matt damon
01-10-2005, 11:17 PM
i do, but i don't feel like posting it....i'm just kidding.i feel embarresed.

01-10-2005, 11:20 PM
Linking them?
Well thats hard.
Maybe.....Maybe.... i have no idea.
They cant ALL be linked.
Ill have to think about it some more.

matt damon
01-10-2005, 11:45 PM
i'll post it if someone replies to this

yay! someone replied...i guess i have to post my storey now

here it is:

basically, it starts off in FFVIII.squall and rinoa and everybody are getting ready for edea's trial.she's on trial because of all the stuff she did.then, it goes to ultimecia.she is weak because of her defeat.she goes into a secret room into her castle and goes in this pod thing to recuperate

then, edea is sentenced to imprisonment or something and galbadia is disbanded in to the surrounding countries.squall and everybody try to find edea.they find her in galbadia garden(it's been shut down and is abandoned). when they find her, the military is secretly going to blow up the garden(along with edea in it)

when the garden is about to be blown up, the earth starts to shake and there is bright lights and's as if time compression is happening again, but it's not.the earth is going in to chaos

then, it switches to yuna.she is dressed in her summoner's clothes and is standing in the calm lands(this is after 10 and before 10-2). she is trying to bring tidus back.rikku and paine are behind her telling her not too.she starts to do the sending in reverse, which i call "the awakening" this brings everyone back, but also brings sin back. yuna and tidus start to hug and stuff, but sin is charging up for an attack. then he sends a beam at yuna and tidus and it's about to reach them when....

yuna wakes up.she is next to tidus, but she realizes that she is not in spira anymore(wizard of oz, anyone? lol).then, they start to meet alot of people from different FF's like cloud, tifa, squall, turns out that each FF world was on a different plane of existence.and something happened that united all of the different universes.

it then flashes to ultimecia.she is in her castle, fully recuperated and she senses a powerful evil in the turns out that it's all of the other bosses from the other FF games(this story will primarily focus on 7, 8, 10, and possibly 10-2).she meets them all, but kills the ones she deams weak, like kuja and...ummm...other bosses.all that's left is sephiroth, sin, and maybe vegnagun.

dude, i'm going to stop posting if no one replies

01-11-2005, 05:53 AM
Dont hate on IX! It is clearly in a class of its own...accompanied by VIII. There must be a way to tie it in, the whole speech Necron made was about memories and such, there must be a way to incorporate they have a guy with red Randy Moss hair! (any football fan should know what I mean here...probably no one else) And they have Vivi!

And why is Ultimecia suddenly a good guy if I may ask?

01-11-2005, 09:31 AM
its a good idea damn it but there ultimecia being evil i dont like there should be something linking all the worlds an evil thats been there since the beginning of time and now he has finall awoken to reek his evil butterscoth flavoured havoc upon the pizza palour...

Black Waltz
01-19-2005, 11:04 PM
I guess the only game that could really link them together would be kingdom hearts 2 if it follows the wolrd spanning like the first one did

01-20-2005, 12:41 AM
this can be expanded on a bit and is really for someone to take off on but it could be that they all take place on the same planet in like 5000-10000 year gaps.

matt damon
01-23-2005, 12:19 AM
um..people, i didn't finish posting my story.i got frustrated cause no one would respond.all of you ideas are really good.but, let me finish posting the rest and then you can give me some constructrive criticizm(is that how you spell it?oh well) oh, by the way Rikkuslover16, i'm not hating on IX. i haven't played it yet.i'm playing it right now, actually.i'm at the part where garnet gets captured by the ochu(useless information, right?) and has anyone noticed that garnet looks ridiculously like rinoa from FFVIII?

01-29-2005, 08:54 PM
Well, I thought of something that might connect them all together....It goes like this:

Way in the future, a galaxy has been swallowed up into a worm hole made by demons...and in this worm hole, hero's from all the planets and diffrent ages are being ripped out of their naturaul time by a powerful summoner who traveled back from an even further future to help save all the civilizations. After the planets exploded, they were sucked back together, creating a mixture of all the planets. The hero's are brought into a dark demension, where all the worlds collided and were all of the fallen civilizations now lie. The hero's would meet each other, then they would meet the summoner who brought them together..and they would find that if they reached the main demon before the ruined planet exploded again and defeated him, time would be set back on it's normal course, and the demons would forever linger in the darkness, leaving the planet in peace. If they did not reach him in time, or they died fighting to get to him, their civilizatoins would stay in ruins.

