01-17-2005, 08:49 PM
I am making a fanfic, but, just for this one, I want only the people in my family (Best Buddies list in my sig) to put characters. I will post the fanfic when it is done. When I make a second one, it is free for all to make chars. This one is for buddies only.

My character:

Name: Arias Wingblade
Age: 26
Elements:Fire and Wind
Firetwist:Bens flames into anything
Airbend:Bends wind/air into anything
Firebeam:Blazes of flames fly out toward the opponent
Ultimate skill: Double mix beam-Blasts a mix of fire and wind element at the opponent
Bio: He discovered his elemental powers at the age of 9. Now knowing how to use them skillfully in the heat of battle, he has been known almost unkillable. But the enemy knows how to kill this man, by piercing his heart, damaging his brain, using an elemental attack he is weak against, or by using a certain energy known only to the enemy retrieved from a crystal called mezzanite.

This is NOT a Role-Playing Text Battle. These chars will be based on my next fanfic.

Need at least 6 characters from 6 different people, please.

Note: Fanfic may take awhile to complete after chars are made.

Sephiroths Bride
01-17-2005, 09:58 PM

NICKNAME: Deadly Flower
AGE: 19
MAGIC: Ice and Wind
ABILITIES: Speed, smarts, agility
WEAPONS: Twin Blades (like the pic)
SIGNATURE MOVES: Blades of Death, Ice Shards, Razor Wind and Steel Fangs
FINISHING MOVE: Ice Blades of the wolf.
BIO: She's a lone wolf with not to many friends. She was trained to kill from the moment she could walk and is known has the Deadly Flower. She is loyal and proud. She is also Sephiroth's lover but she hates what he has become. She will fight to the death for the few friends she has.

01-17-2005, 09:59 PM
Name: Eragon
Age: N/A
Weapons: Staff of Light, Kanoka Disk Launcher, two swords that can be turned into an airboard, Mask of Shielding, Mask of Invisibility.
Magic: All elements
Transformtions: Takanuva, Vakama, Yami Yugi, and a Dragon
race: Human, last of the dragon changers

01-17-2005, 10:02 PM
NAME: Luna
AGE: 19
MAGIC: Ice and Wind
ABILITIES: Speed, smarts, agility
WEAPONS: Twin Blades

May I ask you one question. Could you put a brief bio (I forgot that too, time to edit) and how you want your character to end (dead, still alive, or end like Tidus did in FF10, etc.)

Crimson X
01-17-2005, 10:35 PM
Name: Squall Leonhart,...Age:17,...Magic:Frie, Ice, Wind, Stop,...Abilities: Agility, Speed, Smarts,...Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart,...Weapons: GunBlades,.....,bio: a cadet in seed, the special combat unit of the balamb garden military academy, his aloof and anti-social behavior makes him appear selfish and lacking a sense of team unity squall dislikes having others involved in his affars, and is best described as a lone wolf,

01-17-2005, 10:38 PM
i know im not one of ur best frends but how did all them become one and can i be in ur next fanfic plz

01-17-2005, 10:43 PM
i know im not one of ur best frends but how did all them become one and can i be in ur next fanfic plz

They have been my buds for awhile already. OK, you can be my buddy and enter this one, OK. I'll add you on my buddy list.

What this fanfic is about:
The story is basically an FF story with a few other things mixed in. Our villain is Sephiroth and the three Silver Haired Men (FF7 Advent Children). Not only does he have his own soldiers, but he has beasts and monsters of all shapes and sizes. It is up to us to destroy each and every one of these plus Sephiroth and his clone assailants before they wreak terror on the Earth.

You may change things around, as long as it doesn't powerfully impact the storyline.

01-17-2005, 11:05 PM
name: yemlin age: 17 magic:ice and stop weaopen: blade wand named the kajuna

ability: well he is a magician transformities: chocobo

bio: the very elusive winged magician who escapes death in chocobo form and he can he die in final battle saving another hero like squall luna eregon or arias

uk Rocks
01-17-2005, 11:27 PM
ok uk Rocks here and ready to serve. lol name: Basrus, age: 18, magic: meteor, ultima, and stop,; abilities: demon slice, hell's fury, transformation: demon mutation weapons: curved blade and exeter.

bio: a warrior draped in light and darkness. looking for his purpose in life.

01-18-2005, 12:26 AM
May I ask you one question. Could you put a brief bio (I forgot that too, time to edit) and how you want your character to end (dead, still alive, or end like Tidus did in FF10, etc.)

I want my character to be alive and well at the end. ^_^

uk Rocks
01-18-2005, 12:53 AM
i like the mystery, will i die or will i live? who knows

Sephiroths Bride
01-18-2005, 02:21 AM
Ok I added something to my character BS. Just to explain her a bit better.

