Bart Oss
03-01-2016, 04:51 PM

Wait 5 second! Click "Continue"! Close pop-ups! Wait 5 second! Click "Continue"! And Download from MEGA! Or use "MegaDownloader"
If you can not download, please, write to me only in PM. I will answer, when i can. And I'll just give you a direct link to mega.
i need this bullshit to provide new mp3 releases to your pleasure!


01. The Shaman's Story [01:45]
02. Save the Wenja [03:13]
03. Prowl of the Snowblood Wolves [03:20]
04. The Fires of Conquest [03:51]
05. The Mammoth Hunt [06:00]
06. The Call of the Widu [02:58]
07. A Hunter's Eye [02:39]
08. The Heart of Oros [03:02]
09. Sarta Wenja [03:04]
10. Trials of the Gwarpati [04:05]
11. The Taken Wenja [03:23]
12. Vision of Fire [03:13]
13. Batari's Song of Fire [02:57]
14. The Bloodfang Sabretooth [03:30]
15. Gwarpati Salway [03:16]
16. The Search for Lost Wenja [02:39]
17. Vision of Beasts [04:13]
18. March of the Bloodtusk Mammoth [03:30]
19. Survival of the Udam [03:45]
20. The Lost Caves of Oros [03:04]
21. Udam Wantari [03:46]
22. Wadijam Izila [04:08]
23. Hunt for the Great Scar Bear [03:23]
24. The Flames of Suxli [03:18]
25. Clash of the Udam [04:07]
26. The Altar of Suxli [02:29]
27. Fury of the Great Scar Bear [02:56]
28. Attack of the Udam [04:17]
29. The Beast Master Strikes [03:23]
30. Vision of Ice [03:03]
31. The Wrath of Ull [05:28]
32. The Mask of Krati [06:22]
33. Takkar of the Wenja [04:34]

MP3 DOWNLOAD (Thread 200491)

Henry Spencer
03-01-2016, 07:07 PM
Is Jason Graves the only Western game composer nowadays? Dude is composing everything.

03-03-2016, 07:51 AM

03-03-2016, 02:27 PM

03-03-2016, 02:55 PM
Thanks a lot

08-26-2019, 12:28 AM