01-25-2005, 02:26 AM
Anyone agree with me? I have played the single player campaign and have played over a hundred and fifty online matches and this game gets so fucking old... How do people play this game so much without getting bored? I mean the first Halo I can understand, I played that game way too much from beating it on co-op legendary (which is changed in Halo 2 so it's way too fuckin hard cuz when one person dies you have to start from last checkpoint) to just fucking around on system link games. That shit was fun, and I have not experienced any of that fun in Halo 2, it feels so repetetive to me. Does anyone share my opinion in this? Please?

01-25-2005, 02:29 AM
I agree Halo in general is over rated. yeah its fun but not all its hyped up to be. and halo2 isnt that much better than the pc version of halo 1 and the graphics arent that much better. they just added more detail to the vehicles and made everything shiny.

01-25-2005, 03:04 AM
It's not revolutionary, but it is a decent game.

01-25-2005, 03:32 AM
have played the single player campaign and have played over a hundred and fifty online matches
Couldn't have been that bad if you let yourself play over 150 online matches. Halo 2 is a very well done multiplayer and it's very fun. The graphics are amazing and the online play works well, not mention the near flawless gameplay. Halo and Halo 2 are the best console shooters ever and are probaly some of the better console games in general. You can say that it is over rated and to a point you are right but you can't really say that it is a bad game.

01-25-2005, 03:35 AM
I personally think Goldeneye and PD were better becuase they were funny and if it weren't for those games we wouldn't have games like halo cuz goldeneye revolutionized the FPS. Also I personally think halo 2 has bad graphics cuz they look no better than the pc version of halo 1 just the vehicles have a little more detail and everything is shiny.

01-25-2005, 03:42 AM
I personally think Goldeneye and PD were better becuase they were funny and if it weren't for those games we wouldn't have games like halo cuz goldeneye revolutionized the FPS. Also I personally think halo 2 has bad graphics cuz they look no better than the pc version of halo 1 just the vehicles have a little more detail and everything is shiny.

1. You can't compare console graphics to PC graphics it doesn't work like that. You have to compare it to other console games.

2. Even for the time that Goldeneye and Prefect Dark came out the graphics were good but not amazing compared to other games that where released at the same time like Halo 2's are. (I could be wrong about the Goldeneye/Prefect Dark graphics I don't remember them that well but I don't think I'm wrong)

3. What is this about lack of shinyness and detail in Halo 2? It is incredibly detailed and only as shiny as should be.

4. I never got to play through prefect dark just the multiplayer once or twice but since was Goldeneye funny?

5. Again I can't speak for Prefect Dark really but the gameplay in Goldeneye wasn't that great. Perhaps it was the best they could with N64 controller but still.

01-25-2005, 03:46 AM
1. You can't compare console graphics to PC graphics it doesn't work like that. You have to compare it to other console games.

2. Even for the time that Goldeneye and Prefect Dark came out the graphics were good but not amazing compared to other games that where released at the same time like Halo 2's are. (I could be wrong about the Goldeneye/Prefect Dark graphics I don't remember them that well but I don't think I'm wrong)

3. What is this about lack of shinyness and detail in Halo 2? It is incredibly detailed and only as shiny as should be.

4. I never got to play through prefect dark just the multiplayer once or twice but since was Goldeneye funny?

5. Again I can't speak for Prefect Dark really but the gameplay in Goldeneye wasn't that great. Perhaps it was the best they could with N64 controller but still.
Goldeneye was the simplest first person shooter out there, and it sucked dick back when it was popular too.

A Meat Popsicle
01-25-2005, 03:48 AM
First Person Shooters do not belong on consoles.


01-25-2005, 03:58 AM
Hogan I said the graphics in halo 2 are the same as halo 1 just with a little more detail on the vehicles and everything is shiny learn to read. And I never said goldeneye had good graphics you put words in my mouth and it wasnt simple.
And if it weren't for goldeneye we wouldnt have games like halo. think about it, the first FPS where ammo and guns respawned was goldeneye, first one to be four players was goldeneye. and it was funny at times you just needed to know how to have fun with it and not take it soo seriously.

01-25-2005, 04:03 AM
No, Quake was multiplayer first.

01-25-2005, 04:08 AM
But was it for a console? No. it was for pc while goldeneye was for N64 and was the first console game of its kind.

A Meat Popsicle
01-25-2005, 05:13 AM
Actually Doom 2 had network play etc. Der.

01-25-2005, 05:15 AM
halo 2 rocks

01-25-2005, 06:50 AM
Thanks for contributing nothing to the thread, chopper.

I pretty much agree with AMP. Consoles can't give you the precision control you need to play a FPS properly, at least not without several expensive peripherals.

01-25-2005, 06:58 AM
Thanks for contributing nothing to the thread, chopper.

I pretty much agree with AMP. Consoles can't give you the precision control you need to play a FPS properly, at least not without several expensive peripherals.
ya mean a keyboard and a mouse?

01-25-2005, 07:10 AM
Oh don't say it like that. You ruined the subjectivity of my now-obviously biased statement.

01-25-2005, 07:21 AM
Oh don't say it like that. You ruined the subjectivity of my now-obviously biased statement.
No, no, I completely agree with you that with console fpses, you can not get the same precision control that you could with, say an Apple Wireless mouse(god, I love those things). I grew up on Counter-Strike, so, I am used to the mouse and keyboard setup.

01-25-2005, 07:23 AM
Yeah, and while you can get those for consoles, I don't see any real justification for the expense.

