01-08-2005, 08:52 PM
You know you have played too much Final Fantasy when...

You call money gil

...You call chickens chocobos

...You want Aeris's theme to play at your funeral

...You go to the store and ask for materia

...You want to be a sphere hunter when you grow up

...You want to name your kid after a Final Fantasy Character

...You and your friends have nicknames after Final Fantasy characters

...Your ultimate wish is to go to Spira

...You name your car after a Final Fantasy airship

...You have a dog named Red XIII or Angelo

...You call machines machina

...You sing 1000 Words on a school dance

...You think ppl where black coats are sephiroth clones

...You steal a motorbike and claim you only did it coz cloud did XD

...You think stones are Materia XD and try summoning shiva

...You are in a fight and waite 10seconds for your turn to attack XD

...You try doing the jecht shot and almost break your bak

...When there's an earthquake, you yell, "Oh No! It's sin!".

...You cut yourself, trying to spin a big sword around like Cloud.

...You call Shinra for help with your computer

Can't think of more...

01-08-2005, 11:07 PM
Doesn't anyone thinks this is funny?

01-08-2005, 11:18 PM
i do but its been done before

01-08-2005, 11:29 PM
omg, that totally desribes me. hehe,

one time, me and my freind made a list:

~call elephants shoopuffs
~walk around in a yellow bikini, and green mini skirt, and steal from people
~try to spike ur hair like cloud
~play blitzball
~when someone says "ni, ro, pi" you say "NO YRP!"
~have your own final fantasy adventure in ur back yard.

01-08-2005, 11:30 PM
i do but its been done before


01-08-2005, 11:31 PM
ur list is funny thoguh!! hehe, i got a good laugh outta it

01-09-2005, 12:28 AM
same here

01-09-2005, 12:29 AM
i love it when ppl make stuff liek this, cuz i do like 3/4 of the stuff on the list........maybe i ahve played too much ff.....^_^;

01-09-2005, 12:30 AM
have you seen the "You Know You Like Tifa Too Much When..." list?

