Black Waltz
01-20-2005, 05:20 AM
How many take the time to reach max lvls in rpgs? Also why do u do it? I do because i dont really feel like i beat a game till its max ( or a least the characters are) what about u?

Neo Xzhan
01-20-2005, 02:48 PM
For starters, not all RPGs have a cap of 99, some stop earlier some go beyond. Like Baldurs Gate II with expasion, the level caps vary from 38 to 41 something. I don't see it as a nesicity to finish a game at your max level. More important is to do as much as possible, like side quests, special weapons and what not.

Black Waltz
01-20-2005, 03:14 PM
Thats why i said max lvls like the first FF only went to 50..unless u had to play it on easy.

01-22-2005, 08:08 AM
i only go to maxlevel because sometiems you have to to beta secret bosses,or i get addicted to levelling up and it seems satisfying and rewarding.

01-22-2005, 08:34 AM
I usually max out my levels on later playthroughs, when i want to test the character's capacity and such. Like Dark atom 5 said, it also makes secret bosses that much easier (e.g ozma, the weapons).
I remember levelling up Dart, Rose and Albert to level 60 (the max) in LoD. That took me forever but it was worth it when I crushed Faust in five minutes flat.

01-22-2005, 09:37 AM
I remember not wasting my time sitting in my room fighting random battles for hours on end for little to no reward. That's what this thread is about right?

01-22-2005, 09:54 AM
Congratulations. I don't remember wasting my precious, precious time posting in a thread to merely degrade other people so I can feel socially superior to them.
That's what your post is about right?

01-22-2005, 10:42 PM
It depends on the game, most games i jsut try to defeate it as soon as possable to learn the story line and such. if the game is worth a re-play i will some times work up to level 99.

Games like legend of mana, Pokemon, and FF x-2 i always work up to level 99, why ... i jsut do...

01-23-2005, 12:43 AM
like others have said i dont spend others levelling up because i hate that i get bored but i never run from a battle i destroy everything in my path in the end i just end up at max level through the ocassional levelling up i do and from the sidequests.

01-24-2005, 05:25 AM
I always do everything in RPG's or else I dont feel like I have completed them so that would include maxing out you character levels. I know that once I did everything in FF7 it ended up taking me well over 100 hours, The clock stops at 100 hours.

01-24-2005, 06:52 AM
Congratulations. I don't remember wasting my precious, precious time posting in a thread to merely degrade other people so I can feel socially superior to them.
That's what your post is about right?
Socially superior? No. If you knew me at all, you would know I have no ground to stand on as far as that matter goes. Degrading is fun though. I was merely contemplating why someone would spend the time to level their characters up to insane levels. I might have been calling anyone who does it a moron, but I was hardly considering myself "socially superior."

GJ on the ban by the way. See you in 7 days.

01-24-2005, 07:46 AM
Socially superior? No. If you knew me at all, you would know I have no ground to stand on as far as that matter goes. Degrading is fun though. I was merely contemplating why someone would spend the time to level their characters up to insane levels. I might have been calling anyone who does it a moron, but I was hardly considering myself "socially superior."

GJ on the ban by the way. See you in 7 days.

in 7 days? what do banns only last that long?

01-24-2005, 07:59 AM
His particular ban does, as I understand it.

01-24-2005, 08:05 AM
How long do bans usually last?

01-24-2005, 08:40 AM
Planning on getting banned soon chorns?

I can't remember ever maxing out my characters levels in any game. Came close in FFT around 80, and went over 100 in star ocean the second story. But never actually maxed them out.

For the guy that said he feels a need to complete everything in an rpg, including maxing out levels, does that mean maxing out stats too? If so just how long did it take you morphing all those sources in FF7? A few years?

01-24-2005, 08:43 AM
I got close to maxing in FFT, but it was easy to gain levels there. And I was working on the Deep Dungeon. =/

01-24-2005, 10:31 AM
His particular ban does, as I understand it.

how do u find out how long they omnislash for example

and to be a good little boy and stay on topic. they only rpg i ever maxed out on i remember is mario rpg

01-24-2005, 02:57 PM
Planning on getting banned soon chorns?

I can't remember ever maxing out my characters levels in any game. Came close in FFT around 80, and went over 100 in star ocean the second story. But never actually maxed them out.

For the guy that said he feels a need to complete everything in an rpg, including maxing out levels, does that mean maxing out stats too? If so just how long did it take you morphing all those sources in FF7? A few years?
No, not really.

02-05-2005, 02:20 AM
I maxed all my chars on FF8 just because I loved playing it. I smoked Ultima weapon, Omega weapon, and Ultimiciea without geeting any of my characters killed. It was really fun and actually didn't get boring. I had a LOT of free time.

Dark Carbuncle
02-05-2005, 02:27 AM
well I like to get my chars to the max level but I didn't on FFX that sphere grid is sooo big...O_o

02-05-2005, 09:20 PM
I maxed out my characters in FFX-2. Levels and jobs.