Terra Fire
01-13-2005, 06:14 PM
It could work or it couldn't............here it is:

what if they brought together a range of chracters from most of the FF games, bring 'em up to PS2's graphics standards and find a way to put em together and make a story out of it....i curious to here about what you guys think plus if you think its a good idea or not, make up the characters you'd wanna see fighting together in a new game and what would you think would make a title for it????? :)

01-13-2005, 06:24 PM
well there is a puzzle game just coming out with all of the ff heros in it

Terra Fire
01-13-2005, 06:27 PM
puzzle game what you mean?

01-13-2005, 06:58 PM
go to squre-enix.co.jp its somewhere on that website

Terra Fire
01-14-2005, 06:55 PM
okay then..........anyone esle wanna say anything????? What d'you think?

01-14-2005, 07:12 PM
do u mean a puzzle game as in lik...tetris?......or sumthing BETTER :)

Terra Fire
01-14-2005, 08:27 PM
o boy anough with the puzzle game thging already can someone tell me something about what i've written at the begining?


01-15-2005, 01:46 PM
If you are talking about an FF crossover, then as long as they stick to 1-3 chars per game, It could work, but if they tried to bring every char from every FF it could be diasterous

Personally I'd have the main chars(Cloud,Squal etc), the main female/male (Tidus/Tifa) and one other possibly done by an online vote.

Terra Fire
01-15-2005, 09:28 PM
thans you someone has answered my question anyone else and yeh just like an FF crossover ......

01-15-2005, 11:55 PM
if they made a sory up like they found a portal to all the other ff worlds and u had to get characters from each game and wen u went into each world it would be that games graphics like ff1 be nes graphics and ff7 be ps graphic and you bring to a world and all the characters changed to ps2 graphics so ypu could see squall and cloud in good graphics and in the world there is all the ff baddies and you had to destroy them all or sumthim

Lunatic HighVII
01-16-2005, 01:07 AM
It might be interesting, I would play it if it came ut, no doubt. I don't think it would work if you took ALL of the characters, but maybe a few from each ff. What would it be called? Final Fantasy... something. ;) He he, it's a cool idea.

Terra Fire
01-16-2005, 09:00 PM
thanks............lol i know this is a crazy idea and you'll all laugh at me but if someone works for Square Enix and is on the Shrine...ask someone about my idea ,at the company.......(crazy I know) but what the heck PLEASE DO IT..............:) thanks :)

Anymore people.....

01-17-2005, 09:25 PM
That would be a great idea.

01-17-2005, 11:09 PM
which idea do you think is a great idea gr8slayer

01-18-2005, 12:44 AM
The Final Fantasy game with al the heroes *and Dragon Quest characters as well* is called "Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special" It's going to be like Mario Party I'm assuming.

Terra Fire
01-18-2005, 09:49 PM
what the.......Mario Party.......i'm kinda confused but don't worry about it.....

01-20-2005, 12:59 AM
Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special is basically a party game. like mario party........you choose a character, and then you play on a board game......

Black Waltz
01-20-2005, 08:01 AM
I think they should make a fighting game like super smash brothers excetp with all the FF character in it. That would be awsome

01-20-2005, 08:14 AM
I think they should make a fighting game like super smash brothers excetp with all the FF character in it. That would be awsome
Now i really want to see something like that. I've played super smash both super smash brothers and super smash brothers melee and i think that they are great games worth the cash and all. Even the time spent.

Black Waltz
01-20-2005, 08:16 AM
Im not alone.. tho I havent playd melee i just stuck with the original.

Darth Revan
01-20-2005, 04:51 PM
There was a fighting game which had some FF characters in it. It was called Ehrghiez (I'm not sure about the spelling of it, but it's spelt the same as Zell Dincht's final weapon in FFVIII) : God bless the ring. It was a quirky little game, but it did have a stand alone RPG packaged in with the fighting game, which you could select at the main menu.

The FF characters in it were : Cloud, Sephiroth, Vincent, Tifa and there was a grey creature, in some ways similar to Red XIII. I remember hearing some rumours about a sequel to this game, with FFVIII characters in it, but I think it was just that : A rumour.

Personally, I don't think a game with some of the characters from all the FF games in it would be any good. I mean, I've seen some good fanfictions with characters from all the FF characters in, but as a game I just don't think it'd be right.

That's just my opinion about it of course, but I do hope a game does not appear with all the FF characters in. I really do.

Terra Fire
01-20-2005, 04:57 PM
i didn't say all of them i just said a few FF characters and what ones would you have? Thats all really........but still al comments hav ebeen great as usual :)

Darth Revan
01-20-2005, 05:54 PM
A few eh? Ok... this would be my team :

Vincent Valentine (FFVII)
Edgar (FFVI)
Red XIII (Nanaki) (FFVII)
Locke (FFVI)
Celes (FFVI)
Rinoa Heartilly (FFVIII)
Kimahri Ronso (FFX)
Paine (FFX-2)
Irvine Kinneas (FFVIII)

Those are my choices.

01-23-2005, 12:41 AM
Maybe they should make like an "RPG maker" type game but you make you're own final fantasy. that'd be awesome.