01-09-2005, 12:31 AM
is it on the ffvii board? im a girl btw.....hehe

01-09-2005, 12:35 AM
i think it is

this is what it is though
You Know You Like Tifa Too Much When...
1.You make your boyfriend dye his hair blonde and wear it spiked up.
2.Your car liscence plate reads "TIFA 4EVR".
3.You go to a store and ask them if they carry black leather miniskirts and white tank tops.
4.You're a guy and you do number 3.
5.You start taking karate lessons so you can fight like Tifa.
6.Whenever someone makes you angry, you tell them that you're going to use Final Heaven.
7.You injure yourself trying to pull off a Somersault.
8.You wear your black miniskirt and white tanktop everywhere you go, even during winter.
9.You try to grow your hair down to your knees so you can wear it like Tifa.
10.Your dream in life is to move to an innercity slum and open a bar called "Seventh Heaven".
11.You really dislike the name "Aeris".
12.When you go to the beach, you try to catch a dolphin to help you fight.
13.You play Final Fantasy VII over and over, just so you can see the FMV sequences with Tifa.
14.You dream about Tifa every night.
15.You make a shrine website all about Tifa.
16.You get extremely angry when someone says bad things about Tifa.
17.You refuse to play Final Fantasy VIII (or any other game) because Tifa is not in it.
18.You draw Tifa fan-art in your free time.
19.You make a "You Know You Like Tifa Too Much When..." list.
20.You wear leather gloves everywhere you go, just in case you run into ShinRa soldiers and need to fight.
21.You call your best friends "Barret" and "Cloud".
22.You make everyone call you "Tifa".
23.You legally change your name to "Tifa Lockhart".
24.You're a guy and you do numbers 22 and/or 23.
25.Your girlfriend demands to know why you keep calling her "Tifa".
26.Your e-mail address is something like "[email protected]".
27.You write libraries full of Tifa-related stories and poems.
28.You're constantly getting into fights at school, just so you can show off your martial arts skills.
29.You find yourself only attracted to girls with long brown hair and ruby-colored eyes.
30.You find yourself only attracted to guys with spiky blonde hair and Makou-colored blue eyes.
31.You write to SquareSoft demanding that they put Tifa in more games.
32.You learn to hack just so you can take down those anti-Tifa websites.
33.You make a shrine to Tifa in your room... complete with thousands of pictures, candles and incense, and prayer offerings.
34.You spend every free minute searching for Tifa pictures on the internet.
35.You begin to think you're falling in love with Tifa.
36.You daydream about marrying Cloud.
37.You're convinced Tifa is a real person.
38.When you played FF7, Cloud and Tifa were together for the "date" sequence.
39.You start acting out Tifa's scenes from the game.
40.Your goal in life is to get Tifa's autograph.
41.You plan to name your child "Tifa", even if it's a boy.
42.You buy every piece of Tifa-related merchandise you can find.
43.You want someone to make an anime series about Tifa.
44.You're convinced that Tifa is a hidden character in FF8.
45.While doing your homework, you write "Tifa" as the answer to every math problem.
46.You look everywhere for silver teardrop earrings just like Tifa's.
47.You weld a spiked metal plate to the side of your shoe.
48.You search the phone book for Tifa's number.
49.You learn how to play "Tifa's theme" on any musical instrument.
50.That instrument happens to be a kazoo.
51.You crack FF7 PC's files just to get a background 3D image of Tifa for your desktop.
52.You buy dual Voodoo 2 SLI 12MB's just to see Tifa without those nasty pixels getting in the way (texture smoothing).
53.You play Quake 3 Arena under the alias TifaX.
54.You take up 2 GB of hard drive space with Tifa stuff.
55.You make a Tifa Winamp skin.
56.Your Windows desktop image is a Tifa picture.
57.You carry a picture of Tifa in your wallet and tell people she's your girlfriend from Midgar.
58.You wish Tifa would come out with her own line of products, so you can use the same shampoo and toothpaste she uses.
59.You cry when people say Tifa isn't real.
60.You constantly ask your boyfriend/girlfriend if he/she remembers "those starlit nights back in Nibelheim".
61.You want your spouse to change his/her name to "Cloud".
62.You practice until your biggest talent is your ability to mix a great drink.
63.You hurt your back trying to use Meteodrive on the school bully.
64.One of your hobbies is flaming Tifa-haters.
65.You hang around with people who have type-B blood, in case Tifa ever needs surgery.
66.Your internet screen name always has the word "Tifa" in it.
67.You begin to think that you and Tifa are somehow related.
68.You cried more when Tifa was hurt by Sephiroth than when Aeris was killed by him.
69.You always have Tifa in your party when you play FF7.
70.On your FF7 game, Tifa is at a higher level than Cloud.
71.You have been known to kick people while dumping a glass of water over their heads and saying, "Waterkick!"
72.Your teacher asks you to write an essay on a famous person, and you choose Tifa.
73.You look everywhere for red contact lenses.
74.You make a life-sized model of Tifa out of papier-mach�.
75.For your art class assignments, you always draw Tifa.
76.You always dress up as Tifa for Halloween... and every other occasion.
77.You get chosen "best Tifa costume" at a cosplay event, and you say, "What costume? I always dress like this!"
78.You are known as "The Tifa Clone" at school.
79.People who haven't even played FF7 know who Tifa is, thanks to you.
