02-11-2016, 08:29 PM
Anyone have a rip of this? Would appreciate it.

02-12-2016, 01:39 AM
Will probably be next to impossible to rip this since the game doesn't use the Sappy sound engine, which is the only engine there are programs for ripping music from GBA games. Best thing you could do is load up the game and try to manually record each track.

02-12-2016, 03:01 AM
You can't be serious!? I mean, no one's ever cracked the programming for the old sound engine? Is it the same for all games released prior to this one?

02-12-2016, 09:30 AM
It just depends on what sound engine the developers used. I think the majority of GBA games made used the Sappy engine but there were a couple other engines that were used that there's no programs made to rip the midi and sound bank files. Not saying it couldn't be done, but you'd need a pretty good understanding of programming to accomplish it. (which I don't)

I had a quick peek at a couple other Beyblade GBA games and this one (!_Gekitou!_Chou_Jiryoku_Battle!_(J)(Independ ent)/43733) output some sound files when I ran the utility, so I could possibly put that one together and upload it if it's one you're interested in. G-Revolution I ran into the same problem where it wouldn't find the sound bank file.

02-12-2016, 09:07 PM
I see. That does sound pretty complicated, having to learn a whole new program for just a few games... Thanks, though, for all your trouble. It's not the one I'm looking for, but I appreciate the effort. At least I learned something new.