01-12-2005, 02:07 AM
March 1st 2005.

According to Play.com anyway.


It's the same name, same plot of the game, it's already being pre-ordered and the release date is clearly of March this year!

How's that for a new year's present!? =)

Auron's Ghost
02-12-2005, 07:44 AM
Well, it certainly would be nice, but I've learned not to trust these release dates. It was just the same with The Sims 2. Special Reserve said TS2 would be released on March 2nd 2004, but that date came and went and we all had to wait until September 2004 (and the game doesn't work properly). Hopefully, FFXII will maintain it's perfect record of working perfectly.

I have heard that FFXII is at least a year away for us in the UK. :-( The thing is, I can't really share my anticipation with anyone except for my ex-girlfriend's kids as they're just as big FF fans as I am. I guess this is what comes of never growing up and playing computer games since the mid-70s! Some folks pine for the next Harry Potter book ... I pine for Final Fantasy!

Siren's Song
02-13-2005, 10:37 PM
try September... damn you square enix!

matt damon
02-13-2005, 11:42 PM
dude!!!when is it coming out!!!!????

02-14-2005, 04:22 AM
Well 'Play' have just altered the date again (see my original link). I've heard from a semi-reliable source that websites including Play.com advertise a product to be released on a certain date so as to take pre-orders. I think there's a loophole in the law because they're not selling the product, they're selling the security of having it when it's released.

Either way it's crap. I'm happy to wait as long as it takes but I'm sure I'm not alone in just wanting a confirmed date to look forward to!!

02-14-2005, 07:08 AM
in some game magazine (a good one) it said its coming out late may which i true is a perfect brithday pressie 4 me.

Terra Fire
02-14-2005, 10:47 AM
hey guys i looked on the link it says "Due for release on 01/09/2005" thats 1st september 2005 if i'm not mistaken right? So no March its September

Plus its not on PC and for PS2 (i heard it was for PC like FFXI) PAL: Will play on UK and European Playstation2 only. so you know

Hex Omega
02-14-2005, 10:47 AM
1/9/2005 it says.September??bah

02-14-2005, 12:43 PM
Yeah it says September the first. Stop getting out hopes up.

ff rulz
02-14-2005, 03:22 PM
they only found out out after they wrote it.it's not there fault but play better stop making up damn release dates if there not sure.

02-15-2005, 06:38 PM
i hate it when the date change all the time!!! why don't square-enix make a date and stick with it, some fans are dying here!!!!!

02-16-2005, 09:55 PM
Everyone is dying. I don't see what Square-Enix has to do with it.

03-01-2005, 05:32 AM
i say, im fortunate, im from mexico, and im usually buying from gameplanet, i checked the release date for FF XII, guess what, it said for february 14, i thought that was a mistake but after a phonecall, they told me they were specting it by march, yey

i can finally rest in peace, after playing it of course

03-19-2005, 12:13 AM
Lucky you... I dunno whether I've gotta wait til July or September for FFXII in the UK!

03-19-2005, 03:57 AM
September I think.

03-21-2005, 05:09 AM
Yeah. I understand the reasons that dates get pushed back, but I wish that companies wouldn't put out release dates until they were past that point.

But, hopefully it'll be worth the wait. I haven't been able to get myself psyched about this game, really.

03-21-2005, 08:53 AM
Supposedly, it's coming out late 2005 for Japan, and spring/summer 2006 for the US.

03-21-2005, 03:34 PM
I thought it was already out in Japan!?

03-21-2005, 10:19 PM
its all squares fault 4 not concentrating on one game. yep they ahve too make 7 billion rushed game sat once.

crazy boy
05-31-2005, 07:18 PM
i think it's now 2006 in the U.K as i heard it from e4 but i'm not sure if that was for the u.s.a only.
(maby for the 1st time a final fantasy game will come out in the u.k first before the u.s =))

06-01-2005, 05:33 PM
its all squares fault 4 not concentrating on one game. yep they ahve too make 7 billion rushed game sat once.

Please, they have hundreds of staff. A game can really only have so many programmers and designers working on it at once - if Square Enix didn't split into Development teams, their products would be substandard.

