Darth Revan
03-31-2016, 01:04 AM
Survey suggests Mass Effect: Andromeda is about colonialism (http://gematsu.com/2016/03/survey-suggests-mass-effect-andromeda-about-colonialism)

So this time we're the invading force... at least that is implied...


03-31-2016, 01:34 AM
Forcing us to be human again will only invite comparisons with the old games. And besides, it would have been nice to be able to play as a different race.

But no... human again. And humans are the upstart newcomer outsiders... again. Nothing new to see here it seems.

Darth Revan
04-03-2016, 01:57 AM
I'm still willing to give it a shot. While yes, we still are humans, for a SP campaign one kinda needs some set values and being able to choose from multiple races as a PC adds a lot of variables into the mix. True Dragon Age Origins did that and it worked well (I thought at least), considering how DAII, DAI, as well as the ME games went SP wise and for a more "immersive" story... going with a single race makes sense.

Now that Casey Hudson no longer works for BioWare... I'm tentatively hopeful for this... guess we'll have to wait and see at E3 for more. There is/was a leaked alpha footage of MEA...

Here it is: Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Alpha (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opOdFKObpeM)

... I'm hoping that BioWare are finishing up the Alpha and moving into Beta stage now though...

04-03-2016, 07:44 PM
I still need to finish the trilogy first (been halfway there).

04-04-2016, 12:03 AM
But didn't Mac Walters also head up the lacklustre Mass Effect 3 and contribute equally to the awful endings? Why should we be hopeful with him still in charge? And I can't see how placing Humanity in the exact same newcomer outsider role offers anything fresh. DA2 forced us to be human and I was fine with that, but only because I knew that the series already had and would likely in the future let me play other races.

This smacks of the same mistakes that Halo made from Halo 4 onwards. Where they had license with the ending of Halo 3 to try something new, to do whatever they wanted with a blank slate. And they instantly retreated back to the familiar old ground. Which inevitably led people to draw direct (and generally unfavourable) comparisons with the older games. And frankly it looks like this is exactly what Bioware are doing here.

I'm sorry, but after SWOTR, Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'm all out of goodwill to offer Bioware. They've been producing substandard games for ages now, and as far as I'm concerned they're right back at the bottom of the pile with everything to prove. I've given them plenty of chances, but they're all out of chips with me now.

Darth Revan
04-04-2016, 12:34 AM
Ok, I can understand that. Mac Walters is a idiot... and it shows big time in ME3. I guess I'm trying to be hopeful here... but I don't know after reading this...

Mass Effect Andromeda To Be A Spiritual Successor To Mass Effect 1, Leaked Video Was From Late 2014 Build (http://gamingbolt.com/mass-effect-andromeda-to-be-a-spiritual-successor-to-mass-effect-1-leaked-video-was-from-late-2014-build)

Combining elements which fans loved from ME2 and ME3 with the "open world" exploration of ME1? I'm skeptical. It could work but...yeah...

04-04-2016, 12:36 AM
Or it could be like the 'critically acclaimed' Dragon Age Inqusition...

God... no.

Darth Revan
04-04-2016, 12:51 AM
.... Gods I hope not.

I WAS looking forward to Dragon Age Inquisition... then played it... I think you remember my thoughts about it (Posted them here somewhere)...

I guess I'm just hoping that MEA works... I love the universe and the characters from the first trilogy and I'm hoping BioWare/EA don't fuck things up too much and...


This is EA we're talking about. Of course they'll fuck it up....


04-04-2016, 12:59 AM
I still have no sympathy for them with regards to EA. It was their own fault - nobody forced them to join up with EA. The fans all told them not to do it, but they thought they would be the one exception to what always happens when huge companies buy smaller ones.

'It'll be us taking the decisions. They'll just be supplying the money and nothing more. They won't interfere in any way'

Yeah right. Tell us another...

They were morons to sacrifice their independence. At best they were hopelessly naive, at worst they were unforgivably greedy for EA's money. I say again, that whilst EA have acted exactly as dishonorably as we'd expect from any big company (hell, look at the hi-jinks Konami get up to these days!), Bioware were still the biggest, greediest fools in town when they signed on with EA.