01-12-2005, 09:39 AM
totally insane and very funny anime series
my fav character was Pedro, with his trademark "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Nabeshin (the director's alter ego) and the Ropponmatsu's were also kool
my favourite eppys were 18, where Kabapu forms the Municipal Force Daitensin, and 20, the episode devoted to Pedro, and his showdown with the evil "That Man".
if you havent seen it, then go and get it already!

Sephiroths Bride
01-12-2005, 09:45 AM
Ive been thinking of getting the dvd's of that. But I wanted to know more about it first.

Faye Kipling
01-12-2005, 12:43 PM
I'm going to watch that soon after a recommendation from a friend. Apparently there's some cat called Menchi with a huge sympathy factor because everything's trying to kill it?.. And also something about a guy with an affro..
Anyway yeah, Ima go see a few episodes later.

01-12-2005, 12:59 PM
It's a great show, but you guys probably won't get half the jokes in it because it lampoons a lot of much older anime, manga, and western films.

01-13-2005, 05:01 AM
I'm going to watch that soon after a recommendation from a friend. Apparently there's some cat called Menchi with a huge sympathy factor because everything's trying to kill it?.. And also something about a guy with an affro..
Anyway yeah, Ima go see a few episodes later.
Menchi is actually a dog that looks like a cat, and Excel and Hyatt keep her as an emergency food supply. And the guy with the afro is Nabeshin, the director's alter ego, who pops in ramdomly and just happens to know everyone. He gets his powers from his afro.
The main character (Excel) is just plain annoying, and her constantly-dying companion Hyatt is just as bad. But Pedro's the best, even though he has nothing to do with the main plot! Mad show..

Crimson X
01-13-2005, 06:12 AM
its a cool and funny show

01-25-2005, 12:06 AM
I love Excel Saga! The Puuchuus were always funny to see on the screen. However, Excel is probably my favorite. My favroite episode was the one when the singer, Key, appeared to give Lord Illpalazzo a message. The song that he sings to the almighty lord is hilarious.

01-25-2005, 05:06 AM
excel was just plain annoying, ESPECIALLY in dubbed english
but Pedro was awesome!

01-25-2005, 04:38 PM
Pedro is hilarious. But Nabeshin has got him beat. (In my opinion)

02-02-2005, 04:00 PM
no no no! Lord Ilpalazzo was the greatest!!! XD!!!!! He rocks! especially in the episode where there are no gags, he goes super evil conqueror and shoots Excel through the chest... YAY! Go Ilpalazzo!!!