Terra Fire
01-29-2005, 04:28 PM
I just got here on my 2nd time through the game and was wondering what you guy's chose from the list of abilities to regain first (hope that made sense) ???? This might actually help me if you could name the monster you went to after you gained each ability.....thanks :) hope everyone knows what i'm talking about :)

can't remember what i chose on the first time round......

01-29-2005, 06:07 PM
Well, it doesn't matter which monsters you fight first in order to get which ability, although there is a specific order that works best as far as fighting the monsters goes. As for the abilities --- limits are good to unseal, so are GFs and Magic and perhaps Items. I think curative magic is sealed off, so that's something to consider. And, of course, you're eventually gonna wanna save.

Siren's Song
01-29-2005, 07:11 PM
I'd get the Draw ability back as soon as possible... if you've missed any GF's that is... otherwise I think the first one I unlocked was Magic, then Limits! Squall + Lionheart + Aura = WOOHOO!!
But if you've relied more on your GF's than I did... i.e. AT ALL! you should unlock them fairly quickly. Just pick what you've used most often in the game.

Terra Fire
01-30-2005, 08:03 PM
ove started by chosing magic thought that was a good choice since i can now heal my party members :) So i'm either thinking GF of limits next :) Oh yeh any hint's/tips would be greatful for anything to do with Ultemicias Castle :)

Aerith Gainsborough
01-30-2005, 10:21 PM
I always do the limits first. I use them quite often, they are very powerful. :)

I can't remember in what order I usually pick them, but 'limits' is always the first, and 'item' always the last thing I choose. ;)

Terra Fire
01-31-2005, 04:58 PM
yeh items......i find.....aren't that great for me......so i choose magic (so i can heal) then next i might choose limits or GF.....i dunno

02-07-2005, 03:22 AM
I did magic and GFs first (I concider myself a summoner on FF games). But, then again, I have a Strategy Guide and followed it, and that's what is said to do.

Yah, I know, I'm a cheater for the guide, but since it doesn't say how to beat Ultimecia herself, it's all right.

Terra Fire
02-13-2005, 08:00 PM
I need to know one thing......the door in the prison which cannot be opened unless you're behing it....whats in it...for those who don't wanna know.....put spoilers and oh yeh the Organ what ya gotta play to get the monster thing to attack you?

02-14-2005, 04:00 AM

okay, I'm not sure about Omega Weapon, I haven't gone against him. But if you hit all the keys at once, after you lower the floodgate, you can get a Rosetta Stone. After getting the Stone, you go through the locked door in the prison.

Terra Fire
02-14-2005, 10:48 AM
whats in the door? and what have you gotta play on the Organ? Remember Spoiler tag

i need that info especially the Organ one

Hex Omega
02-14-2005, 11:00 AM
shit I remember doing this but I cant quite remember.For the record I usually get my 'powers' back in this order


Terra Fire
02-14-2005, 04:22 PM
:) I've completed the game :) Earilier today i was expecting a little more bit it was still good :) By the way i still wanna know whats behind the door. Thanks guys

02-14-2005, 08:40 PM
I can't spoiler tag this thread, so if you want details on the door, PM me and I'll give you the whole thing.

02-15-2005, 02:40 AM
all of em but gfs and there abilities,and revive if you need revive you game sucks

Terra Fire
02-19-2005, 12:23 PM
Hows Revive suck? Its basically full life so if you say revive sucks so does full-life

02-20-2005, 05:57 AM
even the best players have bad days. I always keep the ability to revive characters on hand in the castle. I'm no less a player, but that way I can take them to the edge of their lives and still be able to fight.

Terra Fire
02-20-2005, 02:46 PM
yeh thats what i like bout it plus you don't run outta full-lifes eh?

02-23-2005, 11:03 AM

I cant exactly remember how to fight the Organ monster but i do know that it has some thing to do with ringing the bell. but there should be lots of instructions out there.