I like yours better, Anyname13579.....It's got more back bone and story...

and it's more original...mine kinda is like Kingdom hearts, even though I never played that game.....

01-29-2005, 09:07 PM
Linking them?
Well thats hard.
Maybe.....Maybe.... i have no idea.
They cant ALL be linked.
Ill have to think about it some more.
Sure. Just amke one big world and put EVERY SINGLE character in it..........Ok, that is hard.

01-29-2005, 09:14 PM
Well, I'm just trying to come up with an Idea....something diffrent...I'm not saying it's good or anything...but maybe it could be a REALLY REALLY big planet? Without the extra's out of other there could be room to move....maybe wiggle around in..

01-30-2005, 09:38 PM
Hows about this for an idea....... Using part of anyname's story (all until the bit going into spira)

Ultimecia begins the compression of time again, and in each of the lands used in the ff games, a portal opens (a la FF5) which allows passage to another world, convienently all of the chars from the ff games are gathered at these portal and they all jump in "sensing a disturbance in the force" (is that you Darth?) When they arrive, there are two Yuna's and two Rikku's (Hello Rikku and Yuna lovers, today is your lucky day!) and one of every other character. The problem is, Ultimecia, also opened a portal into the Zero World (from FF9), which is where every defeated boss from every FF has somehow ended up. This "jailbreak" has incited talk of revenge among the bosses and they team up to defeat each other's enemies in a common goal.......

The other's however are having problems with Yuna and Yuna and Rikku and Rikku
Tidus suggests both try summoning but Squall reminds them that GF's are still present in this parallel universe, so both would be able to summon....]

Anyways, blah blah blah, big battle involving fate of world, like any other FF then

01-31-2005, 04:44 AM
here is one way to link them all together.
One day, Tidus went to sleep and he had a dream. In his dream he met all the characters from the final fantasy series and they were in a crisis. An evil sorcerer threaten to destroy them and its up to tidus and everyone else tto save the land. Easy huh?

01-31-2005, 09:34 PM

once upon atime there was a shitty company named Square that made crappy games. they was going outt buisness so they only had one chance to make a game to stay in the buisness. they know that whatever they was gonna think of was gonna be horrible, so they said they'll call it Final Fantasy, cause it was they're final game they was gonna make. so they went into the game making room and smoked some joint and got reeeeeeealy high and that's when they drew the characters and the monsters. then they looked at old Star wars episodes, and that's where they got the stories. then they sold it.

repeat 11 times. there. u got the whole series. ^_^

02-01-2005, 02:53 AM
Dont bring Star Wars into this Conversation.....I think that personally Starwars had nothing to do with Final Fantasy...It was The Grimmlon Movie...or maybe the tele tubies.....something demented like that...not star wars..Star wars is awsome...Especially when Anikan turns to the dark side...

In order to make something so perfect like final fantasy, you must combine the worst...

02-01-2005, 09:01 PM

they could call it "ff cash in".

02-02-2005, 11:27 AM
i just dont think its possible u cant link all of them together

02-02-2005, 11:37 AM
Here is my theory.

Each of the final fantasies are in different universes. And time is no concern. Some of the galaxys' times travel faster and slower. One planet aware of all of these galaxies feels great evil from their galaxy. They summon all the heroes from the different games but as they appear, they find out all their strength has been sapped. This is because of the teleporter that brought them there weakened them. They have no idea who everybody is or where they are. They just sit in silence staring at the person who brought them there..... To be continued

02-02-2005, 06:26 PM
Why is this sounding like Star Trek?

02-03-2005, 12:22 AM
lol, i dont know. I just pulled it out of my arse :-)

02-03-2005, 01:31 AM
SPACE, the final frontier, these are the voyages, of the Starship enterprise....Just kidding ultimateFFFan, but none the less, I still think the stories these people right are very good...


Well that's ok, as long as the chocobo your passing isn't one of mine....that would freak me =)

02-03-2005, 10:49 PM
Hitler's zombie rises from the dead and he revives the FF7 cast with his dark powers (Because ff7 sucked) Allof the other FF peeps are suddenlt shot to earth on crystal spear meteors all of a sudden WW3 Hitler dies and so does every FF7 person resulting in Squall becoming the pres of the united states

teh end!

