01-14-2005, 03:17 PM
What's one's on your wishlist?

01-14-2005, 11:16 PM
*sigh* i suppose you mean which one? but i,ll definetly get a ds . Mainly because of more original games (lol and ff) , better fuctions (lol thats second screen is amazing) , price (cheaper and better) and i trust nintendo. They`ve been the masters of handheld consoles since i can remember so its quite an easy choice.

01-14-2005, 11:33 PM

Dark Angel
01-14-2005, 11:40 PM
I dont know?? (holds head in confusement) Both I want both.

Crimson X
01-15-2005, 12:17 AM

01-15-2005, 03:14 AM
I have both, hahahahhaa.
I prefer the PSP over the DS for a number of reasons, and I'll be closing this if it just ends up with people saying "DS" or "PSP."

I prefer the PSP's games to those of the DS for the moment, and feel that as a portable console it does its job far better than the DS does - the DS may run longer, but it is far too unwieldy to use in general. A game that makes you shout or blow on the screen is not useable on any sort of journey that involves people that you don't know. It also doesn't handle as well. Games don't feel as nice to play on the DS. Mario 64 (Shut up for a moment, fanboys. Admit it. It's not even approaching ideal.) is unwieldy. It hinders you. It is not pick up and play, it's pick up and slot your goddamn thumb through the stupid thumb thing and hope it attaches properly, or you're gonna have to stop midway through a game of mario because you've used it too much, or die again because it just isn't accurate enough.

The two screens are not natural to deal with, too. It's seriously not easy to focus on both when you really need to - games like feel the magic and spiderman 2 make you at times forget about the second screen. Yes, there are some fun games on it - namely Mr. Driller and Wario (Which I have played, btw, so don't go assuming that I'm just guessing here), but they are limited fun, especially Mr. Driller, which has lost its one-cart mp ability, which we were told wouldn't happen. Thanks Nintendo.

To top it off, some of the PSP games are so remarkably slick. Ridge Racers sounds, plays, and looks the part. It's got a lot to it, too. Hours and hours of gaming. MGA is also both a looker and fun. I know lots of you are going to say "LOL METAL GEAR ACID MORE LIKE METAL GEAR GAY-CARD-SIM-LOL-FAGGOT-SHIT-I-HATE-CARDS-YU-GI-OH!" but hey, your loss. Once you realise what the cards mean, the game is a very weird, but very fun tactical/strategic game. Vampire Chronicle is what you'd expect - a capcom fighter. It's a great game, but it does nothing really new.

On the other hand, Lumines is very much awesome and individual. It's ridiculously addictive, and the music is fantastic. From hypnotic depeche-mode-esque stuff to poppy happy stuff, it's great to hear and play and it's too addictive for its bad self :(

In conclusion, I think the PSP is the better console based on the games, power, and feel of the thing. Most of you are going to hate it for its battery life (3-5 hours or so playing RR), but hey, some of you loved FF8 regardless of the gigantic, painful plotholes it had, or Kingdom Hearts regardless of its jerky graphics and ridiclous minigames (Hi gummi ship), or the painfully grafted on square elements.


01-15-2005, 01:44 PM

Average. Two screens do give the console a more clunky feel to it, and it's not as good as I would expect Nintendo's "future" of handhelds.

Shoulder buttons look like they have a demand on your fingers, and the touchscreen looks a bit awkward unless you have something to lean on.

Battery Life
After about a four hour charge, you get about 9-10 hours of play, which is very impressive.

The Games
The Japanese line up of games look very good.

Value for Money
Two screens, stylus functionality and wireless capabilities for �100, excelent!

(BTW there is also the loading times, which are next to nothing)


Slick, sleek and so very surprisningly small.

Great. Very easy to manage, although the analogue stick poses a few problems (apparently)

Battery Life
Poor comapred to the DS, on average about 5 hours depending on what you are playing.

The Games
Lovely, Ridge Racer looks lovely, but I think we are just going to get PS2 games re-designed for the PSP :(

Value for Money
Large screen, tons of extras and wireless play, so very good.

Overal, I think they both have their annoying flaws, but they are both good quality handhelds, in any case, I go for the Nintendo DS, becuase I have been a faithful follower of Nintendo ever since the NES.

