01-17-2005, 04:22 AM
Like every final fantasy game, the next series usually has a story and I remember that I use to wonder and say to myself, "what is the story going to be like?" I've tried to figure out the story for every final fantasy game so far base on hints and trailers given at gamespot to find how close im to each story and unexpectantly something weird happens. The weird part is how you can think of something that you think is real good and when the time comes where you get the game and beat it, you find out that the story bested your idea and you wonder, "how did they think up such good plot?" Maybe it wasn't the gameplay that gave you interest in video games. It probably is the idea where you get to think of a story and compare it to theirs(of course you want their story to be better than yours) So i've decided to bring everyone together to think of and share your own predictions of what the story of final fantasy 12 will be like here. When you actually get the game and beat it, come back and see how close you are and to figure out why you chose the story you wrote in the first place. Since I started this topic, I will share my story first. :angel: In the year 2045 a group of pure blooded human beings from another planet showed up in this world called Ivalice. The group said they were the Synk and they brought with them teachings of the gods. Then they showed mankind and the other races including the Humes, Seeq, Vierra, Bangaa, Moogle, and the Seien the powers from the 7 crystals of element(fire, ice, lightning, earth, wind, darkness, and holy) then it all started from their. A war where one another wanted to gain control of these crystals between the kingdom of Dalmasca and Arcadia. The crystals were said to be the key to unlocking the secret of the gods and once unlocked the holder of the key shall be granted power no mortal ever seen before. Of these 2 nations one of the general of the Arcadian empire was planning great evil all along, he is the judge. His intentions are unclear but whoever dares stand in his path will die a painful death. He was the reason the war started, the reason such terrible fate was to pass on to the land. For his title and strength no one could stop him and at last he killed the king of the Arcadian empire once he acquired the crystal of Dalmasca, the final crystal. Death is not ment to be the fate of Dalmasca though. Vaan a street urchin, also an orphan was very poor and had to steal for a living. He assembled his own gang of orphan and one of them a girl he grew up with had a crush on him, but he only thought her as a little sister. That orphan gang goes by the name of Swatz. Vaan lost his family because of the war and he wants to be a sky pirate so one day he snucked into the emperial capital of Dalmaska Rabanastre to steal the cash he needed for the airship. But when he went in there he was met with a series of unfortunate event. He was caught the by the dalmascan guards and thrown into a prison. Whoever was caught lurking sneaking around rabanastre without permission are thrown into a cell where he had to fight to get out like in an arena. While in the cell he met a guy name Balthier and that guy kinda knew everything about the place and told Vaan that in order to get out he had to enter the arena and win. But Balthier said that he has a safer plan. That plan is to tell the guard to take him to arena and while the guards open the door and go to the corner to get him Balthier would sneak out from behind the door and save him later. So they both agreed and Balthier got out unnoticed. Vaan was sent to the arena where he had to fight two Seeqs. After Balthier got his gear he head back and jump into the arena in time to save Vaan. After that they climbed out the wall and snuck out to the court yard. Things were not calm yet and while they got to the exit they found out that the Dalmascan's were about to battle the Archadian front army and the battle site is at the exit of Rabanastre. During the confusion he saw a girl. Right away he identifies her as Ashe the missing princess of the dalmascan empire. She quickly fell in love with him upon first site :-D wow she is horny!!! , but he didn't think much of her. She walked up to him and told him that she can get him out of there but she needs his help in fighting against the Archadian empire and restoring her kingdom in return. Without much thought he quickly accepted, because there was some soldiers coming toward them. So she led him to a secret underground airport and they took off on a secret airship of her father's, The ONe winGed AnGel(remember this from final fantasy 7?). To be continued..........

01-17-2005, 06:04 AM

Black Waltz
01-19-2005, 08:00 AM
Well from what i heard this is the same place as from FFT so u know some of the past history..but in tatics didnt u get the zodiac stones? a.k.a crystals i guess..but its good. Im glad that they finally got rid of the turn based rpg style and are moving into a more free roam real time like style..

01-19-2005, 09:46 AM
heheh, just to remind you this is a place for story predictions, but i think your a fan of final fantasy 9. Got to tell you that game has one of the best stories and its my favorite final fantasy also. O:] Btw im not planning to finish my story, but if anyone is interested to hear the rest of my predictions plz feel free to ask for more and i will finish the story when i have time.

Black Waltz
01-19-2005, 11:00 PM
Im game they are an...intresting read

02-26-2005, 01:24 AM
hey... i heard that at the beginning of ff12, penelo is vaan's girlfriend, and in the main story, ashe and vaan are the love team of ff12, so like, with penelo around, how is vaan and ashe gonna hook up? are ashe, vaan and penelo gonna have a love triangle, just like ff7, tifa, aeris and cloud?