01-18-2005, 01:05 PM
Sorry I'm late, but now I'm here to help you all with my skills!^_^

Name: TK
Codename: (The Tailor)
Magic: Water, Ice, and Lighting
Transformations: Cat Beast
Abilities: Speed, Strenght, Agility, and Natural Cat Skills
Weapons: Hammer and Magic Gloves
Signature Move: Sky Ride Surprize!
Finishing Move: Super Slash!
Bio: A simple village tailor, who's parents died in a fire by the hands of a strange creature. He obtians the Elemental Powers gavin to him by his master. He helps out anyone who is in need of his asistance. He kind and truthful, and tries his best to never let his friends down.

uk Rocks
01-18-2005, 04:34 PM
hey, sayu nice job. thats an excellent character. glad you could join the team.

01-18-2005, 07:07 PM
OK we got Arias, Luna, Eragon, Squall, Yemlin,TK, and Basrus, 7, perfect, I'll start my story in a minute.

Wait, we need a title, could you post title ideas.

I was thinking Twisted Shadows, how bout' you?

01-18-2005, 07:38 PM
if set after final fantasy 7 something like "revenge of the black cape" or "wraith of seproth" i no there not very good suggestions

Sephiroths Bride
01-18-2005, 10:15 PM
How about "Return of Silver headed Fighter" ???? Not very good I know. ......... "Silver Shadows"...... No I like your one BS

Dark Angel
01-18-2005, 10:37 PM
Man all this sounds really cool. I'll be waiting to read it when its finish. ^_^

01-19-2005, 01:45 AM
How about..."Warriors 7" or "Battle X"?

Crimson X
01-19-2005, 02:00 AM
how about (((((7 Samurai)))))

01-19-2005, 02:06 AM
OK ,here goes nothin:

Twisted Shadows

Part I (As I wrote, will be split into a multitude of parts.

Arias stood in a field of grass, meditating, trying to help himself train for what was to come. He drew his weapon, and began slashing at the air, practicing his fighting combos. His few good friends, TK, Basrus, Eragon, and Squall, were all sleeping, for it was almost 1:30 in the morning. He stayed awake, training, for he knew of the dangers that would overcome his party soon enough.

In the morning, after getting at least enough sleep, the 5 headed of to the town of Nibleheim, not so far from Rocket Town, Arias' birthplace. As they neared the town, they were attacked by some fiends, but with their strength combined they were able to destroy all of them

In the town, they found an inn, but decided not to sleep because they wanted to check out the old abandoned mansion. But Arias had a feeling that evil was near, too near not to know.

*In the mansion* Sephiroth, his clones, and a strange girl named Luna sat in the lab, watching Sephiroth try to figure out how to create a new Black Materia. Luna, on the other hand, loved Sephiroth, but despised his evil plan of taking over the world. She thought to herself, and secretly snuck out of the bottom floor, unnoticed. Once Sephiroth figured this out, he didn't care, and focused on his experiment.

As the 5 men entered the mansion, the secret door to the basement opened. The men drew their weapons in defense, as a wolf crawled out of the door. It turned into a girl. The girl, Luna, said, "My name is Luna. I will not harm you. You look like people whom would be hunting Sephiroth, no?". The men shook yes with their heads. She continued, "He is downsta---". She was stopped by the opening of the door, and the steps of Kadaj, a clone, "Hmph, I see you hunt us, I overheard, sorry, but now I think I'll have to kill you" Luna transformed into a wolf, and the rest of the people went to attack position, ready to fight.


So, what did ya think?

01-19-2005, 02:12 AM
Sounds like a BLOCKBUSTER! It's very cool! I hope this becomes a LONG mini-series.^_^

01-19-2005, 02:12 AM
Sounds like a BLOCKBUSTER! It's very cool! I hope this becomes a LONG mini-series.^_^
It is in writing. Thank you for the complement.

Crimson X
01-19-2005, 02:12 AM
that was good

01-19-2005, 02:18 AM
that was good
Thanks alot man.

Once everyone sees Pt.1, I'll start Pt.2

01-19-2005, 02:19 AM
By the way, i didn't add this, but Eragon, as soon as he sees Luna, falls in love, and would take a blow that would kill her. Sorry I added this to late! ^_^

01-19-2005, 02:19 AM
By the way, i didn't add this, but Eragon, as soon as he sees Luna, falls in love, and would take a blow that would kill her. Sorry I added this to late! ^_^
Cool. But what did ya think of it?

01-19-2005, 02:24 AM
What SAYU SAID< DUDE! A BLOCKBUSTER! ^_^ I think it could become a love story because of what I put, but that's okay, right? -^_^-

01-19-2005, 02:59 AM
Pt.2!!! Already.... This one is short, but there are like, 12 parts lol.