01-15-2005, 04:41 PM
Why do a list like that and do an overall and talk about the quality when you haven't played it. I expected better Rapture!

01-15-2005, 05:05 PM
im going to get a psp becuase i dont like the idea of having 2 screens and like MMM said having to focus on 2 screens can be confusing sometimes (i have played my friends DS)

and also i am more excited to play PSP games as opposed to the DS games that are out........the PSP seems to have better games as opposed to the DS (well whatever games are out now anyway)

01-15-2005, 05:07 PM
Why do a list like that and do an overall and talk about the quality when you haven't played it.

The list is composed of the information that he'll be using to make his purchasing decision. Some of that information came from you, Dr. DS eats PSP.

I think the DS is really only better suited for games that need to make some special use of the stylus or two screen setup. Any other type of game would probably be better on the PSP.

01-15-2005, 07:21 PM
PSP is da bomb.

grn apple tree
01-15-2005, 09:14 PM
Psp cause i'm a sony fan and plus I think I'll like the games for the psp rather than the ones on the ds.

01-15-2005, 09:38 PM
Why do a list like that and do an overall and talk about the quality when you haven't played it. I expected better Rapture!

I am really sorry. I wanted to contribute, so I typed what I thought of it. I have seen and heard so much information about it on GamesMaster, general reviews and whatnot, that I thought I knew enough, but I will be getting one/both soon...hopefully!

Captain Crunch
01-16-2005, 09:22 AM
It would be PSP if not for the battery life, so then I choose none.


01-16-2005, 05:21 PM
PSP will win out. Nintendos dying i think. Ain't long now. :-(

01-16-2005, 09:43 PM
PSP will win out. Nintendos dying i think. Ain't long now. :-(
Not true in the slightest. They're on-par sales wise with the XBOX.

The Ricky
01-16-2005, 10:25 PM
Not true in the slightest. They're on-par sales wise with the XBOX.

That's kinda suprising, because Gamecube is mostly meant for the younger audience. But then again, they did have a solid 2004 lineup.

uk Rocks
01-16-2005, 10:26 PM
PSP the start of a new revolution in portable gaming has begun! Look out Nintendo your reign has finally come to an end!!!

01-17-2005, 01:24 AM
That's kinda suprising, because Gamecube is mostly meant for the younger audience. But then again, they did have a solid 2004 lineup.

The GameCube has nothing to do with it. MMM underestimated - the Game Boy Advance (including the SP) is one of the biggest selling consoles in the market, especially in Japan.

That's why so much is riding on the DS - Nintendo relies on its handheld profit to stay afloat. If Sony steals that market as well, Nintendo might well go the way of Sega.

As for my personal favourite? Probably the PSP. Don't get me wrong, the DS is sweet, but it doesn't have the same 'wow!' factor that Sony's new console brings. I'll know by the end of next month - i've got my DS preorder down, and the PSP should be coming out shortly after.

Bit disappointed to hear that Mario's hard to control, though. That's the main reason i'm getting the DS. That, and Metroid Prime: Hunters. (I only just got Metroid Prime [the original] yesterday, and i'm kicking myself for not getting this brilliant game sooner.)

01-17-2005, 02:15 AM
PSP cuz for me its gonna have better games

01-17-2005, 02:18 AM
Nintendo is already planning a new GB in 2007. 2006 if the PSP gets an edge on the DS, and given enough time it almost certainly will.

However, the DS is already an almost sure success for 2005. Basically, Nintendo isn't going to let it run long enough for it to convincingly lose out to the PSP. So the important thing for Nintendo isn't how well the DS does against the PSP, it's how well their next handheld does at all, and whether or not people react to it coming out in such a short amount of time.

01-17-2005, 04:26 PM
PSP will win out. Nintendos dying i think. Ain't long now. :-( That's not true detonater, the gba is massive! Nintendo's got lots of money and fresh new ideas in the bank.

I'm sick of these comments, if you keep saying things like this nintendo will die! People will think ninty's dying and not by their products. Please don't deprive people of great games. it's not right. stop.

01-17-2005, 04:59 PM
That's not true detonater, the gba is massive! Nintendo's got lots of money and fresh new ideas in the bank.