Besides, i've yet to see a Square Enix game that can be described as rushed. Bland (Driving Emotion Type S) yes, unplayable (UNLIMITED SaGa) yes, but never rushed. You will have to look very hard to find a bug in any Square Enix software.

i think it's now 2006 in the U.K as i heard it from e4 but i'm not sure if that was for the u.s.a only.
(maby for the 1st time a final fantasy game will come out in the u.k first before the u.s =))

It's E3, and there is no way in hell a Final Fantasy mainstream game will ever get released in Europe (including the UK and Australia) before the USA. Japan and America both use the NTSC format, so all that is required to bring a Japanese game to the States is a translation - for bonny European shores, it has to be reprogrammed for the PAL standard.

Also, the official word from E3 was first quarter 2006 - which is cutting very fine with the release of the PlayStation 3. I'm hoping the game doesn't get overshadowed by the release of new hardware like Final Fantasy IX did by the PlayStation 2.

06-06-2005, 11:51 PM
new release date: 15/07/05


06-07-2005, 12:28 AM
new release date: 15/07/05

There is no official UK release date yet I'm afraid :-(

Sephiroth's Guardian
06-07-2005, 08:37 AM
Hey, I think they said it will be August

06-07-2005, 09:32 AM
Hey, I think they said it will be August

Also, the official word from E3 was first quarter 2006

Read thread before replying, please :(

06-07-2005, 02:54 PM
i already pre-ordered a copy

it is not surprising it's cooming out early. They have already delayed it once already. It was meant to be out in japan last year

06-08-2005, 12:10 AM
i already pre-ordered a copy

it is not surprising it's cooming out early. They have already delayed it once already. It was meant to be out in japan last year

Haha, you sure got suckered in!

Perhaps you don't realise this, but a couple of weeks ago, Square Enix held a press conference in which they announced (ANNOUNCED) that Final Fantasy XII would be released in Japan early next year.

If you really checked HMV well, you would notice that FF12 was listed in June 2004. That was BEFORE the delay was announced - in other words, the old release date. Heck, if you look on the EB Games website, they say that it will be shipped on 12/1/2005 - which, if you're keeping up with your calendar, has been and gone.

Pre-order sites like HMV and EB are accurate with their release dates, only when they have been officially announced - Square Enix has given a vague time frame for the Japanese release, and hasn't even talked about an American or European release yet. So if you can, i'd suggest getting your money back and letting it grow in a bank account, instead of wasting it in HMV's business.

06-08-2005, 03:11 AM
Uk release data? Late 2006 I'm guessing.

06-08-2005, 03:15 AM
Uk release data? Late 2006 I'm guessing.
I'd agree to that. I might go as far as to say Spring 2006.. but that's pushing my luck probably.

06-13-2005, 03:12 PM
We'll all be in some retirement home before we see FFXII come out.

07-06-2005, 03:49 PM
it wont be comin out as late as 2006 cos they wont sell cos the ps3 is set to come out around that time plus if it was comin out that late itd be on the xbox 360 not ps

07-06-2005, 05:33 PM
it wont be comin out as late as 2006 cos they wont sell cos the ps3 is set to come out around that time

Didn't stop them releasing Final Fantasy IX just as the PS2 was being released, if you remember rightly.

plus if it was comin out that late itd be on the xbox 360 not ps

You know, I'm guessing you're either under 12, or an idiot. Please get a better view of the games industry before posting again, kthx.

07-06-2005, 05:44 PM
dont you read fuck all ff is goin xbox and pc im not sayin definite but surely theyll release it just before christmas cos then ppl will pay more cos theyll wanna get it for their kids and itll sell quicker

07-06-2005, 05:58 PM
all this dum shit talk about when its coming out is pissingme off they need to get thier asses in gear for godds sake ive waited to damn long

07-07-2005, 01:35 AM
I don't know why i'm bothering with the same argument again, but here it is anyway...

A few weeks ago, E3, the game developer conference, was held. At E3, Square Enix announced that the mainstream Final Fantasy series would remain a PlayStation exclusive - PlayStation 2 this generation, PlayStation 3 the next.