The now 6 drew their weapons, and charged in attack. Luna turned wolf form and pinned Kadaj to the floor, but then Kadaj kicked her away and charged at Arias. He parryed most attacks, but was knocked into the wall by some forceable magic, but right at that time TK attacked Kadaj and knocked him down the stairs. A loud thud was heard, but no bones broken or anything harmful or painful. Footsteps were heard as Kadaj ran back to Sephiroth, to warn him.

Basrus walked to the steps, and saw all 4 Silver Haired men running up, "Let's get out of here!!!", screamed Basrus, and Arias and his men retreated to their car and drove off to the Cosmo Canyon, just over a small river.

At Gongaga, the other name for this town, they rested by the fire. But what they saw flying in the sky was something they had never hoped to see. Sephiroth's experiment had been a success. Meteor hovered over the Earth, and glared it's red light down upon the Earth. Sephiroth stood on the top of a Nibel mountain and let out a loud, air-piercing laugh that made everyone finally notice the terror that was made.

Pt.3 soon to come.

What SAYU SAID< DUDE! A BLOCKBUSTER! ^_^ I think it could become a love story because of what I put, but that's okay, right? -^_^-
Yup, perfect. I Wrote Pt.2 already. Jeez...!

As they saw the strange, black caped figure standing upon the mountain, glaring at the meteor, the 6 were in shock as the weapons rose from the ground. Emerald sunk into the sea, and Ruby dug into the desert sand.

Ultima flew around the night sky, and destroyed an incoming plane. Sephiroth walked quickly to the town of Gongaga, as if he had teleported, and said, "You pathetic people. There was no way to stop me. Attack, my beast", he said, and a large werewolf stepped up.

It clawed away at Basrus, but all the damage he took was a minor shirt rip. Arias slashed it, but as it bled, it shook it off and ran toward Luna, trying to capture her, but Eragon stepped in the way and slashed it with his swords. It fell to the ground and shed all of it's blood underneath it's lifeless body.

"Hmph, so I see you're not as stupid as I thought you were. Heh, let's see how you deal with Weapon". Ultima Weapon swooped down and flew at Arias, and he crossed his swords in defense.

Pt.4 to come.

01-19-2005, 03:01 AM
Pt.2!!! Already.... This one is short, but there are like, 12 parts lol.

The now 6 drew their weapons, and charged in attack. Luna turned wolf form and pinned Kadaj to the floor, but then Kadaj kicked her away and charged at Arias. He parryed most attacks, but was knocked into the wall by some forceable magic, but right at that time TK attacked Kadaj and knocked him down the stairs. A loud thud was heard, but no bones broken or anything harmful or painful. Footsteps were heard as Kadaj ran back to Sephiroth, to warn him.

Basrus walked to the steps, and saw all 4 Silver Haired men running up, "Let's get out of here!!!", screamed Basrus, and Arias and his men retreated to their car and drove off to the Cosmo Canyon, just over a small river.

At Gongaga, the other name for this town, they rested by the fire. But what they saw flying in the sky was something they had never hoped to see. Sephiroth's experiment had been a success. Meteor hovered over the Earth, and glared it's red light down upon the Earth. Sephiroth stood on the top of a Nibel mountain and let out a loud, air-piercing laugh that made everyone finally notice the terror that was made.

Pt.3 soon to come.

Yup, perfect. I Wrote Pt.2 already. Jeez...!

As they saw the strange, black caped figure standing upon the mountain, glaring at the meteor, the 6 were in shock as the weapons rose from the ground. Emerald sunk into the sea, and Ruby dug into the desert sand.

Ultima flew around the night sky, and destroyed an incoming plane. Sephiroth walked quickly to the town of Gongaga, as if he had teleported, and said, "You pathetic people. There was no way to stop me. Attack, my beast", he said, and a large werewolf stepped up.

It clawed away at Basrus, but all the damage he took was a minor shirt rip. Arias slashed it, but as it bled, it shook it off and ran toward Luna, trying to capture her, but Eragon stepped in the way and slashed it with his swords. It fell to the ground and shed all of it's blood underneath it's lifeless body.

"Hmph, so I see you're not as stupid as I thought you were. Heh, let's see how you deal with Weapon". Ultima Weapon swooped down and flew at Arias, and he crossed his swords in defense.

Pt.4 to come.

