Cool Cloud
01-27-2005, 01:03 AM
can anybody tell me what the names of the ability systems are for all the FF games except 7 - 9.
for example
7 - Materia System
8 - Junction System
9 - Ability Stone System
i know that 5 was called the job system or something? anyway, these systems are what i think make the RPG a good game in my opinion. can you tell me what they are called for each one and how they work please

01-27-2005, 01:17 AM
Some may or may not be official:

I: Class System
II: Choose-how-you-want-to-build-your-character System
III: Job System
IV: Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Basic RPG System
V: Job System
VI: Esper/Basic
X: Sphere Grid
X-2: Dress Spheres
XI: Job System fitted for an MMORPG

01-27-2005, 01:45 AM
I-You choose the class when you first start the game and keep it through out the entire game until you can do the class change; for example from a white mage to a white wizard, it increases the abilities of the class, and as you probably already know mages cast magic, fighters and black belts have alot of raw strength, so on.
I'm too lazy to do the rest, but maybe Blake Shotgun and I can switch off or something.