02-13-2016, 12:09 AM
Hi there!

I've just bought this awesome CD (this same morning!), and since I didn't see it uploaded here, I decided to upload it myself.

This is a HDCD, so I've uploaded two different packages: one package contains FLAC + MP3 with HDCD extra bits included in the rip, but not pre-decoded (you'll need a HDCD enabled player to hear the extra features), and another package which contains FLAC files with the HDCD bits already decoded in 20bit files (actually, 24bits).

This is my first time dealing with this HDCD stuff... So please, any advice here will be more than welcome.

To Far Away Times - Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross Arrangement Album


Track list

01 時の傷痕 ~ハジマリノ 鼓動~ / Time's Scar - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Tomohiko Kira (ZABADAK)
02 RADICAL DREAMERS - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Sachiko Miyano
03 風の憧憬 / Wind Scene - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Kumi Tanaka & Sachiko Miyano
04 サラのテーマ / Schala's Theme - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda & Laura Shigihara
05 凍てついた炎 / The Frozen Flame - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Natsumi Kameoka
06 マブーレ / Marbule - Yasunori Mitsuda
07 次元の狭間 / The Bend of Time - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Natsumi Kameoka
08 時の回廊 / Corridors of Time - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda & Laura Shigihara
09 On The Other Side / エピローグ~親しき仲間へ - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Kazune Ogihara & Laura Shigihara
10 ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ / To Far Away Times - Yasunori Mitsuda arranged by Sachiko Miyano

Download FLAC + MP3 version

Link: MEGA (https://mega.nz/#!y9BWFLjZ!xfJX40reaA0N5dEVxpDJN4JXdeBvIXTaepDdDJO8gcg)
Pass (case sensitive): The best is yet to come

Download FLAC HDCD version

Link: MEGA (https://mega.nz/#!noJRWDhR!OT2Ev_bPMC77t8RuMm7H64s5Xr1FNw9YxYj7WfN1UJE)
Pass (case sensitive): The best is yet to come

02-13-2016, 01:07 AM
How did you figure out this is an HDCD? I don't see any sort of reference to it in the packaging.
If hey are still releasing HDCDs in this day and age I better pay more attention when ripping CD albums with no hi-res version available for download.

02-13-2016, 01:15 AM

02-13-2016, 02:36 AM
thank share!

02-13-2016, 12:34 PM
How did you figure out this is an HDCD? I don't see any sort of reference to it in the packaging.
If hey are still releasing HDCDs in this day and age I better pay more attention when ripping CD albums with no hi-res version available for download.

Indeed, the packaging doesn't have any reference to the HDCD feature (at least that I saw, since there is a lot of Japanese texts). I noticed it when I loaded the CD into my office's desktop computer, since Windows Media Player has a tiny icon on the lower left corner which indicates that the CD is HDCD compatible.

I never heard about HDCD before, so when I arrived home yesterday, I googled about it, just to found that MacOS X doesn't have too much support for this feature, and XLD (my ripping software of choice) doesn't have support either (but it allows to rip the tracks without decoding it, but maintaning the HDCD extra bits). But I found that a Windows app called DBPowerAmp does have support, and allows to rip the tracks already decoded, which would be handy for those without an equipement or player that supports HDCD (shoudn't be many, though... but hey, better be on the safe side :) )

02-13-2016, 01:49 PM
Thanks for this share

02-13-2016, 05:52 PM
Thank you!

02-13-2016, 07:55 PM
HDCD or not, this is an awesome presentation and sweet. Thank you very much!

02-14-2016, 07:41 PM
Thank you!

02-15-2016, 07:25 AM

Winged Cat
02-21-2016, 07:26 PM
Please add log and cue files

01-06-2018, 04:45 PM
Thanks,i was looking for this one !

A lot of people are talking about an anticipated Chrono Cross arrange album,is it that one or not?

01-13-2018, 03:17 AM
Thank you very much for the upload!

01-13-2018, 03:26 AM
Nice album, really appreciate the upload!

01-16-2018, 11:17 PM
Many, many thanks for the FLAC.

01-25-2018, 02:32 PM
I noticed in the decoded FLAC version, the second track (Radical Dreamers) and the tenth (To far away times) is 16bit, not 24bit like the others.
Is this an error or are those tracks the only non-hires tracks?