12-15-2015, 08:38 AM
I mean Sparktank.

Some of you knew.
Some of you forgot.
Some of you didn't. (knew; not approriate placement after the word "forgot")

I declare all people reveal their other accounts.

I don't care why.

I do it because.
You ask a child why, you get "because".


12-15-2015, 08:57 AM
You're saying... You're Sparktank? You cheeky bastard..;)

James (The Disney Guy)
12-15-2015, 09:07 AM
Is this really spark? Is there any hope this is a lie? Are we in a mirror universe?
All these answers and more. Tune in next week same bat time. Same bat channel.

12-15-2015, 10:18 AM
Going to sleep and waking up to the Electra thread going weird and now this ... WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TOO!

I don't know what to trust anymore, is up really up and not actually down? Are dogs not cats? Is FLAC really lossless?

12-15-2015, 10:34 AM

It's really me.

I took a break to win some games at Poker.
Stud poker. 1 draw, zero wild cards.

I am winning.

---------- Post added at 04:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

Going to sleep and waking up to the Electra thread going weird and now this ... WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TOO!

I don't know what to trust anymore, is up really up and not actually down? Are dogs not cats? Is FLAC really lossless?

Who daquf are you?
2011, 303 posts.

12-15-2015, 11:00 AM
Who daquf are you?
2011, 303 posts.

*Shrug* I'm me. I lurk a lot, have long periods of inactivity (I think there was a year where I didn't come here at all) and then pop in for a bit and then vanish again.

12-15-2015, 11:37 AM
I am all of me.

12-15-2015, 11:43 AM
As you should be, no point in splitting yourself into shards. Splinters are such painful things :)

12-15-2015, 11:45 AM
I'm as edgy as Shadow the Hedgehog

12-15-2015, 12:27 PM
All of you, feeling so special with multiple accounts and else...

12-15-2015, 12:55 PM
All of you, feeling so special with multiple accounts and else...

Just the one for me. I don't manage to stay on top with the one I have never mind adding a second.

12-15-2015, 02:04 PM
All of you, feeling so special with multiple accounts and else...

Oooh! Rimshot!
you got me.
and literally everyone else here.

It has nothing to do with extra accounts.

It's just a matter of not trusting you.

DAK said that I, Sparktank, only say good things to play the good part for the part of politics.

I don't treat extra accounts to play against the politics of the forum.
I act nice. Nicer than anyone has seen Sparktank treat people.

Don't act like this revolutionary.

Your opinion is only that: Yours.
I never made any delus

We don't feel special that we need to create secondary or "multiple" accounts.
It's just that we don't trust the likes of you. You who hold others in such high esteem. And for what?
Your own seflish ideals???
Who are you AFMG that you are so singular that you must revered as such?
Must we keep tabs on everyone???
Based on personal goals that you will never achieve that you must emphasize on other members to excel yourself???

C'mon. We are alll guilty of being vain and egomaniacs.
We're guilty, but not responsible (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208874/quotes?item=qt1933457).

Grow up.
So you have only one account and can keep away from the mundane shit that the download section thrives upon.
People like Darth Raven thrive on our hate because he knows we have nothing better to do.
We have no life.
We force all uploaders to use lossless formats and then shit on them when they don't comply.

Don't give me your shit when you got nothing to work with.
You're just a flea in this circus that is bigger than you can comprehend.

People like me, Zaralyth, DAK, Lockdown, Skeleton, and others can comprehend as something so childish it needs no recognition.
You stating yourself as innocent is only ever meant to distract ourselves from thinking you had any part to play in the first play.

You can't call shit out and then immediately say "no turnseys-backsies".
It doesn't work ant time it suites you.
Just remember, AFMG, none of this involved.

This was entirely between DAK and Lockdown.
Then he made it open to everyone else. So I stepped in to defend Lockdown.
No one else defended Lockdown, even when he was called a friend at that point.

So fuck you. Fuck DAK. And fuck anyone who thinks high and mighty of themselves over such a pittiful thing that means nothing in the end.

