01-19-2016, 04:57 AM
When I first heard the soundtracks for this anime, I loved it. Kohei Tanaka is one of my favorite composers of all time. I appreciate his talent and dedication to high-quality BGM throughout his 30-year career.

I found all three Yaiba BGM soundtracks available at Amazon Japan. Unfortunately, in order to purchase the CD's on that site, I have to make another account specifically for that site. I can do that, but then I'd have to give away some of my credit card information to the sellers of Japan.

Because this is the request page, I would be happy if anyone were to have all three of these soundtracks. I would be happy to return a favor.

01-19-2016, 08:30 AM
Thread 93373

The only one we have is the third CD. Orie's link is dead, I can't reupload it at the moment (I still have the files).
Other than that, we have nothing. This shit is impossible to find, if it even exists on the webs.

Also, let me just mention that I fucking laugh every time I see someone being so afraid to use their credit card, especially on trusted sites like Amazon (Japan or otherwise). It's because I don't have one yet (where I live it's generally not that necessary plus I don't have enough income) so it's just immensly funny to me. But it's probably from jealousy, cuz they have the ability (which they squander) and I don't.
Well whatever. It's not like I don't understand the fear of credit card info being stolen either.

01-20-2016, 03:46 PM
I found all three soundtracks on amazon japan. They're not out of print.

01-20-2016, 05:01 PM
I found all three soundtracks on amazon japan. They're not out of print.

I know, right? Shame nobody bothers to buy/rip them. This is the problem.

01-24-2016, 07:06 PM
I think I had these once (I-III & Vocal), but I didn't understand the sheer rarity of them... -_