Bus Driver
01-17-2005, 02:53 AM
Another day begins
Another day I'll strive to obtain what I cannot reach
The same day..same place..only a different time

How many days will I spend here?
How many days have I spent dreaming?
Everyday hoping to rise above my status
When will it end?

I placed my hope in another
Only to have my hope stolen from me
Those innocent eyes took my hope away from me
In the end..no different than any other that has breezed through my life

I'll walk this road
Alone or in company
All that remains is chance
A somehow shining inevitability to wash away the past

I have drifted away from myself
My sins becoming too heavy to carry on
Right and wrong no longer exist in my mind
Only that which must be done

Still I believe
As I look upon the endless stretch of stars
Somewhere under the sky lies a place for me
My dreams will not fade away

I refuse to chase what cannot be caught
But instead wait patiently for the two to find one another
One day I will have the peace and harmony that I desire
An end to the war I fight everyday

For too long I have been tied down by the past
I must move on
Forgiving those who have done wrong to me
Easing the anger that haunts me

Peace does exist
A form of balance in my life
My memories will not fade away
They shall follow me through eternity

01-17-2005, 06:05 AM

01-17-2005, 08:04 PM
Ooooo, very inspiring sweetie, especially the 6th stanza, about the stars and there being a place for eveyone. This got to me because there was once a time when I felt there was no place under that stars for me because I was so..... different.

I liked the 2nd last stanza too. It was fantastic! As I said, very inspiring and poetic. Keep it up, you're doing great!

Love Blaise