It's time to grow up and pick a side.
Because I said "fuck you" to you, that's no reason to back down and become a DAK.
You've got your choices.
The nicest ones aren't always the just ones.
Why should you judge others like that when you're just a newb that relies on the word of others for nothing?
I've proved in the other thread that simple logic amounts to shit.
Go ahead and take DAKs logic over reason.
This forum desverves the shit it gets.
Every member is so high and mighty and deserving of what it gets, I say people like Zaralyth and Electra only show what the forum is worth.

And I've said the forum is worth shit over the years.
I am proved time and time again.

As I've told DAK:
Think about that, hotshot.

12-15-2015, 03:10 PM

12-15-2015, 03:17 PM
I am Groot.

James (The Disney Guy)
12-15-2015, 03:54 PM
I am Groot.


---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

Oooh! Rimshot!
you got me.
and literally everyone else here.

It has nothing to do with extra accounts.

It's just a matter of not trusting you.

DAK said that I, Sparktank, only say good things to play the good part for the part of politics.

I don't treat extra accounts to play against the politics of the forum.
I act nice. Nicer than anyone has seen Sparktank treat people.

Don't act like this revolutionary.

Your opinion is only that: Yours.
I never made any delus

We don't feel special that we need to create secondary or "multiple" accounts.
It's just that we don't trust the likes of you. You who hold others in such high esteem. And for what?
Your own seflish ideals???
Who are you AFMG that you are so singular that you must revered as such?
Must we keep tabs on everyone???
Based on personal goals that you will never achieve that you must emphasize on other members to excel yourself???

C'mon. We are alll guilty of being vain and egomaniacs.
We're guilty, but not responsible (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208874/quotes?item=qt1933457).

Grow up.
So you have only one account and can keep away from the mundane shit that the download section thrives upon.
People like Darth Raven thrive on our hate because he knows we have nothing better to do.
We have no life.
We force all uploaders to use lossless formats and then shit on them when they don't comply.

Don't give me your shit when you got nothing to work with.
You're just a flea in this circus that is bigger than you can comprehend.

People like me, Zaralyth, DAK, Lockdown, Skeleton, and others can comprehend as something so childish it needs no recognition.
You stating yourself as innocent is only ever meant to distract ourselves from thinking you had any part to play in the first play.

You can't call shit out and then immediately say "no turnseys-backsies".
It doesn't work ant time it suites you.
Just remember, AFMG, none of this involved.

This was entirely between DAK and Lockdown.
Then he made it open to everyone else. So I stepped in to defend Lockdown.
No one else defended Lockdown, even when he was called a friend at that point.

So fuck you. Fuck DAK. And fuck anyone who thinks high and mighty of themselves over such a pittiful thing that means nothing in the end.

It's time to grow up and pick a side.
Because I said "fuck you" to you, that's no reason to back down and become a DAK.
You've got your choices.
The nicest ones aren't always the just ones.
Why should you judge others like that when you're just a newb that relies on the word of others for nothing?
I've proved in the other thread that simple logic amounts to shit.
Go ahead and take DAKs logic over reason.
This forum desverves the shit it gets.
Every member is so high and mighty and deserving of what it gets, I say people like Zaralyth and Electra only show what the forum is worth.

And I've said the forum is worth shit over the years.
I am proved time and time again.

As I've told DAK:
Think about that, hotshot.

Holy SHI---COW!

12-15-2015, 04:11 PM
I am the egg man,

I am the walrus,

Coo coo cachoo.

12-15-2015, 04:52 PM
I am legend. No really, I am a Clone Trooper and the Master Chief merged into one, I am practically a legend by now.

12-15-2015, 05:36 PM
I am Groot.



12-16-2015, 06:53 AM
Your opinion is only that: Yours.

You do realize I don't really give a damn and I was just joking, right? Sorry if my sarcasm didn't reach. And thanks, I guess. First time I've been mentioned with such passion around here :D