Dude, awsome! But remember, eragon can transform into a dragon to fight. ^_^

01-19-2005, 03:02 AM
So far... it's getin GOOD!^_^

Crimson X
01-19-2005, 03:05 AM
So far... it's getin GOOD!^_^
yeah ^_^

01-19-2005, 03:07 AM
Just a note: When Eragon transforms into Yami yuig, he can plan strategies against enemies and summon creatures from the Shadow Realm. ^_^

01-19-2005, 03:08 AM
Just a note: When Eragon transforms into Yami yuig, he can plan strategies against enemies and summon creatures from the Shadow Realm. ^_^

Sephiroths Bride
01-19-2005, 03:08 AM
*drools* MORE MORE MORE. That was so cool. But please can Luna kick some A$$.

01-19-2005, 03:09 AM
*drools* MORE MORE MORE. That was so cool. But please can Luna kick some A$$.
She will. Don't worry.

Kay guys, gotta go. See ya next time.

01-19-2005, 03:09 AM
Yeah, I guess he can make her kick some Bad farts butt. but remember, Eragon will do anything to protect her. He's in love with her, remember? -^_^-

01-19-2005, 03:38 AM

uk Rocks
01-19-2005, 04:02 AM
keep em comin!

01-19-2005, 04:19 AM
oh you guys~

also i do not think it is fair that only people in your sig may participate WHAT ARE YOU HITLER

*rates thread a :)*

01-19-2005, 05:41 AM
wtf is goin on here?

01-19-2005, 08:33 AM
Sheesh. To say this is awful would be a severe understatement. I don't hold it against BS because he's too young to be a decent writer. But still, it's completely unworthy of any praise and I'm completely amazed that anyone can enjoy reading it. I tried and it was too painful for me to finish.

Sephiroths Bride
01-19-2005, 08:45 AM
Well then leave Prak.
I think it is good and lots of fun. I hope to make my own one day.

01-19-2005, 08:55 AM
Even if you enjoyed it, that doesn't make it good.

Also, telling me to leave is only going to make me take my shoes off and prop my feet up on the table. Say it again and I'll tell you to bring me a beer and change the tv channel.

Sephiroths Bride
01-19-2005, 09:01 AM
You sound like my father.

01-19-2005, 09:36 AM
I like him already.

Sephiroths Bride
01-19-2005, 09:41 AM
LOL I thought you might. You and him could sit around all day and tell me what to do and all day I would tell you to VILG UVV.

01-19-2005, 08:21 PM
Yeah you tell him sephiroths brides, it is execellent who cares what you think prak you prat. BS its really good but you said i could have a character in your fanfic

01-20-2005, 01:11 AM
I agree with you, girl. You, PRAK!, LEEEEEEAAAAAVVVVVVEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Before I get angry. You won't like me when I'm angry............ >:O

Sephiroths Bride
01-20-2005, 01:17 AM
Yeah Ive seen dmglover2 mad..... hud kuut.

01-20-2005, 01:20 AM
Trust me, PRAK, she knows when i'm angry. >-O And right now, I'M ANGRY AT YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-20-2005, 02:10 AM
oh you guys~

also i do not think it is fair that only people in your sig may participate WHAT ARE YOU HITLER

*rates thread a :)*
I said that this fianfic is the only one that will be this way because everyone that isn't my friend makes junky characters and doesn't take this seriously.
Pt.4 comin up in a few minutes, btw

Pt. 4

Ultima Weapon swooped down, and attacked Arias, but Arias slashed and opened a wound in it's back, and it fell, now unable to fly. Luna stabbed a knife in it's back, opening the wound even more, then became her wolf form and bit the wound, making the wound gush blood. Eragon turned into his dragon form, carried the weakened body into the air and dropped it, and it landed in a large fire spike, made by Arias' firebending skills, and impaled it's body.

"Heh, heh, heh, not bad", said Sephiroth, and he vanished into thin air. They weren't sure of it, but the people thought they had seen a shimmering of a diamond, and they did. The Dragon Caves by Nibel Mts was just ahead. But inside the dragon caves was a dragon that looked just like Ultima, just not as big.

"Ugh", Luna moaned. Eragon looked down to see a cut on Luna's leg, bleeding heavily. He ripped a piece of his shirt off and tied it to the wound, "There, that'll stop the blood", said Eragon, and walked back to the rest of the party. It was nighttime, and everyone set up camp and slept, but Arias wanted to check out the dragon caves.....

pt.5 to come.

Sephiroths Bride
01-20-2005, 02:22 AM
Cool. I'll be waiting. BS sygac dra pacd vyhvel'c.

01-20-2005, 02:29 AM
Thinking up my pt.5, how do I want it..............

Sephiroths Bride
01-20-2005, 02:38 AM
What about if Sephiroth comes to get Luna for leaving his side and takes her back. And because she still loves him goes plus he said that he would kill her new friends.

