View Full Version : Thread 197758">Claudio Simonetti ‎� Masters Of Horror: Jenifer / Pelts (FLAC, 2008)

12-15-2015, 02:44 AM
Claudio Simonetti ‎� Masters Of Horror: Jenifer / Pelts (FLAC, 2008)

1 Jenifer's Lullaby 0:32
2 Saving Jenifer 3:15
3 At The Police Station 0:45
4 Frank Comes Home 1:28
5 Memories Of Violence 1:23
6 Frank And Jenifer 1:37
7 Jenifer Goes To Bed 0:57
8 Walking In The Night 1:24
9 The Bite 0:06
10 Jenifer 0:53
11 Jenifer Seduces Frank 2:39
12 Making Love 1:37
13 Jenifer Meets Amy 0:37
14 Back Home 2:41
15 At The Circus 1:08
16 No More, Jenifer! 1:56
17 Inside The Freezer 0:38
18 Escape From The City 3:14
19 Frank's Desperation 1:14
20 Jenifer Looks Out Of The Window 0:26
21 Frank Spyed By Jenifer 0:30
22 Terror In The Forest 1:45
23 Dragged Into The Forest 2:30
24 Jenifer Medley (End Titles) 3:14

25 Pelts (Main Theme) 1:56
26 Trapped Raccoons 4:18
27 Maddened By Pelts 1:31
28 Sweet Death Harmony 1:34
29 Killing Dad 0:41
30 Discovering The Pelts 1:06
31 Suspence In The Laboratory 0:59
32 Face In The Trap 2:36
33 Pelts In The Car 2:14
34 Suicide In The Car 1:23
35 Chinese Theme 1:19
36 The Old Witch 6:45
37 Sewing Up Her Face 1:57
38 Madness In The Dark 1:10
39 Raped For A Pelt 2:05
40 Sweeth Death Harmony (Reprise) 1:34
41 Death In The Elevator 2:44
42 Sweeth Death Harmony (Solo Voice) 0:31
43 Pelts (End Titles) 1:18!yQ4ynJIY!g9ltAGjQIr-HNk35pCsBpmDi8gaLOBS_8adVykdP9Uc

Written by: Goon

I remember a couple years ago when Mick Garris and Showtime first announced the development of the Masters of Horror series. Everyone was really excited about the project and I think it has in some ways surprised the doubters that were skeptical. The first season went off with a bit of a snag with a couple directors dropping out and dealing with the new one hour format. So with season 2 coming up I was sure that the directors who were returning would definetly improve. In Dario Argento's case I would say he definetly did that with Pelts.

In the story Jake (Meat Loaf) is a crazy eyed fur trader who is in love with a stripper. Unforutnately for him she doesn't dig guys and even if she did I doubt she would like the slaughter house smell that must emanate from Jakes direction. One day he gets a call from one of his "buisness partners" that he has just gotten his hands on some raccoon pelts like he has never seen. Soon Jake finds himself in possession of some amazing looking pelts that seek bloody revenge on whoever comes in contact with them.

Once again KNB have really outdone themselves on another of Dario Argento's episodes for the series. They did everything from smashing faces with baseball bats to a kick ass skinning of human flesh. Everyone of the deaths that they did the work on had something to do with exactly what they did with the pelts. If you remember anything from "Jenifer" take that and times it by five. The actors in this episode had to have been real troopers to be able to put up with all the Karo syrup that was spilled.

Speaking of the cast I should note that along with Meat Loaf the legendary John Saxon (Black Christmas, Nightmare On Elm Street) makes a great appearence. His role of the "buisness partner" was very well played and was definetly very cool to see come back to the horror genre once again. Not unlike Argentos first entry into the show Pelts also includes a lot of nudity. Almost half of the short takes place in a strip club so expect alot of breasts. Boobs and blood always make for a great combination in horror.

One of the very cool aspects in most of Argento's work is the scores that accompany his films. Of course once again he went with Claudio Simonetti formerly of the group Goblin. I think every horror fan knows Goblin as the fantastic group who worked on Dawn of the Dead. In the Pelts episode it is Simonetti's perfect score that really adds to each of the scenes where the raccoon pelts appear. It is almost a dreamlike song that is used to set the people into a trance before they get whats coming to them.

Now onto the DVD itself. Last year season one started off strong with some great artwork in my opinion. But soon Anchor Bay threw all of it away and beginning with Joe Dante's Homecoming they began using some very poor looking art. But as the series progressed the art work got better and they began to focus more on the episode as a standalone really rather than part of a series. With Pelts launching Season 2 it looks like they will be continuing with that. The art work is great and all of the DVD features fit into the Pelts theme. This being Dario Argento's second episode they did away with the retrospective featurette.

I have to say I am rather pleased with what Anchor Bay is doing with the Season 2 Masters of Horror DVD's if they keep this up. The episode itself is great with enough boobs and blood for any horror fan. I know the female fans will dig Meat Loaf when he does his shirtless scene. But seriously this is a true blue Argento film. If you have been a fan of his for some time you know exactly what to expect. A great DVD for one of the great episodes of the Masters of Horror.

12-15-2015, 01:01 PM
Thank you very much.

12-15-2015, 04:04 PM
Thank you for share.

12-15-2015, 04:36 PM
Thank you share!

12-15-2015, 08:43 PM

12-16-2015, 12:07 AM
thank you

12-16-2015, 11:35 PM
Thank you !!

12-18-2015, 09:17 AM
I have it in mp3, thanks for the upgrade in FLAC! FLAC POWER! ^^

02-13-2016, 02:08 PM
Thank You !!!

02-13-2016, 02:15 PM
Thanks a lot Laohu!

02-13-2016, 02:44 PM
thanks a lot

02-13-2016, 08:35 PM
Thank you!

02-14-2016, 05:05 AM
Thanks for sharing.

02-14-2016, 07:17 PM
Thanks very much.

02-14-2016, 08:09 PM
Yes... I agree. Thousand thanks for the link, laohu!!!... :)

02-16-2016, 05:23 AM
Thank you

02-28-2016, 10:28 PM
To laohu, Thanks ...

04-24-2016, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the horror.

04-25-2016, 01:05 AM
thank you

04-25-2016, 10:56 AM

05-01-2016, 09:16 PM

02-15-2018, 12:58 AM
May I ask for a reup? Thanks in advance!!