01-19-2005, 05:30 PM
Being the idiot that I am, I bought this game without realising it was a mmorpg which requires a subscription fee. I just bought it today and have yet to open the packaging.

Basically, should I open it or return it?

Personal comments/experiences with this game will be greatly appreciated

01-19-2005, 05:53 PM
return it

01-19-2005, 08:32 PM
My mate bought FF11 and didn't realise it was pay 2 play(idiot) so hes in the same prob as u. I think hes just gonna let it sit there. :-( Although the smart thing 2 do would be 2 take it strait back but that'lll only work if its unopened i think. Although is it all that bad? If u can pay the fee, hey no prob! I dont mess with pay 2 play myself though

01-19-2005, 11:55 PM
exchange for world of warcraft imo

01-20-2005, 01:22 PM
What Ashin said.

01-26-2005, 10:32 PM
SWG is a good game, i used to play it. WoW=bollocks IMO why dont you play the 30 day free trial thing?

01-27-2005, 12:46 AM
SWG is a good game, i used to play it. WoW=bollocks IMO why dont you play the 30 day free trial thing?
Excellent work backing up those opinions.

drunken keyblade master
02-12-2005, 09:42 AM
I was one of the beta testers for the game, and I honestly think it was nothing to write home about.

02-15-2005, 04:49 AM
Its my second favorite MMORPG, and its fun i say give it a chance.

A Meat Popsicle
02-16-2005, 07:44 PM
I know this is sort of a dead topic, but listen to someone who has more than enough right to trash this game to hell and back.

I became a master bounty hunter.

Back when I mastered BH, that mean mastering SCOUT, all 4 trees, and rifleman.

From there, you had to get enough combat XP, the hardest fighting XP to get, to even qualify for Novice Bounty hunter.

Then, the 3 weapons skills were gravy, but the investigation line, you got about 100xp per bounty. These bounties took anywhere from 10 (very lucky) to 30 minutes to complete EACH.

BH is the most difficult combat skill to master in the game, the most difficult combat skill behind it wasn't even HALF as hard as BH.

We should have been the best combat class in the game.

PERIOD. Our only competition should be Jedi.

I mean we should have been able to two-shot any other combat class in the game.

Instead, Teras Kasi Masters, a skill you could literally grind in 5 nights of playing from newbie to master, could kick our asses.

Our bounty hunting skills were broken, our droids didn't work, and our weaponry was hard to make and overpriced.

Worst. Game. Ever.

02-16-2005, 09:58 PM
I havent played this game in a while but here goes,

BH is one of the most powerful proffessions in that game but only if you have a few other proffessions with it. by the time i left SWG they had changed BH from master marksman and master scout to master marksman and 4000 scout.
i was a BH back when it was master marks and master scout. but after they changed it that meant you could for example be a master BH and also be something like master pistoleer, you said TKM was the best and BH was weak compared to it? a MBH with Mpistoleer can use a geonosion sonic blaster and wipe the floor with a TKM. anyway just wear some 89% kin armor and you're basically safe. also bounty hunters get lots of dot weapons so quit complaining.

02-16-2005, 10:41 PM
Well I just say if ya dont wanna pay take it back...Simple as that...I would..

02-16-2005, 11:12 PM
I know this is sort of a dead topic, but listen to someone who has more than enough right to trash this game to hell and back.

I became a master bounty hunter.

Back when I mastered BH, that mean mastering SCOUT, all 4 trees, and rifleman.

From there, you had to get enough combat XP, the hardest fighting XP to get, to even qualify for Novice Bounty hunter.

Then, the 3 weapons skills were gravy, but the investigation line, you got about 100xp per bounty. These bounties took anywhere from 10 (very lucky) to 30 minutes to complete EACH.

BH is the most difficult combat skill to master in the game, the most difficult combat skill behind it wasn't even HALF as hard as BH.

We should have been the best combat class in the game.

PERIOD. Our only competition should be Jedi.

I mean we should have been able to two-shot any other combat class in the game.

Instead, Teras Kasi Masters, a skill you could literally grind in 5 nights of playing from newbie to master, could kick our asses.

Our bounty hunting skills were broken, our droids didn't work, and our weaponry was hard to make and overpriced.

Worst. Game. Ever.

Dude, I was a master BH too.

Oh god.

There are no words that can justify just how much that profession shafted you through every moment of your playtime.