02-06-2005, 11:01 PM
i think its going to be great if they bring them all together,remember there's always a difrent story for every caracter in every ff and its going to be very hard to make a game like that. i think the best way to make it is to line up all the players where you choose one and make your way into the world with the story of the one you choose.
with options which way to go not knowing who you going to find fighting them or getting them to help you that way you want to make the right choice to find the one you want to be part of your team that way when the game is done you will play again to make up the perfect team. just think how it would be if a ff like that was on the internet and you can make up your own ff guy or girl. me the hero fighting you to win your trust to be on my team and if i lose then i must go your way

oh sorry for the spelling

02-07-2005, 05:49 PM
Hitler's zombie rises from the dead and he revives the FF7 cast with his dark powers (Because ff7 sucked) Allof the other FF peeps are suddenlt shot to earth on crystal spear meteors all of a sudden WW3 Hitler dies and so does every FF7 person resulting in Squall becoming the pres of the united states

teh end!

Man, that sounds like wolfenstien...

Thats cool to, Blade600

02-08-2005, 01:23 PM
I dun think FFVII S** becoz... I thought it was one of the FF games that had the better storyline.... No offence though... =D

matt damon
02-13-2005, 10:53 PM
wow, alot of people have posted.i'm suprised.ok, well, i guess i'll put the rest of my story up.everyone keep in mind that this is an outline; it's not all definite.

after ultimecia kills the bosses she thinks are weak, she then turns to sin, sephiroth, and vegnagun(if it is there).she tells them that she wants to fuse with them so she can get her revenge on squall and seed. they say no and teleport away(i guess.can sephiroth teleport??i don't know.i haven't played 7)ultimecia is left fuming, but then regains her calm.she smiles plans to just wait untill the time is right. she then goes back to her castle.

it goes back to squall and everybody. they are all in panic because they don't know what's happening. suddenly, they are attacked by monsters. yuna tries to summon shiva, but it doesn't work.everyone else tries to summon ther GF, summon, whatever you want to call it. it doesn't work. they defeat the monsters but are afraid and worried about their summons.

02-13-2005, 10:54 PM
This is awesome. my name is hinrobu sakaguchi and I would like to hire you to be top head designer on my next game.

matt damon
02-13-2005, 11:17 PM
they get into an airship and fly over the planet.they see that it is in complete disarray. when the worlds combined, it was in the literal sense.there are pieces of every FF world on the planet. "some of spira is here, a little bit of 8 is over there."

and, as they are flying, they see little spots of discoloration.they land and check one of them out.

sorry, i have to leave you guys in suspense.i have to go now.i'll post as soon as i can.bye!

Red Suit
02-21-2005, 11:08 AM
Dude! that is so wierd, i had outlined a plot that sounds quite a bit like that! well without Vegnagun (i try my best to forget X-2, even though i only played around an hour in or so)

dyne trance
02-21-2005, 07:50 PM
Final Fantasy VIII would be a nice one to string them all together cuz time get's compressed so everytime is at the same time

matt damon
02-22-2005, 01:13 AM
cool.ok, i have time to post now!

"they get into an airship and fly over the planet.they see that it is in complete disarray. when the worlds combined, it was in the literal sense.there are pieces of every FF world on the planet. "some of spira is here, a little bit of 8 is over there."

and, as they are flying, they see little spots of discoloration.they land and check one of them out." - i'm continuing from here.

ok, i haven't really thought this part out completely.i'm going to make it so that the portals turn out to be portals that show the different FF worlds.(but that doesn't really make sense.oh well, i change it later) these portals are where the summons will come from. i'm not sure, but maybe they will get shiva from this portal.

i gtg, but i'll post later, as soon as i have a chance.

02-22-2005, 01:26 AM
Alternate planes it to easy to pull off. You'd need to know all of the Final Fantasies in and out. If I were to do it, I would first set up a Timeline based on technology. Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X on one side. Because of guns and large modern like cities. From there I would say Final Fantasy X is the last time wise. Then Final Fantasy VII and then Final Fantasy VIII. There would be a large gap inbetween VII and X. Also one inbetween Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII.

From there is gets a bit weird. It IX obviously isn't as advanced as VII, but it has a large sword and talks about Cloud a bit. The only two explainations...

1) Cloud somehow went back in time.
2) When sin first arrived in Zanarkan, they had to go back to Swords and Armor.

I don't want to go into detail because this is a cheap theory. The alternate relaity thing you said, is what we assume. They have no conncection they live on different worlds, they will never meet. Unless Cid Highwind gets into space and crash lands into Spira, cause Sin to form, because Humans take advantage of Technology to much.

grn apple tree
02-22-2005, 01:26 AM
You should make this into like a story or something like that. I think it would make a good story.