01-20-2005, 02:43 AM

As he approached the caves, that sparkled with diamonds, he saw the dragon inside just vanish, "Illusions", he said to himself. In the cave was a young girl, sitting cross-legged, meditating. She woke up, "Hello, are you looking for the dragons. They migrated. They are not here. But if you hunt their master, Sephiroth, then I can help you. My name is Yemlin. Here, I will join you".

She was led to the camp by Arias, tired, and she went in a tent and slept. Arias stayed awake, letting the cool breeze hit his face, "Another one with us, that makes 7. Hmph, I wonder what she does know. Heh", he said to himself. He saw an archer with a balck cape standing on a hill, obviously holding an ice magic arrow, something Arias was vulnerable to. The arrow came quick, and shot him in the chest. He fell, unconscious. He wasn't noticed, until the next morning, by Luna. The archer ran off.....

Pt.6 to come.

You see, megamogattack, I left you out for awhile because I made it so we meet you later, so you're still in it, OK?

Yeah you tell him sephiroths brides, it is execellent who cares what you think prak you prat. BS its really good but you said i could have a character in your fanfic
Read above.

What about if Sephiroth comes to get Luna for leaving his side and takes her back. And because she still loves him goes plus he said that he would kill her new friends.
Just finished pt.5. I'll put that in pt.6. Good idea.

820 posts. Wow for me!

01-20-2005, 02:51 AM
So far, so good. Hey, if you need any help with this, I'll try my best to give out some tips.^_^

01-20-2005, 02:52 AM
So far, so good. Hey, if you need any help with this, I'll try my best to give out some tips.^_^
Sure. Need all the help I can get. Thanks for the complements and support to you all!

Sephiroths Bride
01-20-2005, 02:55 AM
Very good BS. Loveing it.

01-20-2005, 02:55 AM
Thank you SO much.

01-20-2005, 02:58 AM
is this thread serious

01-20-2005, 03:00 AM
No, it's to tell you to lick my grandma's feet

Of course it's serious, what the hell do you think?

01-20-2005, 03:03 AM
Listen to the brother, it's all good!^_^

01-20-2005, 03:04 AM
Listen to the brother, it's all good!^_^
Yeah, Pat, what Sayu said.

While I am thinking of a way to kill Pat, I will think of Pt.6

01-20-2005, 03:14 AM
Yeah, Pat, what Sayu said.

While I am thinking of a way to kill Pat, I will think of Pt.6


Crimson X
01-20-2005, 03:40 AM
very cool BS,

01-20-2005, 05:07 AM
i was sent her to ruin this thread....consider it ruined

01-20-2005, 05:50 AM
Yeah, Pat, what Sayu said.

While I am thinking of a way to kill Pat, I will think of Pt.6

01-20-2005, 04:48 PM
yeah thanx for enterin me and so far im this BS its rily great cant wait to see your next work

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 08:14 PM
Aww if only I knew about this earlier..I would have given a character. ^^

01-22-2005, 08:15 PM
I let you in the next one, Angelic Aeris, OK?

You can put a character in now just so I know what to put you as in my next one.

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 08:17 PM
lol alright. I'll make one in a bit.

01-22-2005, 08:20 PM
OK. Gotta think for pt.6.

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 08:32 PM

I am trying to make my character as interesting as I can lol...

01-22-2005, 08:33 PM
PM the char to me, OK?

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 08:34 PM
lol alrighty...

01-22-2005, 08:43 PM
pt.6 thought up. Here goes.

Arias lay there, unconscious. Eragon was warned about Arias being shot, and everyone came out and helped him. TK was still sleeping, though. Basrus pulled the arrow out, and Arias quickly woke up.

He looked at the wound, focused for a moment, drained the ice power out with magic, and closed up the wound with artificial skin made by magic,"I'm sure that archer was Kadaj...", and at the moment that Arias said that, Luna screamed and was dragged off by Kadaj and was brought to Sephiroth.

Sephiroth stood in a room, and said to Kadaj, "Interesting, you got her back, I'm sure those fools will come back for you. I'll kill them all. Good job, bring her to me". Kadaj dragged Luna over to Sephiroth, "She's still alive, just knocked her out so she would be silent. If she made a noise, they would have been on to me by now", he said. Kadaj stepped out of the room. "They'll come. I know they will", Sephiroth whispered to himself.

What about if Sephiroth comes to get Luna for leaving his side and takes her back. And because she still loves him goes plus he said that he would kill her new friends.
I did that, but changed it. You don't love him anymore, but when we go to the place where he dwells looking for you, the final battle occurs then. How does that sound.

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 09:30 PM
that was good...^^

01-22-2005, 09:40 PM
Thanks to you and everyone who helped/complemented me. This fanfic will be drawing to a close soon. About 2 or three more parts, then I will combine it into one big fanfic.

