actually returning, it will finish off FF7 properly. Square must not expect AC, BC, CC and DC to do well if they don't finish off the story of the original game.

02-10-2005, 12:53 AM
You should have put a spoilers warning!

Ummm.... you know... if someone can't tell from the title.... or something....

02-15-2005, 09:21 PM
you ruined the ending for me...i couldn't tell by the title :(

03-08-2005, 07:36 PM
What happens in the end of FFVII. You should be able to figure out that there will be spoilers in such a thread. But I've put a spoiler warning on the title, and I hope that I don't ruin the game for anyone else.

03-08-2005, 10:33 PM
What happens in the end of FFVII. You should be able to figure out that there will be spoilers in such a thread.
Yeah should probably be able to guess far from the end are ya anyways?

03-09-2005, 04:43 PM
The music? Aeris's hand and Tifa's hand looks the I don't know anything other than the music that could have indicated that.

how about the fact that Tifa has gloved hands and Aeris doesn't, or that Aeris is probably somewhere in the Lifestream.

03-09-2005, 07:52 PM
Yeah should probably be able to guess far from the end are ya anyways?

Beginning of the third disc.

03-09-2005, 11:11 PM
nice...yeah...but that sucks your disk broke...but my question was for revolver...but how did yur disk break anywho?

i dont know where people get the idea that cloud thinks its Aeris' hand. Nothing indicates that when i saw the ending.

The music? Aeris's hand and Tifa's hand looks the I don't know anything other than the music that could have indicated that.

Yes, the music does indicate that it was aeris' hand. This is the first time we hear aeris' theme song since she dies (i believe...correct me if im wrong)...and no...tifa and aeris' hand does not look alike. Tifa has what looks like red mittens on her hands with the fingers cut out. In the movie, the arm that reaches down is bare with no glove. Who else could this possibly be if not aeris since we know its not tifa's hand? I doubt it is yuffie...and i believe it to be a girl due to the fact that it looked feminine...but that could be jus cuz of the gfx at the time. If anyone wants to see this movie, and you have cable or dsl...i can jus put it on my FTP server, and you guys can jus PM me for the url to it.

03-10-2005, 04:11 PM
ive completed the game 15times and i no the ending off-by-heart but theres one thing i dont understand at the end (after the credits) you see red13 running with some cubs but the part i dont understand is how did he get those cubs?...because on disc one where your in shinra hq hojo says that he is the last of his species...any thoughts?

03-10-2005, 05:40 PM
nice...yeah...but that sucks your disk broke...but my question was for revolver...but how did yur disk break anywho?

Oh, ok. The disc broke when my step brother stepped on it. And the first disc.

03-10-2005, 05:42 PM
Let that be a lesson to you never leave quality games on the floor!

03-10-2005, 05:44 PM
I didn't. He was playing the game on disc two, and he got pissed off so he took the two other discs out and jumped onto them while screaming in anger.

03-10-2005, 06:46 PM
man do i feel sorry for you! ha ha ha ha!

03-11-2005, 12:53 AM
i would kick his ass for doing something so immature...then kick it again for him taking anger out on the holy final fantasy series...and kick it once more for it being final fantasy 7 at that....if you dont want to...ship him to me in a box...and ill do it for ya

03-11-2005, 06:56 AM
Dark Auron, to ur question on a sequel to ff7, there is another ff7 game coming out following vincents story its final fantasy 7:dirges of cerberus or sumthing like that. not quite a sequel but it opens up answers to any questions bout vincent

03-12-2005, 11:56 AM
i would kick his ass for doing something so immature...then kick it again for him taking anger out on the holy final fantasy series...and kick it once more for it being final fantasy 7 at that....if you dont want to...ship him to me in a box...and ill do it for ya

I did kick his ass. Well, actually, I broke his nose.

03-13-2005, 01:28 AM
Lies. All lies.

03-13-2005, 01:30 AM
lol...well...breaking his nose might of been will teach him not to do stupid shit like that to your games...and what do you mean lies dragon?

zell hell yeah!
03-13-2005, 02:18 AM
ive completed the game 15times and i no the ending off-by-heart but theres one thing i dont understand at the end (after the credits) you see red13 running with some cubs but the part i dont understand is how did he get those cubs?...because on disc one where your in shinra hq hojo says that he is the last of his species...any thoughts?

Yeah what the hells that about!? and.....does that mean that he definetly wont die in AC!??? not that he should.

03-14-2005, 06:53 AM
yes..he probably wont die. But yes, that was a question i always asked myself...Nanaki has a really confusing backstory...they talk about how he was a genetic experiment...buggy (for short) talks about how hes the last of his kind...and his mom and dad were of the same WTF? hopefully all this will be answered in AC...but dont get your hopes up...

03-14-2005, 07:05 AM
What I meant by lies was that he DID not break his brother's nose. Lol. I can tell just by his language. "Oh i broke his nose" Like it was something he did everday lol.

03-14-2005, 07:06 AM
o..i c

03-14-2005, 05:54 PM
What I meant by lies was that he DID not break his brother's nose. Lol. I can tell just by his language. "Oh i broke his nose" Like it was something he did everday lol.

Um... yeah, I did brake his nose. If I still had contact with him I'd let you talk to him, so he could prove it.

03-15-2005, 10:07 PM
yes..he probably wont die. But yes, that was a question i always asked myself...Nanaki has a really confusing backstory...they talk about how he was a genetic experiment...buggy (for short) talks about how hes the last of his kind...and his mom and dad were of the same WTF? hopefully all this will be answered in AC...but dont get your hopes up...

when everyone is at the hotel in Gold Saucer, Nanaki mentions that he has a number on his arm like the people in the black cape (he says, he has a number and asks cloud if he will go mad too). the are insinuating that he was part of the same experiment as Zack, Cloud, and all those people in black capes. Son of Sato ---> captured by Shinra ---> injected with Jenova cells ----> mate with Aerith. the night in the hotel, meeting with Hojo, and Gi Natak battle, his number being the last number in the experiments' sequence lead one to believe that he was part of the Jenova experiment...why they didn't just say this is beyond me.