Lady Obscurity
02-26-2005, 07:27 AM
hey... i heard that at the beginning of ff12, penelo is vaan's girlfriend, and in the main story, ashe and vaan are the love team of ff12, so like, with penelo around, how is vaan and ashe gonna hook up? are ashe, vaan and penelo gonna have a love triangle, just like ff7, tifa, aeris and cloud?

God, I hope not.... FFVI had one as well. (Locke/Celes/Terra....) We don't really need anymore of those.... Square needs to think of something else rather than a silly "love triangle"..... Plus, I heard that they were not going to have the main hero (Vaan) and the main heroine (Ashe) have anything going on between each other.

02-27-2005, 09:21 PM
what!? i don't think ur correct with that, i heard that vaan and ashe are gonna hook up somewhere in the game... but with penelo around...
heeeey.... i was just thinking... i remember reading in a magazine, square said that ashe and vaan r gonna hook up, when the magazine staff asked how, square just said that penelo and vaan ocassionally fight. maybe when penelo and vaan fights, ashe comes in and knda comforts vaan... u know like, talk 2 each other about the fight.

God, I hope not.... FFVI had one as well. (Locke/Celes/Terra....) We don't really need anymore of those.... Square needs to think of something else rather than a silly "love triangle"..... Plus, I heard that they were not going to have the main hero (Vaan) and the main heroine (Ashe) have anything going on between each other.

oh and... really? there's a love triangle in ffvi? i didn't know... well it's cuz i just started playing ffvi. i'm in the part where locke and terra has to go somewhere... (i forgot the place).

02-27-2005, 10:38 PM
ummm....i heard vaan and ashe were going to hook up also...i believe i read it on ign, if u really wanna go search for it go for it, but most likly square will have a love triangle thing going on

02-27-2005, 11:28 PM
oooooohhhh.......... another love triangle.............. jeez, square really has a way with games. everything's in it, love, action, (sigh)
but ummmm........ how can ashe and vaan hook up, cuz i believe that penelo's going with the party also (well,duh)
oh my gosh, ff12 might have a boss battle penelo!

02-28-2005, 11:34 AM
im pretty sure you are right about vaan and ashe getting together but im more interested in the story.

02-28-2005, 04:30 PM
They're not going to. Vaan has a girlfriend. I have inside sources that say they're not.

02-28-2005, 11:52 PM
They're not going to. Vaan has a girlfriend. I have inside sources that say they're not.

I think you're wrong. I read in a magazine that Vaan has a girlfriend, then when the mag staff asked how ashe and vaan are gonna hook up, square didn't say anything, but they said vaan and his girlfriend usually fight...

09-24-2006, 07:27 AM
A gf eh well tht will make an interesting read er play anyways maybe like n The Wheel of Time series ashe and Penelo are going to marry Vaan you know just a thought it would be kool cuz there nvr has bn a weddin involved i willl bring the champagne and strippers for the Bachelor party Yea sry jk what would make an intrstin plot twist is the couple Vanna Fran (the viera_ tht wou;d b kinda kool i guess

09-28-2006, 02:59 PM
Well.. i've read that Judge Gabranth has some ties to one of the characters. I think it would be neat if it turns out to be Reks (Vaan's Brother who got "killed?" in the opening sequence.)

10-18-2006, 07:49 AM
Uh... I predict that the story will contain several plot twists, while recycling theme recurrent in previous final fantasy games, and at the same time creating new story elements that will be recycled for future final fantasy games.

10-18-2006, 09:15 AM
don't forget politics

10-19-2006, 04:17 AM
Oh yes, how could I have forgotten politics. Many blood sucking parasites running people's lives.

10-19-2006, 04:40 AM
exactly! Oh.. the church has to be possessed by demons.. DEMONS that they church actually thought were SAVIORS of their world. uh huh.

10-21-2006, 08:21 AM
But that falls under the category of the politics. (You know, where the bloodsucking comes in.)

06-29-2007, 08:11 AM
LOL! you guys are all wrong. I beat the game. Ashe does NOT hook up with Vaan. =]

06-29-2007, 04:41 PM
LOL! you guys are all wrong. I beat the game. Ashe does NOT hook up with Vaan. =]Lol. You're wrong. You beat one of the records of necroposting. You deserve to flamed the hell out of your ass.

06-29-2007, 04:56 PM
You miss, are a shame to the character. I've got the Penelo worship covered.


Also, I'm willing to bet you're Vaan_de_Chocobo redux

06-29-2007, 05:13 PM
LOL! you guys are all wrong. I beat the game. Ashe does NOT hook up with Vaan. =]. I am a colossal faggot, because I revive threads for no good reason.

06-29-2007, 05:45 PM
Seiryuu did not revive this thread. It was the poster above him.

06-29-2007, 06:03 PM
Fixed, my apologies.

06-30-2007, 01:01 AM
It wasn't a colossally long time since the last post in this thread, but old enough that it probably shouldn't have been revived. Especially just to post something like "Nyah nyah, you were all wrong."

Anyway, closed.