03-28-2016, 04:27 AM
As if by magic.... only known by legend.... this is what you have been waiting for:

A third reposting of the COMPLETE, UNABRIDGED soundtrack to the original World of Warcraft. All the music in this track is the music that appeared in the game now known as "Vanilla".

Find it here:

The tracks were numbered when they were put into Google Drive (roughly by the order you'd encounter them in the game in normal gameplay), but I'm not sure if Drive saves the Windows ordering when you upload it - you'll have to see.

At any rate they are all there - I hope you will enjoy. This includes all the ORIGINAL music from the original version of the game - 163 tracks and 192 MB worth of music.

For the Alliance!

08-13-2016, 12:08 AM
Thank you very much!