02-12-2016, 08:45 AM

Ninja Gaiden 2 Game Rip [FLAC] [MEGA] [PERSONAL RIP]

DOWNLOAD (https://mega.nz/#!udQkGBZY!tF7ximxzsiExlL7SQYa3mZQUyjBTE9_AvBOfUf9GPUc)

So I finally got around to ripping and uploading this awesome game's soundtrack so it isn't behind some Chinese website that requires a Chinese phone number to register and download stuff. Enjoy! The 'Ambient' tracks included were a part of the big music file when I ripped the game but didn't have any name in the sound test, I just included them for the sake of it. This rip also uses the version of 'Fighting Soul' that is played in-game and not in the soundtest. I was looking through other files trying to find the soundtest version of it but was unable to, oh well.

Happy listening!

02-12-2016, 01:06 PM
hi,thanks. Is my favorite videogame, asks decryption key, please!! Thanks for share

02-12-2016, 06:28 PM
Thank you very much, i loved Ninja Gaiden (xbox), and this Ninja Gaiden 2!!! . Will be a valuable piece of my collection because of you. I can not wait to hear it

02-18-2016, 12:32 AM
Thanks for the share.

11-13-2017, 09:41 PM
Big Ninja thanks!!! ��

11-13-2017, 11:33 PM
Many thanks!!! +1 added :).