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 09:50 PM
Lol...Every play gaiaonline? It's a roleplay forum and chat kinda thing. I roleplay as Aeris in all the threads I create..Here's an example post I would roleplay as Aeris with.

Aeris awoke in the lake where Cloud had last lay her to rest, she took a breath to make sure it wasn't a dream.
"This isn't a't a dream!"
She shouted it so it echoed throughout the forgotten city and jumped, more like ran out of the pool of sparkling water. She stopped to look at the crystalline altar where she prayed for holy, where it all ended. She held back a couple of tears, hoping that wouldn't happen again.
"Memories like these should be left behind.."
She murmured it softly and walked towards the exit for the altar again. Aeris explored the city for a while and went around all the shell-like houses. She went into one where she saw a waterfall and watched something that replayed her death. Cloud was obviously here, she knew it. No one else could have found the key for this place. Her hair flowed freely because it wasn't tied up anymore, before she died she had lost her pink ribbon tie. She left the building and went into a messy house. The beds were unmade and the floor looked a bit wet for some reason. The shells didn't absorb waterso she just thought it might hav been tears the night she died? perhaps, but she kept it to herself. Aeris sat on one of the beds and said to herself,
"Cloud..where are you?"

01-22-2005, 09:56 PM
Interesting. That was quite good.

Angelic Aeris
01-22-2005, 10:18 PM
the yayness. ^^ =) =)

Sephiroths Bride
01-22-2005, 10:44 PM
I did that, but changed it. You don't love him anymore, but when we go to the place where he dwells looking for you, the final battle occurs then. How does that sound.
It sounds SWEET. Cool I cant wait for the battle. This is going to be so cool.

01-22-2005, 10:59 PM

Arias shook off the pain of the arrow and returned to his training. He wanted to save Luna, but he knew he wouldn't be able to without traing. He continued on.

Eragon paced back and forth, thinking. He then asked Yemlin, "In those Dragon Caves, was there a door?", and Yemlin replied, "Yes, but I didn't want to open it, I thought there might be dragons in there".

Eragon thought, and said, "That door may be the way to Sephiroth's lair. I'm not so sure, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Who is comin with m---", Arias stopped Eragon and said, "We all are going. There is no backing down. We all go. TK, wake up". TK woke up with a leap, and ran over, "We kill Sephiroth, now!". They ran to the Dragon Caves, and opened the hidden door.

Inside were crystalline walls, and little, harmless minidragons, about the size of a size 8 shoe. The party just stepped past them, and carried on.

Through another overpass, was a small hallway, with a red rug, "Looks like Sephiroth cleared out the ca----". A voice stopped him, "Yes, I did." Sephiroth was there, right before their eyes. Luna stood next to him, wrapped in chains. Eragon said,"You will die today!!!!"

The final battle continues next.

Crimson X
01-22-2005, 11:10 PM
sweet the final bettle can't wait

Sephiroths Bride
01-22-2005, 11:15 PM
Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool.

Crimson X
01-22-2005, 11:17 PM
Cool ^_^

01-22-2005, 11:29 PM
pt.8 now:the final battle

Sephiroth got up, released Luna from her chains, and said, "Tch, you can have your friend back, she's no longer any use of mine". Eragon replied,"Now you die", and charged at him, became his dragon form, and grabbed Loz by his feet, and ripped him in two, and went back to human form. Loz's skin turned liquidic, and molded back into his body, "The only way to kill us clones is by killing our master", Loz said, and stood perfectly still.

Sephiroth moved at near light-speed, and stabbed at Luna, but Eragon jumped in the way, and was stabbed, through the chest and between his lungs. He fell to the floor, blood covering his body, "NOOOO!" Arias screamed, at Sephiroth. TK got up, and tackled Yazoo to the floor, so that his gun would be of no help while Arias took care of Sephiroth.

Basrus took care of Loz, while Luna got a hold of Kadaj. Yemlin helped Luna fight Kadaj, and Squall helped Basrus fight Loz. Each person badly wounded the clones, and Sephiroth clashed with Arias. Arias took out his scimitars, and encased Sephiroth in a ball of fire. Sephiroth just blew the flames away, and charged at Arias. Arias parried all of the attacks, and knocked the Masamune away. TK picked up the Masamune and stabbed Yazoo, pinning him to the ground. TK went over to help Basrus. Yemlin had slashed at Kadaj, slitting his throat, and Luna, clawed at Kadaj over and over. Sephiroth, now defenseless, fell over. Arias said, "die", and stabbed him with both swords.

The clones turned to ash and washed away. The party ran over to Eragon. Eragon said in a weakened voice, "We...di..d it...", and fainted.