02-22-2005, 01:55 AM
You should make this into like a story or something like that. I think it would make a good story.

I sure hope you weren't talking about mine.

grn apple tree
02-22-2005, 10:33 PM
I sure hope you weren't talking about mine.
Oh sorry it was meant to the guy who posted this thread. No offense or anything.

matt damon
02-23-2005, 10:39 PM
oh.thanks guys!do you really think that it's good?

well, i'm going to coninue posting

well, i'm going to continue with my story.

ok, well, they all get in their airship and fly to esther or balamb, i'm not sure. well, at the sity, they find that that is where a lot of the FF people are gathered. this is where yuna meets a girl which i have decided to call Iskia(does anyone have any suggestions for the name?i kinda want to change it to something better). this girl will go with yuna and everybody on their jouney.

well, it turns out that ultimecia's plan is to fuse with sephiroth and sin.then she is going to use vegnegun to blow a portal throught the fabric of space. from the portal, outside of the rules of time and space (since all the universes are combined, there is only one universe, and she will be outside of it), she will rule the universe. and, that is where she will get her revenge on seed and squall. well, since vegnegun senses hostility, it runs away from ultimecia everytime she tries to get it. she decides to go after sin instead.

she finds sin laying waste to the cities around the world.she has to fight it to weaken it, because it doesn't want to fuse with it. after she weakens it, she fuses and comes out as this ugly, fat, bulbous mass. next, with her powers raised, she goes after sephiroth.

when she finds sephiroth, she sees that squall and everybody are one step ahead of her. they are protecting sephiroth and are trying to stop her from fusing. the start to fight her, but they can't touch her with physical weapons. they try magic, but it's to weak. they try using the summons they have collected so far, but she easily dispatches them. with their defences gone, all they can do is cower in fear and hope that they won't get killed. ultimecia then, starts fighting sephiroth. this is a mighty battle. but, eventually, she defeats him. she then fuses with him.

when she fuses with him, i picture like, bright light coming from them. it's so bright that everyone has to look away. then, i picture, like, some kind of wave that shoots out from ultimecia fusing with sephiroth. as this beam/wave thing passes over the land, it takes away all the sound and color. and goes around the entire world. then, they finish fusing. a bright light is still eminating from her. another wave thing shoots out from her body in all directions(it's kinda hard to describe this on the computer.if i was in person, it would be easy.ok, you know how when you drop a rock or something in still water, it causes ripples?well, it's like that, but, instead of many rings, it's one giant ring that goes around the world). this new wave returns all the sound and color to the world. then, the light coming from ultimecia's body starts to fade.when it is gone, squall and everybody look at ultimecia. they see that she has become the most beautiful woman ever to have existed. she is perfect, and they are all captured by her spell.

squall and everybody(everybody is tidua, yuna, rinoa, cloud, eiris or tifa, and iskia) are captured by her beauty. they can't think of anything but serving her and making her happy.they bow down at her feet. she smirks an evil smile and commands them to build her a castle worthy of her presence. the only person who is not affected by ultimecia's spell thingy is Iskia (you'll find out why later). she is just pretending to be like everyone else . so, after ultimecia tells them to build her a castle, she leaves. iskia then makes everyone snap out of the spell. they board the airship and head for vegnagun.

ultimecia finds vegnagun in a field in the middle of a forest. she still can't get on vegenagun; it still runs from her. she hears the airship approaching and quickly teleports away.she is still watching (using her new powers, she can she what's happening in other places) bur, she is not in the field.she is far away. the airship lands a little ways from vegnagun and all the poeple get out. the hide in the trees at the edge of the clearing, and start talking about what they are going to do.each one of them tries to walk towards vegnagun, but as soon as they take a step towards it, it backs away a few feet.the only one left to try is iskia(keep in mind that she is only about 10 - 12 years old). she takes a step towards vegnagun and it doesn't move.they others tell her to keep on going foward. she is terrified, but manages to get right up to vegnagun.she is leaning against it, and it still hasn't moved.

she climbs up to the top of vegnagun.she is standing at the controls and is looking puzzeled.she doesn't know what to do. suddenly, ultimecia realizes something as she is watching them. she prepares her powers and........
........Iskia has like, a convulsion or something. she then starts to control vegnagun. everyone at the edge of the clearing jump out and start yelling. they are asking her what she's doing and are telling her to stop. yuna tells her that she will never get back to spira and her parents if she keeps on controlling vegnagun (iskia is also from spira). she does stop, and turns to look at them all. she starts to speak. " Foolish could never stop my plan. now, i shall have my revenge." ultimecia has taken control of iskia! yup, that means that iskia is a sorceress.

wow!i got really into it.i didn't realize the time. i have to go.but i'll try to post as soon as can.bye!