I'm sick of these comments, if you keep saying things like this nintendo will die! People will think ninty's dying and not by their products. Please don't deprive people of great games. it's not right. stop.

Calm down! Its just my opinion! But u can see where im coming from, Sony is bigger and now moving in on nintendo's home turf. Nintendo is in danger.

01-17-2005, 05:01 PM
No they're not. Nintendo still has a very nice chunk of the market. And it's only gonna get bigger since their next-generation console looks to be released first.

01-17-2005, 05:10 PM
Ain't long now. :-(

Give it time, i dont see how they can survive in the long run with there home turf in danger, more powerfull consoles on the market etc.

01-17-2005, 05:14 PM
I'd say you don't see because you want Sony to dominate the market. Otherwise, you wouldn't brush aside Nintendo's sales figures and upcoming projects for the sake of saying that their days are numbered.

01-17-2005, 05:15 PM
DS. I hate sony for trying to eliminate yet another great nintendo system. Fuck off sony and get your own ideas you dicks.

01-17-2005, 05:21 PM
DS. I hate sony for trying to eliminate yet another great nintendo system. Fuck off sony and get your own ideas you dicks.

I agree, although it dont look good from MY point of view i hope Nintendo holds out.

01-17-2005, 05:38 PM
DS. I hate sony for trying to eliminate yet another great nintendo system. Fuck off sony and get your own ideas you dicks.
Excuse me?
Are you saying that because someone starts something, nobody can attempt to supercede it without stealing their ideas?

That because the PSP is trying to rival the GBA, Sony are "stealing their ideas"? By that logic, Nintendo would be stealing the idea to make a console off of the ZX spectrum, or the Atari consoles. The Nintendo consoles eliminated those, along with Sega's consoles. Are nintendo dicks for releasing the SNES to beat back those consoles too? I'm not sure what came first, the mega drive or the SNES, but one obviously was trying to eliminate YET ANOTHER GREAT CONSOLE.

Anyone who made a new brand of TV would be being a dick and stealing the idea from the nice scotsman who invented it. God, Nokia are trying to eliminate alexander graham bell! Get your own ideas you dicks!

Give it time, i dont see how they can survive in the long run with there home turf in danger, more powerfull consoles on the market etc.
Again, you fail staggeringly to get the idea. The Gamecube is doing well. So is the gameboy. The PSP won't be able to cut into that market very quickly due to the fact that both it and the DS are now somewhat prestige devices, a la the Ipod. The next GBA, if they're clever, will weigh in at most at �70. The DS is coming out at �150, the PSP at �180 (TMK). It's falling into slightly different demographics, now. The GAMECUBE is cheaper than the DS. Think about it.

It's a weird idea, all of this expensive crap.

01-17-2005, 05:41 PM
i never saw a real problem with gamecube, they was just keepin it real and not follow the others. gamecue is like denying drugs, while ps2 and xbox are little druggo hippies

The Ricky
01-17-2005, 05:50 PM
I did get a chance to try out the DS, and do have to say it's a bit awkward to play. It sorta feels like playing games on a brink with the size. The two screens idea works in some cases, and in other cases it sorta falls.

The idea of having a status menu up at all times and not be distracted when fighting is cool, but then I played a game when you have to use the stylus to actaully move. It just didn't feel right, then to have to look back and forth and see if I'm moving right is just a pain.

I still have strong hope for this one, and actually want to get both systems, lets just hope Nintendo doesn't bite the bullet.

01-17-2005, 05:55 PM
i never saw a real problem with gamecube, they was just keepin it real and not follow the others. gamecue is like denying drugs, while ps2 and xbox are little druggo hippies
Shit me, the fanboy alarm is going crazy.
Keepin' it real?
Nintendo are just as money-grabbing and stereotypical as the other consoles. They just completely fail at grabbing demographics. Their games are not so much "keepin' it real" as they are failing to. They're always trying to be "different" or "revolutionary." To be honest, they haven't been, for a while. Their best works so far have been the gamecube pad and the GBA SP. Note - The GBA SP was a mimicry of many PDA-ish and "hip" technology creations. Their most successful product was not, in fact, keeping it real, but going with the in crowd.

You're wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.

01-17-2005, 06:14 PM
im sensing some nintendo hating going on. And how long did it take you to pull that shit out of your arse?

