02-10-2016, 07:59 AM
So DC have had their tv universe going on for a bit and now with Supergirl being folded into the continuity of the CWverse I thought it would be good to have a discussion thread.

Especially since there's basically a new episode every single weekday.

I haven't watched this weeks Supergirl yet but man I just watched todays Flash and Zoom is terrifying!

I liked Earth 2 Floyd Lawton being useless with a gun and the flash of Supergirl as they ran through the breach.

Can this collection of shows get anymore comicbook?

02-10-2016, 09:10 AM
Some screencaps of the moments I enjoyed

Supergirl 1x13

This was dumb as hell, alien claw machine :S

Flash 2x13

90s Flash!

Earth 2 Robert Queen?
