01-16-2005, 11:12 AM
I am not sure if he actually dies at the end because he's in the the last FMV... I was wondering what some of your opinions on this are...

01-16-2005, 01:50 PM
No he doesn't, coz if you watch the end credits they show the sort of "after party" where Irvine is filming, and then it shows you Squall and Rinoa on the balcony.

01-16-2005, 04:32 PM
Some people have theorized that it's Squall's ghost who shows up at the end, or that the entire thing is some sort of fantasy. However, the generally accepted theory is that yes, Squall is alive, because he shows up as x_Yuna_X describes.

01-16-2005, 06:42 PM
he's alive

i think they give a slight clue too when rinoa is holding him and the garden appears, when she looks down she gives a slight look of surprise and a lil smile... then it cuts to laguna...

it's fast, but to me, that means he woke up - hence "alive"

01-16-2005, 08:35 PM
he is alive no doubt about it i know this because i am at least 60 IQ points smarter than you! no but seriously he is because rinoa brought him back.

Helen Gurley Brown
01-16-2005, 10:02 PM
If you have to flaunt your IQ at people, I have to wonder. Seriously.

Also, I'm pretty sure he's alive at the end.

01-17-2005, 06:52 AM
i know this because i am at least 60 IQ points smarter than you!

I seriously doubt that. After all, it would mean most of our IQs go into abstract numbers.

01-17-2005, 07:37 AM
No, it actually makes perfect sense. You see, Squall_Bahamut forgot to mention that by IQ, he's actually referring to Idiot Quotient.

01-17-2005, 07:41 AM
Ohhhhh... In that case, he has most of us beaten by a lot more than 60 points.

01-17-2005, 07:42 AM
Thanks guys...I just wasn't sure.