Neo Xzhan
01-17-2005, 06:16 PM
Not true in the slightest. They're on-par sales wise with the XBOX.

Getting on par with the XboX isn't much imo, Microsoft however did a good job on making a console.

Back on topic, both DS and PSP are still to be released here in Holland (though I don't know about the rest of Europe) and it'll be May 15th so far if I recall correctly. I've never been interested into getting a handheld, they weren't my thing. And now with these two, I still don't feel like getting one. I did have, howver, the pleasure of testing them with % of a few games. The touch screen of the DS is probably the best thing about it, but as said by others, it's very unwieldy, which really gets on your nerves and is frustrating. The line-up of games is impressive though, I like to think. The PSP has a nice feel about it and looks extremely slick, it doesn't however, last aslong as a DS but if you're in a car you can use a plug, so you can compensate. Though when you are traveling by train I sugest you bring an extra pair of bataries. Though you can probably get nice rechargable batery packs soon enough which'll last longer.

Should I ever decide to buy one of both, I'd go with the PSP, because, better games, it's nice in your hands, it looks slick, and is easy to handle.

01-17-2005, 06:34 PM
im sensing some nintendo hating going on. And how long did it take you to pull that shit out of your arse?
Seeing as it's true, not too long. I sense some nintendo fanboydome going on. I like Nintendo, but I think people are under some sort of illusion that they are all good christians who do everything for the good of the human race, never steal ideas, never mimic other things, never aim for demographics, and certainly never try and make money. You seem to lack the ability to argue properly, just going for insults. Poor insults at that. Poor form.

And Neo, it's something. It means they're joint-second in the console market!

uk Rocks
01-17-2005, 08:08 PM
okay heres the deal, the reason the gamecube has the best graphics of all three systems is because it doesnt have all the other stuff the others have. i love ps but i did wish they didnt pile so much stuff in it. and if you remember sony was gonna get into the portable business in around the middle 90's after the ps was released. but back then they just failed to meet requirements and ideas. so now that theyve finally got something to hold on too, there gonna release it. nintendo has made money on the side with their handheld business, so naturally sony is gonna get into the portable business and make some money of its own. and instead of downgrading each others systems how about arguing senseably. its nice to have a rival business, thats what makes the gaming business so damn fun.

01-17-2005, 08:47 PM
The Xbox is superior graphics wise. Come on now.

01-17-2005, 09:05 PM
Yeah, I don't know where you got the information about GC having the best graphics. Xbox is the superior of the three by far...far.

01-17-2005, 09:11 PM
I say psp. Because sony has the capablity to dominate the hand-held market with their knowledge of notebooks, mp3's, and dvd's . And I'd rather be stuck with gran turismo, or metal gear solid while on a 9hr drive than some crappy Mario remake that we've seen a hundred times before. And it is untrue that the x-box is superior graphics wise have you seen ffx that came the same time as x-box. Second of all being a computer gamer I know that all those systems have crappy processing so the graphics aren't that great.

01-17-2005, 09:31 PM
Because sony has the capablity to dominate the hand-held market with their knowledge of notebook
Just like they dominated the toaster market with their knowledge of tv's.
This topic is really rooting out those who know nothing.

FFX had fuzzy graphics.


ffx that came out a year before x-box



When did Halo come out?

Halo was released with the Xobx in November of 2001.

And of course...


Which quite obviously shows that it was released about four months before Halo (IN JAPAN)...which was in development for quite some time. I still have the box for my voodoo 5500 with a picture of Halo on it. That was released YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AGO. So, in essence, you're wrong. It went through two different formats and still came out on top.

Not only that, but the PS2 doesn't (correct me if I'm wrong) support HDTV, when the xbox does.


uk Rocks
01-17-2005, 09:58 PM
what the hell, HDTV! Dude, HDTV wasnt even out when these systems was released was it? it must have been created the year deficit the xbox came out after the ps2. also xbox is an american system, does japan even have HDTV?

01-17-2005, 10:00 PM
im sensing some nintendo hating going on. And how long did it take you to pull that shit out of your arse?

Now, now, now! Why are you a fucking retard?

