Seymour butts
01-25-2005, 12:41 AM
Hello to everyone.
This is my first post as the title suggests.
Just completed ffx today, yes i am a little behind you lot, thats because i have
had two new children to look after since ff1x so i haven't had the time.
Loved every minute of the game as i have all the ff games.
Bought ffx-2 from e-bay, it arrived today so you can guess what i will be
doing tomorrow!!
Ok, heres the new poster "Duh!" question,
Why when Yuna runs towards Tidas, did she go straight through him?
Anyway, pleased to meet you all.


Aerith Gainsborough
01-25-2005, 09:41 AM
Heya Seymour butts, welcome :)

Well, Yuna went straight through Tidus, because he was disappearing.....
It is all explained in the game. ;)

01-25-2005, 12:16 PM
He will no llonger be in their world...

Seymour butts
01-25-2005, 04:43 PM
In that case, i guessed correctly, thanks!

Terra Fire
01-25-2005, 05:02 PM
okay i can't do this but since you've said something aobut Tidus and Yuna which could spoil it for others you should ask someone to include a **Spolier** tag on your post :) just a thought.......

Seymour butts
01-25-2005, 05:15 PM
Yes i see what you mean Terra, i'll keep an eye on my future postings!
Thanks for pointing it out!

Terra Fire
01-25-2005, 09:39 PM
That's okay and so you casn get the title sorted out sned an e-mail just click on the link and PM 'em :) That might sort things out :)