12-12-2015, 07:23 PM
Link removed,sorry.

12-13-2015, 07:34 AM
A tracklist would be appreciated.

12-13-2015, 08:03 AM

12-13-2015, 10:10 AM
A tracklist and some info on the fileformat (flac, mp3, aac, ogg?) and also the bitrate if it's not lossless (i.e. 128 MP3, 256 AAC)

Just posting something and saying

More complete.,it can,t be at this moment

is not helpful. People will want to know if it has something more to offer than what they already have, since as you know, there are often more than one "complete" versions out there. Also they might not be interested if the quality is equal or worse to what they already have.

And besides, that info should be in the first post:

This is just a message for uploaders about the new plan to keep the forums a bit cleaner. As of late, there has been a lot of mirror threads being posted that really clutter up a section, so as a way to combat this, here's a few new guidelines to follow when creating a thread and for the posting of new links.

1. Title Format

The soundtrack name is a given, but if possible and when the soundtrack name isn't too long to add any info, it would be best to add which format the soundtrack is in, such as FLAC, MP3, OGG, M4A or whatever, also the bit rate if it's MP3, like 320, 256, 224, 192, vbr etc. The composer name would also be a plus to be included, but it's not a priority if there's not enough room. When there's not enough room for additional information, please add it to the thread itself, it really does help others that have a preference when it comes to bit rates/format. This will also help mods to merge threads if any do happen to slip through.

Here's an example: S�lect Hotel - J�r�me Coullet (1996) [FLAC + 320]

2. Mirror Linking

We're not really out to stop this, just for people posting mirror links to do it in an already existing thread. This only really applies to newer releases that get posted within a week or two of each other. Not really going to set a time limit on it, if you're reposting something you know someone else already posted, then post it in their thread and just give credit or whatever. The bit rates need to be the same too, if there's a different bit rate, then a new thread would be ok.

Also, while the posting of mirror links is ok in already created threads for the soundtrack in question, there's just one rule that we ask you follow when doing so. If the op used a MEGA link, please don't post another MEGA link in that thread, unless the link is dead, then it would be ok. Same applies for other links posted after, we don't need mirrors of mirrors of mirrors :P

These new guidelines are not to discourage people from posting links, it's just a way to keep the forums a bit cleaner and to respect original posters of the music. If you see people posting dupe threads, just give them a friendly reminder, no need to chew them out about it, it'll take a while for people to get used to this.

Thank you <^o^>

12-13-2015, 03:25 PM
Thank you!

12-13-2015, 05:17 PM
Legend - Jerry Goldsmith (1985) [FLAC]

01 - Main Title - The Goblins (05:48)
02 - My True Loves Eyes (05:08)
03 - The Unicorns (Previously unreleased segment) (08:10)
04 - Living River - Bumps And Hollows (previously unreleased segment) (08:03)
05 - The Faeries-The Riddle (Silva-up art version with bluray filmstem without sfx,lost problably ) (05:38)
06 - Sing The Wee (01:10)
07 - Faerie Dance (included alternate version) (03:37)
08 - Forgive Me (05:16)
09 - The Armour (02:15)
10 - Goblins - Hall of Colums (unreleased) (03:17)
11 - Oona - The Jewels (06:44)
12 - The Dress Waltz (02:48)
13 - Darkness Fails (07:31)
14 - The Ring - Reunited (11:50)

Total playing time: 01:16:58

And this is all I know because I didn't get a chance to give it a listen.

12-13-2015, 05:31 PM
If anyone can get a hold of the 80's Nickelodeon tv show which was hosted by Leonard Nimoy titled: Lights, Camera, Action a show that was aired on Nickelodeon from May 1982 to December 31, 1987,
has a behind the scenes segment on Legend which shows the dancers practicing to the "Wringle,Wrangle" song.

12-13-2015, 05:35 PM

12-13-2015, 06:29 PM

12-14-2015, 06:43 PM
I'll take a listen. Thank you.