One more thing make sure that your really strong before you fight it

*Spoiler End*

The Scientist
02-23-2005, 12:23 PM
I probably choose Magic first, it has everything ... Scan, Curaga, ...
then probably Ressurection, and next Limit, using Life's from there on to revive my chars enabling limit breaks faster .. GF was next because Doomtrain can be pretty handy vs some of the Boss's there ..

enabling Resurrection soon doens't mean your game sucks .. it sucks when you're too confident that suddenly your chars die and you can start all over again, it's a failsafe. I didn't have to use it, but I was happy to have it ..


Have one party standf in a circle near the bell. Switch to the other party, this is the one that will fight the monster .. make sure you got everything assigned .. go to the fountain just outside the organ-building-thing. near here is another of these circle (can't remember, but it's close enough) then switch to the other party and ring the bell, A timer starts and by the time you start running it is about 45 seconds .. you won't encounter any monsters... switch to the other party and run to the organ. You'll see a giant monster standing there. It's called Omega Weapon and it kicks your ass like nothing else if you're not prepared ...
It has Terra Break, It does 6 times approx 4000 damage to all of your characters, that is even if you're "protected" by a GF with 9999 HP, you're all dead.

How to kill him. Get Phoenix to help you out :)
OR like I did, use about 10 Holy Wars making you invincible, its really funny having the Weapon doing his master-uber-mega attack doing 0 damage :)

Oh yeah, did I mention he's though, he had more than 1 000 000 HP he's LV100 ..


Terra Fire
02-23-2005, 06:34 PM
okay............that'd been a waste if i did do it all i needed after was item.....anyways i dunno if i've said this but i've completed the game now :D So this info is open to anyone

02-24-2005, 05:11 AM
How to kill him. Get Phoenix to help you out
OR like I did, use about 10 Holy Wars making you invincible, its really funny having the Weapon doing his master-uber-mega attack doing 0 damageOr you can do it the really REALLY EASY way like I did: Selphie's The End works on him, so I beat him on my first try!

The Scientist
02-25-2005, 12:30 AM
mine was a fight, I did more than 1 000 000 damage on the guy to beat ..
you just used Magic of someone .. it's not a fight .. no offence though.
I thought of it too, but didn't want beat him that way .. not if I was fully geared and had 100 Holy Wars ..
I tried it without the Holy Wars, but you can't survive the Terra Break, Phoenix or Angelo must revive you, or at least one of your chars must be Invicible (Invincible Moon, Hero trial, Hero, Holy War trial, Holy War)

02-25-2005, 03:13 AM
It is possible to beat Omega Weapon without invincibility. Terra Break is survivable. The trick is to summon your GF --- they'll take the hits for it.

02-25-2005, 04:00 AM
When I went through Ultimecia's castle, I just unlocked GFs first and used Eden on all the bosses. If you have Eden with Boost and the SumMag+ abilities, this will pretty much kill the bosses in one hit.

The Scientist
02-25-2005, 05:25 PM
GF summoning doesn't work, it deals 6 times 4000 damage to you, the first 3 times 4000 kills your GF, the next 3 times 4000 kills you ..

02-26-2005, 12:59 AM
The Scientist --- wrong --- your math assumes that only one character is summoning a GF and you're also apparently assuming that only one character is standing.

Ultima Weapon9999
04-28-2005, 12:32 PM
It is possible to beat Omega Weapon without invincibility. Terra Break is survivable. The trick is to summon your GF --- they'll take the hits for it.

What if u run out of GFs?

Btw, its true, Omega Weapon once use Terra Break as soon my holy war wore off. My other characters were knocked out while Zell, who was summoning Eden, survived.
My Eden died though :-(

The Scientist
04-28-2005, 05:29 PM
Then I was incorrect I guess .. perhaps I should look for that savegame once more to check it ..
anyways .. time Holy War and not a lot happens to you ..

04-28-2005, 09:26 PM
Well i mean if u summon gfs the ultemicia griever will just instantly destroy them anyways.