01-24-2005, 11:38 PM
hrmm i dunno if the game would be great, im sure it would be but ya know...but yea i think that would be a really good idea.....square enix could get some really good ideas if they would read some of out forums

01-25-2005, 01:24 AM
"cash in".

that's what I'd think.

01-25-2005, 03:25 PM
your dreams have come true they are making a game with every final fantasy charcter in it and it is called final fantasy entities it comes out in 2010

Black Waltz
01-25-2005, 03:27 PM
your dreams have come true they are making a game with every final fantasy charcter in it and it is called final fantasy entities it comes out in 2010
Where did you hear this from? Sounds like a bunch of b/s to me. 2010.....lol.

01-25-2005, 03:47 PM
i heard it from someone who works at squaresoft

Terra Fire
01-25-2005, 04:48 PM
that makes sense.........i believe you heck i'd love to buy that game.....now let me see....i'd be....13....14....15....16....17....18 yrs old when it comes out!!!!! Man thats a long time.....ahh well i can wait :)

Black Waltz
01-25-2005, 08:17 PM
i heard it from someone who works at squaresoft
Did you actually hear it with your ears, or just read something someone had typed?

Terra Fire
01-25-2005, 09:23 PM
actuall yeh.............wot did happen you work there or something??

Seymour butts
01-25-2005, 09:47 PM
One character i would choose is the black dude from ffv11, can't remember his name
although he looked like Mr T from the A-Team!

Terra Fire
01-26-2005, 10:41 AM
His name's Barret Wallace :) Just so you know and i didn't say anything bout my characters yet....I'd have:


(dunno many others)

Aeon Lord
01-26-2005, 02:56 PM
Maybe they should make like an "RPG maker" type game but you make you're own final fantasy. that'd be awesome.

there are rpg makers i have 1 but its harder than u think to make.

my characters would be

cait sith
and paine

thetre just the best

01-28-2005, 11:08 PM
I thinnk bringing them all 2 gether would be a awsome idea =) bring 2 main chars back like from ff10 yuna n tidus

Terra Fire
01-29-2005, 01:37 PM
maybe not those two in particular but but definatley Tidus and is it true (just to make sure) about FF Entities?????

02-05-2005, 11:55 AM
hey guys i'm new

i think its going to be great if they bring them all together,remember there's always a difrent story for every caracter in every ff and its going to be very hard to make a game like that. i think the best way to make it is to line up all the players where you choose one and make your way into the world with the story of the one you choose.
with options which way to go not knowing who you going to find fighting them or getting them to help you that way you want to make the right choice to find the one you want to be part of your team that way when the game is done you will play again to make up the perfect team. just think how it would be if a ff like that was on the internet and you can make up your own ff guy or girl. me the hero fighting you to win your trust to be on my team and if i lose then i must go your way

and i dont think we want to wait for 2010 they will lose there ff freaks we want a ff game now STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! WHO'S WITH ME
thats all for now peeps

oh sorry for the spelling

Terra Fire
02-05-2005, 02:44 PM
How can we have a strike when we're not doing snyhting to work for them??? You mean like a strike on not playing any FF??? Seriously think before you write :)

02-05-2005, 03:03 PM
How can we have a strike when we're not doing snyhting to work for them??? You mean like a strike on not playing any FF??? Seriously think before you write :)
man you are a sad one it was only a joke i gues you are to buzy trying to be number one to know what a joke is get a life dude

02-05-2005, 04:58 PM

Terra Fire
02-05-2005, 05:58 PM
well i'm sorry blade6000 i guess i can't take a joke (i'm being sarcastic) and i do have a life and i'm not "a sad one"!!!!!!!!

02-05-2005, 06:42 PM
well i'm sorry blade6000 i guess i can't take a joke (i'm being sarcastic) and i do have a life and i'm not "a sad one"!!!!!!!!
my bad so shall we start over.
apart from all that what do you think of my story

Terra Fire
02-06-2005, 08:40 PM
okay :) wot story??

03-18-2005, 09:17 PM
Yes, people here has some good ideas.
A final fantasy with characters from diferent FFs???? it might work but the would have to receive new profies (i.e. Tidus is a teenager who lives with his father Jecht in a farm in the republic of bastok) and there might be classic villian too like zeromus or yu yebov, they should have new origins (i.e. Sephirot is a hero of war who became mad after his girlfriend Reina was killed by the galbadian army). This game might be cool and characters might use new weapons, imagine Eiko using Masamune.
I would this characters:
Black Mage
White mage

This might be some of the villains:
Steiner (he will became evil with time, tust me)

04-15-2005, 02:48 PM
I actually dreamed up a possible FF crossover game about 5 years ago, it was basically very similar to the idea of Kingdom Hearts, only with Square characters and not Disney. Anyway, the story was basically a stratagy/rpg like FFT, only it revolved around a main character that was a young Centra general. Basically the story involved a time/space war between the Centra and the Source of Darkness, which in a revised version of the story was Necron. Anyway you basically go to every FF world and you can pick from any 3 of the main characters to join your army. On each world you have to battle every major dark force (the last boss from each game), which have been brought back by the Source. The game ends in a climatic battle in which the very existence of the universe is in your hands, any what happens is all dependent on your actions and which characters you picked. I thought it would be cool, what do you all think?