02-24-2005, 05:18 PM

moving to fiction and poetry, although part of me wants to move it to the technical discussion archive and leave no redirect. ;-)

02-25-2005, 03:16 AM
This topic makes me want to die.
I just experienced sadness and embarassment at the same time thanks to it.

matt damon
02-25-2005, 11:05 PM
what?why does it make you want to die?how were you saddened and embaressed?

are you saying that it's bad?

oh well.i don't care if you think it's bad.i'm still going to continue to post. ok, let's see, where did i leave off?? oh yeah!iskia was being controlled by ultimecia

actually, i haven't really thought that far.i'm open to any ideas that anyone has to continue the story

03-04-2005, 06:05 PM
Alright, check this:

Do kinda like a Star Trek thing, and put in some kind of Temperal Nexus and have all their worlds fuse into one, then we come to find out it's all just a dream of somebodies, possibly Cloud's or Yuna's, but in the end, one of the people pop in out of the middle of nowhere, and that dream starts to become true...
To be concluded...

It even leaves room for a sequel.
Sounds better for a movie plot.

matt damon
03-04-2005, 10:54 PM
hmmm....that's good.i was actually going to do something like that.i was going to have everyone go back to their own worlds to the time before the worlds's going to be on yuna's perspective.she's going to try to do the awakening again(remember, that's the sending backwards, and it brings everybody back).this time, it won't work, and yuna will join rikku and paine and become a member of the gullwings.(by the way, when they go back to their worlds, they forget what happened)

03-09-2005, 06:01 PM
Eh. They should end up on another planet. Like the very fisrt one, with Garland.
And the heros are fighting along side the light Warriors.

I think they should do the perspective of the badguys, though.

This time, It will have the badguys as main characters, and they win. But when they win, Garland sends them all back to their own worlds so they can keep living, and the badguys can rule the world they fought for.

That way everyonee is happy.

03-10-2005, 02:23 AM
You all are genious's...I bow to your magnificent storywriting...Good job...

03-10-2005, 07:11 AM
this is good stuff you could be like a story maker or somethign

03-10-2005, 12:57 PM
No it isn't.
It's trite hastily put together claptrap.

03-10-2005, 07:49 PM
You should put in a chase sequence. Squall can flee on horseback with Tifa, and Cloud will come after them on a motorcycle.

You can't go wrong with technology versus horses.

Just for the record, I love Adaptation.

mr. patterson
03-10-2005, 09:42 PM
this is good stuff you could be like a story maker or somethign

ah, the art of making stories out of faeces and twigs

03-25-2005, 09:22 PM
i do, but i don't feel like posting it....i'm just kidding.i feel embarresed.
maybe each final fantasy is in a time period like for ffx for instance after x there was x-2 and that was 2years ago after x so maybe each final fantasy there was started at a different time period im not sure at all just wondering =). =)

03-26-2005, 12:04 AM

blah yaaaaaaaa

Help i need help with something some 1 pm me!

03-26-2005, 12:32 AM
You should put in a chase sequence. Squall can flee on horseback with Tifa, and Cloud will come after them on a motorcycle.

You can't go wrong with technology versus horses.

Just for the record, I love Adaptation.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, god yes.

Anyway, this should be closed.

03-26-2005, 05:58 AM
So let me get this straight. You all are brainstorming ideas, putting the ideas in a box and calling the brainstormed ideas a story?

ok, well, they all get in their airship and fly to esther or balamb, i'm not sure. well, at the sity, they find that that is where a lot of the FF people are gathered. this is where yuna meets a girl which i have decided to call Iskia(does anyone have any suggestions for the name?i kinda want to change it to something better). this girl will go with yuna and everybody on their jouney.

I like how you talk with people from the forum in your story. You really should become a story writer. Of course, it isnt't very hard to do what you just did. In fact I will do something like what you just right now only it will be a thousand times better because I use characters and I don't talk to others. Voila here you are sir:

A dust covered, ragged traveller enters the city. He walks to the inn and sees a woman with a staff. He sits down at her table and orders a drink. After an exchange of pleasantries the woman hands the ragged traveller a piece of paper.

