12-15-2015, 06:50 PM

Track List
1. The Carpathians, A Gutsul Land, Forgotten By God and People
2. Funeral for a Brother & Murder of a Father
3. "May God Send Plague Onto Them, and Death on Their Cattle!"
4. Ivan & Marichka
5. Growing Up In Love
6. Dance/ "We'll Never be Together"
7. Going/ Meadow
8. Star/ Hunt/ Marichka Falls
9. "What a Horrible Death You Found"/ Deer at the Grave & Loneliness
10. Religious Visions
11. Rejuvenation
12. Ivan & Palagna
13. Ivan & Palagna: Wedding Ritual
14. Workdays
15. Christmas
16. Tomorrow Is Spring: Palagna Practiced Sorcery
17. Sorceror: "He's God To Us. People Feared Him, Yet They Needed Him."
18. The Tavern/ Struck Down by the Sorceror's Axe
19. Ivan's Death
20. "Remember Me Ivanko, At Least Twice a Day. I Remember You Seven Times and Hour."
21. Pieta
22. Children's Faces in the Window/ End!Ww5UQSAS!VjOQ_-g9KSfh7c3VuxW2lQ


12-15-2015, 08:43 PM
What an awesome find! Paradjanov was amazing! Didn't know there had every been soundtracks released to any of his pictures.

Thanks a lot!

12-15-2015, 08:57 PM
Great upload!
Thank you, my friend, for reminding me of this great but so unfortunate artist!

Anocha Suwichakornpong
12-15-2015, 08:59 PM
There's nothing like a Parajanov movie...

12-15-2015, 09:34 PM
Truth be told, this guy bores me to tears. Better Bergman's "Death of God" Trilogy set to bagpipes than this slog. But, I've never seen a soundtrack from a Parajonov film and was sure some of you would appreciate it. Enjoy.

12-16-2015, 12:23 AM
Thank you