The now 6 ran out of the cave. As last time, Lifestream came and destroyed Meteor. Cloud was prowling the plains when he caught a glimpse of the 6. He ran over to them, "Hey. Look at that", he said. The Lifestream dissipated, and a girl floated down, "Aeris...AERIS!". Cloud ran up and kissed her, "I love you", she said to Cloud. Cloud replied, "I love you too". She was back with Cloud, and the world was saved. The 6 people, seeing Meteor destroyed, thought to themselves, "I know that girl".......

*Aeris theme plays in background*

Thanks SO much to:
Sephiroth's Bride
final fantasy 8 rocks

Sephiroths Bride
01-22-2005, 11:35 PM
It was so COOL. You did a great job.

01-22-2005, 11:36 PM
Thank you.

Sephiroths Bride
01-22-2005, 11:39 PM
Your Welcome.

Crimson X
01-22-2005, 11:40 PM
yeah good job ^_^

01-22-2005, 11:41 PM
I would like to once again say thank you to everyone who supported me in probably my greatest fanfic ever. You should all await the rise of my next fanfic.

Crimson X
01-22-2005, 11:42 PM
can't wait

Sephiroths Bride
01-22-2005, 11:43 PM
Tell me when, where and I'll be there for you.

Crimson X
01-22-2005, 11:43 PM
me to ^_^

uk Rocks
01-22-2005, 11:51 PM
cool BS keep up the awesome work!

01-23-2005, 01:17 AM
I would like to once again say thank you to everyone who supported me in probably my greatest fanfic ever. You should all await the rise of my next fanfic.


01-23-2005, 11:30 AM
that was really really great.bravo BS. hope to see your next work. but one question if there was cloud and areis where was all the other main characters or did i miss that?

01-24-2005, 11:05 PM
that was really really great.bravo BS. hope to see your next work. but one question if there was cloud and areis where was all the other main characters or did i miss that?
this took place in the ff7 world. The other ff7 chars were not with him at the time.

Aeon Lord
01-24-2005, 11:26 PM

01-25-2005, 07:23 PM
i am joining a story-writing contest at my school, hoping to win. Anyone got any good ideas?

01-26-2005, 12:14 AM
I would like to once again say thank you to everyone who supported me in probably my greatest fanfic ever. You should all await the rise of my next fanfic.

AWSOME...sorry I was gone so long, but you did a great job finshing up that fanfic. Is there going to be... a sequel?^_^

01-26-2005, 02:38 AM
Maybe a sequel, but I'm focusing on a prequel.

01-26-2005, 02:40 AM
??? What's a...prequel???

01-26-2005, 02:42 AM
??? What's a...prequel???
A prequel is what happened BEFORE the story. A sequel is AFTER the story. Like The Hobbit is the prequel to the Lord of the Rings, and The Two Towers is the Sequel to the Fellowship of the Ring. Get it?

01-26-2005, 02:48 AM
I believe so...

01-26-2005, 02:57 AM

01-31-2005, 02:34 AM
I may have to delay the posting of my next fanfic. Got deleted from my other comp.

01-31-2005, 02:51 AM

01-31-2005, 02:52 AM
Only a few days, no worries

01-31-2005, 03:54 AM
i am joining a story-writing contest at my school, hoping to win. Anyone got any good ideas?
This is not meant to be offensive, but come up with the idea yourself.
Seriously. Otherwise you won't be able to put in the effort and passion and originality to make it good enough to win.

02-03-2005, 02:02 AM
I know what you mean, mrmonkeyman, but still, I would just like some suggestions to see what people think. Maybe I could add a little bit of their detail to my story, tis all.

Lunatic HighVII
02-03-2005, 02:15 AM
Very creative, Bizarro Sephiroth, very creative. :)

Any good ideas for your contest? I'll have to think... I'll PM you, IF I can think of anything half decent. ;)

02-05-2005, 07:40 PM
Thanks alot, LH7!

My new fanfic is in thought. Everyone, I will need you guys to post new chars. Post the same ones if you REALLY can't think of another one.

NOTE:No stupid/non-serious characters

02-05-2005, 07:41 PM
Sorry I'm late, but now I'm here to help you all with my skills!^_^

Name: TK
Codename: (The Tailor)
Magic: Water, Ice, and Lighting
Transformations: Cat Beast
Abilities: Speed, Strenght, Agility, and Natural Cat Skills
Weapons: Hammer and Magic Gloves
Signature Move: Sky Ride Surprize!
Finishing Move: Super Slash!
Bio: A simple village tailor, who's parents died in a fire by the hands of a strange creature. He obtians the Elemental Powers gavin to him by his master. He helps out anyone who is in need of his asistance. He kind and truthful, and tries his best to never let his friends down.