It reads:

Destroy the dragon gaurding the road. Then collect the herbs at the gate. However, to get to the herbs you need a magical key. To get the magical key, you have to travel to the underworld and Beat Hades. But to get to Hades through the underworld, you need to fight Cerebus. In order to defeat Cerebus you need a fire armor that you can only find across the ocean...

***300 pages later***

...And then defeat the giant dragon and save the princess.

The traveller looks up at the woman and smiles.

"My name is Tai. When are you going to be ready?"
"We are already ready. My name is Yuna."

Yuna and Tai walk out and are greeted by six others and they begin their journey.


matt damon
03-27-2005, 04:16 AM
um...hmm....i am truly stumped on how to respond to your post, dragoncurry.ok, here i go. what we are doing in this thread is that i am telling people about my story and they are offering criticism and suggestions. they are also posting their own story ideas.ok, next, i was not writing my story on this thread, i was only putting a summary of my story. i want to thank you for saying that i should become a story writer. on that note, i want to thank everyone that posted positive things about my story and offered constructive criticism. and i want to give a big "F^&# YOU!" to the ones that posted negative comments, keep those things to yourself. i also want to say that your story is good also. well, if you want to call it a story, it's kinda short. well, what you posted is good, i'll say that.

03-27-2005, 04:57 AM
No, it was not a story at all. It was a summary of all RPGs in general. And why linking them is pretty pointless. I can never understand why people think Final Fantasy has a good plot. It doesn't. You have a hero with some problems with his past. You have 6 other people thrown in there, just to supplement the hero and then the hero goes and saves the world. I don't think it is a good sory at all. It is a damn cliche. In Final Fantasy, you just go from one place to another doing random things in order to be a high enough level to beat the Final boss.

If you wanted to link them together then you have 7 heros with problems and then the story would be much more interesting since they don't have 6 perfect party members to lean on for support. However, all your story is doing is strengthening my point that all Final Fantasies are cliches of : Man walks around with a party and then the Man saves the World. I see no conflict, no nothing in your story. Just action, action and some more action. That doesn't make a good story at all.

03-27-2005, 06:07 PM
No, it was not a story at all. It was a summary of all RPGs in general. And why linking them is pretty pointless. I can never understand why people think Final Fantasy has a good plot. It doesn't. You have a hero with some problems with his past. You have 6 other people thrown in there, just to supplement the hero and then the hero goes and saves the world. I don't think it is a good sory at all. It is a damn cliche. In Final Fantasy, you just go from one place to another doing random things in order to be a high enough level to beat the Final boss.

If you wanted to link them together then you have 7 heros with problems and then the story would be much more interesting since they don't have 6 perfect party members to lean on for support. However, all your story is doing is strengthening my point that all Final Fantasies are cliches of : Man walks around with a party and then the Man saves the World. I see no conflict, no nothing in your story. Just action, action and some more action. That doesn't make a good story at all.
You forgot some sort of past betrayal, and then a present one. Or a good guy who TURNS BAD. Or a bad guy who turns good.

03-27-2005, 09:10 PM
Oh yeah! Thanks mr.monkeyman!

matt damon
03-27-2005, 09:14 PM
hm...well, ok.i guess i'll give you that.but, they all do have their own plots.i didn't right everything, just basic stuff. i didn't have time to post everything.

05-19-2005, 01:38 PM
man, i think its a good idea but the general story line is f*cked up completely.
rethink it and actually play the games so you know what your talking about.
if you have played the games then sorry but ikia ( or whatever the girls name is) is a norse name. final fantasy charcters have japanese/asian names.o.k.

05-19-2005, 10:56 PM

I challenge you to point out even one of those names that's japanese or asian. And that's just off the top of my head, so i'm sure there's a lot more.

05-20-2005, 10:58 PM
Barret, Dyne, RedXIII, Cid, Shera, Rude, Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, Marlene, Amarant. LMAO

matt damon
06-20-2005, 06:47 AM
man, i think its a good idea but the general story line is f*cked up completely.
rethink it and actually play the games so you know what your talking about.
if you have played the games then sorry but ikia ( or whatever the girls name is) is a norse name. final fantasy charcters have japanese/asian names.o.k.

um, look asshole, i have played the games, so shut the fuck up.(sorry for the language)and no, they do not all have asian names. what about Lulu? or Freya?? oh, and by the way, her name was Iskia, and i got her name by the italian pronunciation of one of the islands off the coast of Italy


Thank you!