04-03-2016, 06:17 AM
does any body have it so i can download

04-03-2016, 11:11 AM
From :

"Songs from the movie are performed by such versatile performers as Toni Basil ("Oh Mickey You're So Fine"), Thomas Dolby ("She Blinded Me With Science"), and the film's stars Dean Cameron and Tawny Fere.

"However, the soundtrack is not available.You can't even find audio files on the internet that are even remotely related to Rockula. (No, the absolutely bitchin' surfabilly instrumental "Rockula" by Los Straitjackets is not connected to the movie.)

"The reason for this is that Cannon films was bought by a company called Pathe, and in the midst of the takover and the company's executives being brought up on fraud charges, the soundtrack was shelved.

"And so, an actual soundtrack of these crazy cult songs from this wonderfully cheesy B-movie does not exist."

Also, requests go here .