They will support the Xbox 360 by releasing Final Fantasy XI on the console, as they have on the PC - this is obviously because there is a larger MMORPG market in these mediums.

And besides, no parents will 'want to get Final Fantasy XII for their kids for their Xbox 360' - because it doesn't make sense to Microsoft's market. They like action RPGs, or pseudo-action rpgs - look at the popluar Xbox RPGs, like Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and Fable - not one of them has a menu based system.

Not to mention that Final Fantasy is a JAPANESE game, made by JAPANESE developers - they care about the Japanese market first, and the American market second (with the European market a far third). And the Japanese HATE the Xbox. It makes sense for them to sell the game on the system with the largest installed base - and worldwide, that is the PlayStation 2.

07-28-2005, 04:13 AM
I missed out on FF11 because it was an online only game and im not paying a monthly fee for it, I don't really like MMORPGs anyway.
so ive had to wait since 2002 or something for this! (FFx-2 sucks imo)

I had better be good.

08-26-2005, 01:13 AM

Im looking forward to this, whenever it comes out, I liked ffx-2 except the lack of summons, but then it was a sequel and Yuna killed her aeons at the end of ffx, so it will be cool to see some new spells and summon spells etc

Dark Mage626
09-01-2005, 12:43 PM
Yeah so like Devil 22001 is an idiot...If the game is being released at the end of 2006 when the PS2 is released, it doesn't matter! Won't stop us all from buying the game. My friend only just bought final fantasy VII! And only XI is being released on the XB360.

Zell dincht X0
09-22-2005, 09:15 PM
ive got nothing to say 'part from is n e 1 fukin sure wen t is comin out

09-23-2005, 05:31 PM
sounds like we might be waiting another year for it...

09-29-2005, 03:10 PM
I dont think its gonna be that long, a lot of reports and a lot of people are now saying this winter(around November or December) which makes sense because its close to Christmas and the orders will go haywire cos everybodyw ill be buying a copy for a christmas present
So maybe we dont have to wait so long after all :-)

10-01-2005, 08:08 PM
http://www.square-enix.com/jp/game/ps2/ japanese release date is march 16th 2006

i cant find the US release date but im afraid it will be the end of 2006

10-02-2005, 02:29 PM
http://www.square-enix.com/jp/game/ps2/ japanese release date is march 16th 2006

damn :-\\
If thats the case then we'll probably have ot wait untill next summer for it

10-04-2005, 02:34 AM
dont you read fuck all ff is goin xbox and pc im not sayin definite but surely theyll release it just before christmas cos then ppl will pay more cos theyll wanna get it for their kids and itll sell quicker

Well, is Raidenex wrong? And 'sides, it's been announced a long time ago that FFXII would be exclusive to the PS2. Way even before the XBX 360 was announced.

And there's no need to go around in "biting" people's replies off. It's what they think.

10-04-2005, 02:44 AM
just face it, its coming out around this time next year... I dont mind, even if the PS3 and Xboxpremature ejaculation are out, i'll still buy it and play the shit out of it... It might not sell aswell but i dont care who buys it, as long as i do.

10-04-2005, 03:54 AM
http://www.playstation.jp/news/2005/pr_050517_ps3.html *list qualities of ps3*

the ps3 probably wouldnt be out b4 FFXII (at least in japan)

10-05-2005, 12:53 AM
Even though EBgames may slightly be accurate in their dates. They've got the North American version of FFXII for a May 2006. Two months after the japanese version.

10-05-2005, 01:04 AM
You can't trust any release date anyone has listed unless it's been officially announced by the publisher. A lot of companies will estimate a release date just to have one listed on their site, even if it turns out to be wildly inaccurate.

12-13-2005, 06:54 PM
yeah hopefully will be out sooner than september, be either way, its probably going to be a great game, from what ive seen of it so far. New battle mode aswell :D

09-24-2006, 01:45 AM
Now they're saying 23rd of February 2007.


09-24-2006, 03:42 AM
well it was clearly not going to be 2005. It came out in japan ages ago now.

It must be a pretty complex game if it's going to take so long to translate then convert to pal.