In any case; I am getting a PSP/DS whenever (and as soon as) one of them is released in the UK. Hence, I am relying on this thread, (and few other sources i.e. GM :().
MMM has both, so I am presuming that you have a very good idea of how they both play, and the games. I mean, imo, they both have pros and niggly little cons, for example, the PSP loading times, and the DS' lack of comfort. (...or so I have heard). But I don't know why we have gotten into some sort of discussion about FFX's graphics ?_?

01-17-2005, 10:34 PM
what the hell, HDTV! Dude, HDTV wasnt even out when these systems was released was it? it must have been created the year deficit the xbox came out after the ps2. also xbox is an american system, does japan even have HDTV?
Halo can support HDTV at 1080, afaik.

Yes, Japan has HDTV. You were the one mentioning "high definition," here.

01-17-2005, 10:36 PM
IS there something called proof. Yes there is. Have you ever compared the frame rate of x-box games. The memory and speed of there graphics cards. There prosessing power. No you obviously haven't. YOu can't just waltz out and scream X-Box has the best graphics. Sure magazines always say X-Box has better graohics but they never show any proof. THe don't compare specs or shit. So find that stuff out, come back and if the proof says that X-Box has better graphics than i'll say I'm wrong. Opinion < Fact.

01-18-2005, 12:35 AM
Seeing as it's true, not too long. I sense some nintendo fanboydome going on. I like Nintendo, but I think people are under some sort of illusion that they are all good christians who do everything for the good of the human race, never steal ideas, never mimic other things, never aim for demographics, and certainly never try and make money. You seem to lack the ability to argue properly, just going for insults. Poor insults at that. Poor form.

And Neo, it's something. It means they're joint-second in the console market!
I never said that nintendo aren't it for the money. As a matter of fact Advance SP, i think was a horrible idea and was just sucking the gameboy idea dry. I take your point with the console and how everybody thinks its run by "christians", and think it is all good and great, but still i think that there was a very "good" reason for nintendo not putting a dvd/cd drive in their consoles. Although, it was completely dicked in the arse to go and change the cartridge for those little mini discs. It had to be done because for more space, but still they didnt put much effort into improving the cartridges. This is just my idea and this probably gives me the "fanboy" name you tend to give to people that have high opinions of nintendo, but that doesnt matter, you tend to give plenty names to people so i wont feel left out.

01-18-2005, 03:38 AM
I never said that nintendo aren't it for the money. As a matter of fact Advance SP, i think was a horrible idea and was just sucking the gameboy idea dry. I take your point with the console and how everybody thinks its run by "christians", and think it is all good and great, but still i think that there was a very "good" reason for nintendo not putting a dvd/cd drive in their consoles. Although, it was completely dicked in the arse to go and change the cartridge for those little mini discs. It had to be done because for more space, but still they didnt put much effort into improving the cartridges. This is just my idea and this probably gives me the "fanboy" name you tend to give to people that have high opinions of nintendo, but that doesnt matter, you tend to give plenty names to people so i wont feel left out.
Your opinions verged on fanboydome. That's how it is. You also fail to realise the high cost of carts too - they're incredibly expensive. Most PR companies are very, very hesitant to give them out because of it. A card costs...uh...god, �5? I dunno, but I know a cd is about 20p at most. Big, big difference in mass production.

If I really was calling everyone who really liked nintendo a fanboy, Smokey would hate me. He's a nintendo fan, but realises their failures. SMOKEY, GET IN HERE.

Oh dear.
Oh dear. I was going to call this a gimmick troll, but then I saw the doom thing.

Oh dear

My xbox has never crashed. It has never BSOD'd. Also, how can you call us idiots when you cannot spell "throat," and have forgotten about grammar.

I used a 28" widescreen TV to play FFX. That's a pretty average size. I played Halo on a 42" plasma. That's not average in the slightest. I still think it is a far more slick game than FFX. There's no ego about it. This isn't even about whether Halo is successful or a rip off. Doom was an incredibly unoriginal idea anyway - man goes into hell and shoots things with his big gun and his funny helmet. Wow!!!!

I'm changing the title of this thread.

01-18-2005, 03:49 AM
I'm changing the title of this thread.

well done.

01-18-2005, 03:55 AM
What's the Marvel vs Capcom there for??

