12-19-2015, 08:59 PM
this absolutely needed its own thread...

Before I go on I just want to tell everyone reading That None of this can be proven true, I simply came up with this explanation after reading several articles on the episodic release of Final fantasy 7. But this is what I believe is going to happen.

So I have been doing a lot of reading about the remake over the last few days, and this is my conclusion of what I believe they are doing by releasing it "episodic".
these are bold claims but to me this is what it seems it is coming to....They want to make all of us happy, weather it be the battle system, storyline, overall gameplay, they want everyone to be satisfied with this game. because if they Fck this up, it will be THE END of square enix. The end of there console games anyways... So here it is.
1. I believe what we seen n 2005 was not a tech demo, but part of what is going to be released as the new FInal Fantasy 7, wich would mean that this games been in production for 10-12 years aleady (assuming they have put some time into it before the tech demo). The graphics between the tech demo and the new gameplay footage is clearly using the same graphics engine... There claims of how huge the game is that it wont fit on multiple blu ray discs, hense the episodic release. So What in the world could make this game so huge that it wouldn't fit even on a single blu ray disc? since blu ray has plenty of storage room, they could fit every final fantasy made on 1 disc probably and release it....This leads me to believe that this "Final Fantasy 7" remake is not only going to be the oriinal FF7 Remade , But They are going to be releasing The entire Final Fantasy 7 "saga" you would call it, in multiple episodes, more then likely starting with Final fantasy 7crisis core(of course completely remade and upgraded).... . Why else would they be releasing it in episodes?? I mean how would your experience and materia,weapons and equipment carry over??????? IT WOULD NOT! simply because you will finish one of the storys and head straight into the next when it is released. with new characters, new weapons and equipment.. If square were to release The original Final fantasy 7 remake in episodes , And only that, It would piss off a lot of people, especially if they had to pay for each release of the original game.... .. . if squenix were to take the entire plot of final fantasy 7 and remade every single game, it would be as massive as they make it seem, this is the only coclusion I can come to that would force them to release it episodic..... if all of this is true and im praying it I, here is the list of games leading up to the events of Final fantasy 7. And the order they might be released in. Were just gonna knock out dirge of cereberus because we all know and square knows of its disappointment, maybe throw it in as a side quest after the original FF7 is completed...DLC? of course not the same game, it would to have to be completely redone.
Final fantasy 7-crisis core - Loved it, would be even better with a updated world, new control scheme, everything the same as The original Final fantasy 7 remake will be.
Final Fantasy 7-Before crisis- Never played it, heard great things. Would be awesoe to have this in our episodic release of ff7.
and then finally the grand finale, Final Fanasy VII- Remade, from top to bottom.

Everyone who doubted square over the last 10 years would be back and welcome them with open arms. if this is what there plans are. it is going to be a huge release and will definitely easily sell 5x more then the original...they make up for a lot of changes that pull old fans away , and draw us back in with this gigantic Final Fantasy 7 Saga.

Sorry For any grammer mistakes I may have made, its just, well, the thoughts of this is making me want to shat in my pants... I truly believe that I may be on to something .

This release has to be something special, one of the most beloved games of all time, something must be done, and it has to be done with this.. if they pull this off, all other companies will submit to squenix. they have to do something that is going to pull in New school and old school gamers, hell gamers of all genres. This my friends.......THIS is it.

12-22-2015, 04:09 AM
There claims of how huge the game is that it wont fit on multiple blu ray discs, hense the episodic release. So What in the world could make this game so huge that it wouldn't fit even on a single blu ray disc? since blu ray has plenty of storage room, they could fit every final fantasy made on 1 disc probably and release it....
My theory is that it contains so many cinematic cutscenes that it's longer than the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, and they can't fit all those cutscenes on a single disc. So they have to release it in parts, like the Hobbit trilogy. Also, the obvious answer: more installments = more money.

they want everyone to be satisfied with this game. because if they Fck this up, it will be THE END of square enix.
Fate's not that kind.