01-25-2005, 10:21 AM
The first Halo was much better imo, Halo 2 gets boring very quickly, and the campaigns are even easier than those on Halo.

hb smokey
01-25-2005, 05:11 PM
I personally think Goldeneye and PD were better becuase they were funny
Goldeneye did revolutionize the industry of the FPS, and Perfect Dark was a game I liked better than the Bond game. But it didn't get as much credit or publicity because it came out second, and the fact that you play as a female probably didn't help. It's pretty simple for me:

I enjoyed the single-player mode of Goldeneye most.
I enjoyed the multi-player mode of Perfect Dark most.

Also, FPS games are not meant to be funny, so I hope that's not the only reason you think these two games are better than Halo 2.

and if it weren't for those games we wouldn't have games like halo cuz goldeneye revolutionized the FPS.
Um, no. Halo would still be out today if it wasn't for Goldeneye. We would have just simply been blessed with a different FPS that opened the portal to loving these types of games.

Also I personally think halo 2 has bad graphics cuz they look no better than the pc version of halo 1 just the vehicles have a little more detail and everything is shiny.
Master Chief looks considerably different in Halo 2 than the original, but that's just me.

And if it weren't for goldeneye we wouldnt have games like halo. think about it, the first FPS where ammo and guns respawned was goldeneye, first one to be four players was goldeneye. and it was funny at times you just needed to know how to have fun with it and not take it soo seriously.
Big deal.

Goldeneye has been out for seven or eight years now, and I'm pretty sure that if it was never made, then another FPS in that time span would have had features such as:

Respawning ammunition and weapons.
Four-player 'slayer'.

Seriously, take Goldeneye out of the picture, and then you could say that Perfect Dark revolutionized the FPS genre. And no, Goldeneye isn't funny.

01-26-2005, 02:27 AM
But becuase Goldeneye came first its the one that gets all the credit for having those features. and the only difference between the master chief in halo 1 and halo 2 is in halo 2 he is shiny.

01-26-2005, 04:42 AM
Couldn't have been that bad if you let yourself play over 150 online matches. Halo 2 is a very well done multiplayer and it's very fun. The graphics are amazing and the online play works well, not mention the near flawless gameplay. Halo and Halo 2 are the best console shooters ever and are probaly some of the better console games in general. You can say that it is over rated and to a point you are right but you can't really say that it is a bad game.

I played that many online games because both my roomates and all my friends play constantly and therefore when I'm bored I play. No, I don't think it is a bad game, but it isn't a great game either. It's merely an alright game to me.

And the online setup is really fucking bad I think. Why wouldn't you be able to choose the map and change the settings of the map for ranked games? Not to mention it still takes forever to find games.

In any case, I'm still sticking with the fact that I think this game is way too repetetive. And the single player campaign was terrible, absolutely nothing was accomplished in the story, you end up right where you started.

As far as comparing this game to others, that really isn't what my goal in this thread was because you really can't compare halo with games like goldeneye... both amazing games for their times, nuff said.

The Ricky
01-27-2005, 10:05 PM

01-28-2005, 03:53 AM
I Must Agree.

01-29-2005, 01:17 AM
Shut the hell up. Halo 2 is mad nice!

01-29-2005, 02:26 AM
It's vastly overrated as an FPS. But there's really no alternative if you want to play with your friends, and nothing else delivers so well in that area.

So, it's, you know, okay.

01-29-2005, 05:36 AM
halo 2 was a good game.
you say it might be overrated but its not.
its a solid shooter with a solid story. its just the fact that the ending sucked extreme balls.....

the ending relaly really blew chunks..
thats what made the game really bad
Other than that....duel wield was amzing, the levels were amazing
and etc...


01-29-2005, 08:12 AM
I wish you could dual wield the sword thingy, that would be awesome.

01-29-2005, 09:14 AM
halo 2 was a good game.
you say it might be overrated but its not.
its a solid shooter with a solid story. its just the fact that the ending sucked extreme balls.....

the ending relaly really blew chunks..
thats what made the game really bad
Other than that....duel wield was amzing, the levels were amazing
and etc...


01-29-2005, 06:51 PM
The end was horrible, (spoiler) you end up getting back to earth right where you started, and absolutly nothing has changed. Pretty much nothing was accomplished except you killed some guys.

01-29-2005, 09:44 PM
I think halo is a fun game. But i think it is one the most over-rated games of all time

01-30-2005, 08:35 PM
I was really looking forward to it and then i got it and i couldnt even finish it because the story mode is the dumbest thing ever. Dual wielding was kind of cool, but its not a good game.

04-13-2005, 01:39 AM
anyone that says that halo2 sucks should be rounded up, and made to live in France for all enternity. U guys want to hate like doush bags, u should live with the doush bags...

04-13-2005, 01:41 AM
I would not mind living in France in the slightest, France is great. You sound like most of the people that make me not want to play Xbox live as much as I normally would.

Death to Cloud
04-13-2005, 04:54 PM
it was ok but i hate it now for reasons you don't need to know!

mr. patterson
04-13-2005, 06:13 PM
i played the co-op campaign with my cousin and had lots of fun, so obviously the game doesn't totally suck balls. the only thing that annoys me about the game is getting totally humiliated occasionally by friends on multiplayer. but apart from that great game, probably wouldn't play it alone though, multiplayer is definitely it's strong point

04-13-2005, 07:50 PM
First Person Shooters do not belong on consoles.


I think halo is a fun game. But i think it is one the most over-rated games of all time
Both very true. I liked the game but towards the end it just got really boring. I suppose the real fun lies in Xbox live but i dont have that so its replayability is non-existant to. Come to think of it, i liked Halo 1 better.

04-13-2005, 07:54 PM
It's a WONDERFUL game if your playing system link/xbox live with people you know.

Landlord of Sector 7
04-18-2005, 04:05 AM

04-18-2005, 09:44 AM
possibly what he said.