12-24-2015, 11:46 PM
My Mac has a Retina display, and therefore, has no DVD/CD drive. I've had to purchase Apple's USB Super Drive in order to rip music.

I'm able to rip music using iTunes with no problems whatsoever, but, when I want to rip in FLAC format using either Max or XLD, the Super Drive ejects the disc repeatedly, and therefore, I'm unable to rip music using Max or XLD. :(

My question is to anybody who uses Apple's USB Super Drive to rip music - are you able to use Max or XLD at all, or are you, like me, limited to using iTunes?

12-25-2015, 04:50 AM
I would not be surprised if Apple wants you to use only iTunes. They eliminated the disc drive (still mind boggling to me, I will never buy a Mac with no drive), inconveniencing everyone but themselves. You were forced to buy the Apple USB Super Drive which is a nice little convenience for Apple.

Sorry I wasn't really any help here. This was more of a rant directed towards Apple, even though I am an apple user.

12-25-2015, 05:35 AM
Curious. What do you have selected for "When you insert a music CD" in the CDs & DVDs system preferences window? "Open in iTunes", "Ignore" or "Open XLD"? Not that I can see why it should make a difference, but perhaps there's a conflict.

In any case, until you sort out the business you could always just rip to lossless in iTunes and then convert to FLAC using XLD, if you aren't doing that already.

12-25-2015, 01:03 PM
Thanks gururu, for your suggestion. Will try this out and see what happens. :)