Seifer Almasy
01-13-2005, 10:21 PM
If Sqaure (soft/enix) decided to make a seqeul and were accepting ideas, what would you contribute.

To prevent a complete spamfest lets set some rules.

1. Obviously no spamming, try to keep this based entirely on FF 8.

2. Try to be careful with new countries, characters, races whatever, but new ideas are relativly welcome as long as you don't go over board.

3. Try to keep it short as you can, add some depth but don't get to carried away.

Well thats it. I'll hear some ideas first I have some rough Ideas and see what people have in mind.

Thank You, Seifer Almasy.

01-13-2005, 10:58 PM
Races: Morhta- Long armed long legged race (Bad guys) they are trying to take over the world because they belive the Humans and Laska's are slowly destroying it, so they make a holocost.

Human- Wastfull race, but kind and generious, they never saw the attack comming and were not prepared almost all died, but about 7,000 ran to Laska's and warned of the attack

Laska's- Short smart race, (Kinda like gnomes) they build and work all the time, they have a grand army of robots and soliders now with the humans warning they are preparing for the attack

Story- Laska's and humans now united they will try to hold off the Mortha the attack began and they were pushed back by the Mortha, but 5 warrior appeared and stood to fight (Playable charators.) they moved inside and tricked the Mortha to accept them, they then have to battle their way threw the undlings of the Mortha Lord along the way they pick up a young wolman (Summor) and she has a speical gift she can call the god to aid her in need, but she is the daughter of the Mortha lord, she decides that her fathers intentions arent pure and aids the 5 soliders, she is infact right that Lord Cartha is going to take over the lands to expand his empire and he thinks he is going to join the gods, they have to go to 2 Human temples for the young girl to gain the powers of the gods but they are under the control of the Mortha and they decide to help her, they then after having the last 2 gods on their side, they make their attack on the Mortha Castle, they battle all the way up and find the Mortha lord, but the royal soliders capture them and take them away, they now have to get out of jail and get back their weapons and go to kill the lord.
(Of course other miniture things like weapon quest, side quest, and other side bosses and such to make the game longer)


Lord Cartha- General made king, ruthless and will kill all that oppose him his wife was killed by him, she disagreed with him once and "Off with her head" althought his daughter does not know this, He uses a royal septor to attack.

Banin- The solider who started the group, he is strong and smart he is the child of a Human and a Laska, he falls deeply inlove with Princess Katra but is too nervous and scared to ask her hand in marrage and he thinks this battle isnt the right time, he uses a Kattana and a Rifle to attack.

Princess Katra- A young girl who has the power of Godcalling, she is ignorant to what her father is up to, she loves Banin as much as he does her, but she wants him to say it first, she uses a staff and a bow to attack.

Yoaho- A Lasta who is a good thinker, he is an aid to a renowed medical officer and can help the other charators in times of need his alchamey also comes in handy, He uses potions and a knife to attack.

Bolan- He is a human monk he has trained all his life to be kind, he will not kill anyone, but stun them, he is the kindest and most compashonte out of the group, he loves all and hates death, he uses a Bo staff, and Knuckles to attack.

Leigh- A strange person, not a Human or Mortha, or lasta, he seems to look like a wolf that walks on to leggs and carrys a broad sword to his side, he wears shinning plate mail armor, he seems to be what the humans call a Palidan

Taska- A young wolman who is a Lasta she is angery at the Morha for killing her parents she carrys a whip and a knife she is what is to be know as rouge, she loves to explore and when they meet the princess she is alwase watching her closly and mocking her she cant stand working with her.

Battle System Turn based.
4 Charactor limit in a battle.
Can switch Players and weapons in battle, cannot switch armor.
Gil isnt really hard to find but if you use Taska in the group she 1.5x's your gil drop.
Items are not expecive but alot of the enimes drop items that you cannot buy in the store's.

Feedback please.

Crap on me, I am using the 'New Post' forum finder thing, I didnt see this was a thread for Squalls Im sorry.

01-13-2005, 11:33 PM
The game was complete with its ending there are no lose ends to make a sequel out of so you cant really make a sequel to 8.

01-14-2005, 01:35 AM
This thread is obviously just gonna turn into a joke thread, so I'm gonna close it.

Second what TrekkiesUnited said, it was complete.

Oh, and you lost any remaining chance you might have had, Seifer Almasy, by simply asking for ideas without posting your own. Big no-no with me.