01-18-2005, 04:03 AM
What's the Marvel vs Capcom there for??
I had to include it as a legitimate Vs thing.
It's also appeared on two of the consoles mentioned in the title! Well, its sequel has.

uk Rocks
01-18-2005, 04:33 AM
this thread has become an all out war!!!! lol

01-18-2005, 03:49 PM
wow! This thread went crazy huh?! I think we should accept all publishers and devevelopers as valuable aditions to the market. They are all fantastic and we cannot afford to lose any of them. Keep the posts rolling in guys!

01-18-2005, 11:45 PM
I think we should accept all publishers and devevelopers as valuable aditions to the market. They are all fantastic and we cannot afford to lose any of them.

Except EA.

EA is the devil.

01-19-2005, 05:34 AM
EA does suck. EA challenge ... nothing. Seriuosly they should leave the market. Their as bad as THQ. I mean they suuuuuucked.

01-19-2005, 06:11 AM
Because as we know, EA have never released a good game and will never release a good game because they buy companies and instantly rape them of all content.

Burnout 3 and Rome Total War were COMPLETE TRAIN WRECKS.

01-19-2005, 07:13 AM
Because as we know, EA have never released a good game and will never release a good game because they buy companies and instantly rape them of all content.

Burnout 3 and Rome Total War were COMPLETE TRAIN WRECKS.

There's no need for sarcasm. You know exactly what I mean.

I love Burnout 3, Generals, and the Battle for Middle-earth as much as the next person. I just disagree with EA's business ethics, and would happily give up all of those games if it meant a level playing field in the game development industry.

01-19-2005, 08:00 AM
You all care way too much!

I'm pretty sure that Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are all here to stay in the console market, so whatever you like best, just go ahead and like it and take comfort in the fact that all three are doing well enough to stay afloat long into the foreseeable future.

01-19-2005, 01:55 PM
There's no need for sarcasm. You know exactly what I mean.
No, really, I don't. Every company is out for a fast buck. I hate the way that certain ones are demonised for being good at it :/

01-19-2005, 03:07 PM
they're good at their job and can appeal to casual gamers easilly. To be honest, i haven't seen ONE gaming advert on TV that wasn't from EA in the last few months. They're games are usually below par, they like to make the quickest buck available and have no consideration for gamers. This isn't how gaming is supposed to be. Sort it out EA!

01-19-2005, 05:19 PM
I hate EA. Why do they have to exist?? Battle 4 middle earth was ruined cos of them not fixing the online disconector problem.

01-21-2005, 01:47 AM
what are you on about ea been advertising need for speed underground 2 since novemeber

anyway pack on topic out of the ds or the psp i pick the playstaion portable beacuse 1 its sony lol plus its got a better graphics the ds got not as good as gamecube but a lil better than the n64

hb smokey
01-22-2005, 11:18 PM
If I really was calling everyone who really liked nintendo a fanboy, Smokey would hate me. He's a nintendo fan, but realises their failures. SMOKEY, GET IN HERE.

Yeah, it's pretty easy to most people here that I love Nintendo as a company and just about everything they bring out. I love the fact that their main success comes from the fact that they have the most exclusive titles of all three systems, believe it or not.

I also agree with something mrmonkeyman said earlier. It appears that just about every Nintendo fan sees the company as 'doing everything good for the community and the world'. No, sorry. I don't know where people got this impression from. Maybe from the fact that the majority of fans view Nintendo as being kiddish? Well to that, I say kiss my ass. I viewed Nintendo as being nothing more than a kiddie company for quite a long time. Probably since 16 years ago, until I was about 14 or 15. Then I realized the truth, and the truth is that since there has been this assumption of Nintendo being a kiddie-company for years and years now, that it's hard for people to look at them and take them seriously. It's a fact that Nintendo is doing everything they can to stay on top of the market. But they do have their faults, just like Sony and Microsoft. Just because I prefer Nintendo over the other three doesn't mean I'm not going to acknowledge pros and cons of the PS2 and the Xbox. In fact, as some of my friends here have found out, I've shared some of my love for video games from just Nintendo to now the Xbox.


01-22-2005, 11:37 PM
Nearly every thread on the General Gaming Forum has turned in to a PS2/Nintendo/Xbox debate! =\

*actually only about 2/3*