He's back and ready for action!^_^

02-05-2005, 07:56 PM
My new character

Hotsuma For pic, click here. Look on right.

Weapon: Masamune (not same as the PS2 game)
Element: Fire
Skills: Lightspeed Dash, Slash, Flame Burst, Wall Run.
Special: Okamaslash (Omnislash from FF7, with a doubled amount of slashes)
Transformates: Bladed Falcon (large size; not in PS2 game)

Bio: ????
Origins: ???

Story Background

It was everyday life. People going out, seeing movies, going to the park. Enjoying themselves, they didn't know of the moments to come....

A brutal storm created by the evil Hellspawn Knights, wiped out nearly the entire Earth and spreading their large amounts of soldiers across the world. Only a small amount of men survived.

In a barren wasteland now, the last remaining people must destroy the inhabitants and get the only thing that can save them, the Emperor's Stone, in which the victims' souls are stored.......

Shadow Wolf
02-06-2005, 09:49 PM
Name: Star
Age: 19
height: 5'4
Weapon: Sword
Element: Ice
Job: Ex-Soldier and Ex-experiment. Shinra did tests on her and now she can change into a black panther.
Bio: She cant remember anything about her life before getting away from the Shinra.

Crimson X
02-07-2005, 06:50 AM
Name: Squall Leonhart,...Age:17,...Magic:Frie, Ice, Wind, Stop,...Abilities: Agility, Speed, Smarts,...Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart,...Weapons: GunBlades,.....,bio: a cadet in seed, the special combat unit of the balamb garden military academy, his aloof and anti-social behavior makes him appear selfish and lacking a sense of team unity squall dislikes having others involved in his affars, and is best described as a lone wolf,
Squall is back ^_^

02-08-2005, 01:28 AM
growlanser Rocks, Aeon Lord, and dmglover2, waitin for ye guys.

02-12-2005, 05:55 AM
Name: Lolancer
Age:N/A He lives for a very long time, can not be killed except by weapon
Weapons: Two elven-made knives, given to him by the Lady Galadriel, on bow, and his finishing moves
Magic: All elements
Skills: Dash, Graceful swordplay, nimble feet, steal weapons, sneak, Stought bow, distance strike, distance seeing, invisibility
Race: Human
Transformations: Dragon, an energy spirit that can do anything as long as it doesn' t interfere to much, an elf, a hobbit, a wizard, and a dog beast

Bio: A lone wolf since his parents were killed in the massacre of Mistwood, done by the Krynn and the Urgals. His mentor was alive for three more years, and in those three years, he taught Lolancer all he could about his abilities

His mission: To stay alive and defeat the evil threat, and to find his one true love before he goes across the sea to Mordan.

His only friends: Ganet the Dwarf prince, Eragon, his fellow Dragon Rider, Alecia, his fellow archer, Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light, and all the other people in the fanfic.

Angelic Aeris
02-12-2005, 03:29 PM
Aww you're kidding me, did I make my character for nothing? :-(




02-12-2005, 08:08 PM
No your character is automatically submitted. You gave it to me before I even started. All you have to do is post it again. You were already in it. Ok, Angelic Aeris.

02-20-2005, 08:44 PM
Skills:anti-grav,enhanced strength,balance,reflexes
Bio:was tested on by and now can summon a bio armour

02-20-2005, 09:26 PM
Nice character, Dragonic1

02-20-2005, 10:20 PM
also in my bio-armour has a finishing blow it's a giga particle canon

02-21-2005, 12:28 AM

02-21-2005, 12:28 AM
also in my bio-armour has a finishing blow it's a giga particle canon

02-21-2005, 12:29 AM
That's good. And take your Caps Lock off.

02-21-2005, 12:41 AM
That's good. And take your Caps Lock off.


02-21-2005, 12:46 AM
If you don't take off the Caps Lock, everyone will think you are screaming at them.

02-21-2005, 04:00 PM
Yo! Sorry I'm late. Did i miss anything?

Angelic Aeris
02-21-2005, 06:33 PM
No your character is automatically submitted. You gave it to me before I even started. All you have to do is post it again. You were already in it. Ok, Angelic Aeris.

Yipes.. post it again? Too bad I deleted all the PMs with my profile of the character.. :erm:

02-25-2005, 01:03 AM
Gack. This is a lot of stuff, but, post a new character is the only thing to do, AA. No matter what, though, your still in this!

Dark Knight Sephiroth, you missed my entire fanfic. But you are still eligible to join this one!

Angelic Aeris
03-30-2005, 10:51 PM
Neh. ^-^;;

I'm too lazy.. so.. maybe.. maybe not..