80.When people make fun of Tifa, you kick them and dump a glass of water over their heads...
81.You know you must be Tifa's twin brother/sister.
82.You get plastic surgery so you can have big anime eyes just like Tifa's.
83.You try to find out Tifa's measurements so you can exercise and have a figure like her's.
84.You're a guy and you do number 83.
85.You cry when your black miniskirt and white tank top get lost in the laundry and you have to wear something else for a change.
86.You save your game at the point where Cloud gets lost in the Lifestream and Tifa takes over, then play it over and over again.
87.Instead of praying to god, you pray to Tifa.
88.Whenever you play a game that lets you name your character, you always call him/her "Tifa".
89.The most important date on your calendar is May 3.
90.You slash your chest with a knife so you can have a scar like Tifa's.
91.You get Tifa's name and face tattooed all over your body.
92.You buy a ZIP drive for your computer just to store all your Tifa stuff.
93.When you see a girl wearing a black miniskirt and/or a white tank top, you have to slap yourself and repeat "It's not really Tifa" over and over.
94.You get a custom keychain made with your name, and aka Tifa written on it.
95.You buy Tifa's earrings and wear em everyday, and get upset when you have to take 'em off.
96.You have a habit of writing Tifa's name everywhere(on notebooks etc).
97.You get angry when people say Cloud and Aeris are a good couple.
98.You get even angrier when people say Cloud and YUFFIE are a good couple!
99.You mix an 8 minute long techno version of Tifa's Theme.
100.You create dozens of Shockwave Flash clips for various Tifa sites.
101.You create CG graphix of Tifa.
102.You submit stuff to this list!
103.Your fan-fic(s) is told from Tifa's point of view.
104.Every other word in your sentence is "Tifa". For example, "Tifa Final Fantasy VII Tifa is Tifa cool! Tifa."
105.In your game, Tifa reaches level 99 first.
106.You wish football teams were named after her.
107.You try to do Final Heaven on people if the conversation is not about Tifa.(Including teachers!)
108.You die if you see, hear, or read nothing of Tifa within 3 seconds.
109.You wish your boyfriend would SOLDIER.
110.You do Beat Rush on anybody that wears a pink dress.
111.You turned down Michael Jordan's autograph to get Tifa's.
112.You see someone dressed as Tifa at an anime convention, and you bug her until she gives you her autograph... on every part of your body.
113.You own a life-sized poster of Tifa.
114.You constantly practice what you're going to say to Tifa when you meet her.
115.You carry pictures of Tifa with you everywhere so you can look at them all day.
116.You go to karate tournaments in hopes of seeing Tifa there.
117.All the items on the "YKYLTTMW" list apply to you.
118.You memorize all Tifa's lines from the game.
119.You have more in common with Tifa than with your real friends.
120.You name your gloves "Premium Heart".
121.You make stuffed dolls of people who hate Tifa and stick pins in them.
122.You hum Tifa's theme in the shower.
123.When a men's magazine has a poll to find the top 100 sexiest females, you mailbomb them with entries for Tifa.
124.You want to make a pilgrimage to Nibelheim.
125.You can't remember what your life was like before Tifa came into it.
126.You have type-B blood transfusions in the hope that it will bring you closer to Tifa.
127.You are convinced that Tifa-worship is the only true path to spiritual enlightenment and eternal salvation.
128.You write love letters to Tifa and e-mail them to Square.
129.You send Square a birthday card for Tifa every year.
130.You attempt suicide when someone wipes all the Tifa stuff from your computer.
131.You print out all your pictures of Tifa and bury them in a time capsule so that people in the year 2999 will know about her.
132.You believe that the name "Tifa" has incredible arcane significance.
133.You run for election so that you can make laws to have people executed if they say anything bad about Tifa.
134.You clean your FFVII CDs with a silk cloth dipped in holy water.
135.You start a Tifa fan club.
136.You turn down every girl who asks you on a date because you don't want to be unfaithful to Tifa.
137.You turn down every boy who asks you on a date because you don't want to be unfaithful to Cloud.
138.You buy the domain name http://www.tifaforever.com.
139.You rewrite the Bible so that it saya, "On the first day Tifa created..."
140.You propose that May 3rd should be renamed International Tifa Day.
141.You're depressed all the time because you know you can't ever be with Tifa.
142.You always let Tifa fight in the Battle Square.
143.You always let Tifa play the snowboarding game.
144.You name your gold chocobo Tifa.
145.You spend all your free time looking for Tifa Shrines on the internet.
146.You find out how to play other songs on Tifa's piano.
147.You spend hours collecting sources(power, speed, luck, magic, guard, and mind) just to get all Tifa's stats to 255.
148.You never put Aeris or Yuffie in your party, because you only want Tifa and Cloud in your party(without getting anyone between them).
149.You call your local radio station and dedicate a love song to Tifa.
150.Your parents and friends have resorted to dressing as Tifa to get your attention.
151.Your room has a huge scroll of Tifa on the wall.
152.You put several Tifa pictures in your locker.
153.You named a cat you found outside Tifa...then unfortunatly found out she was a he :( But took the kitten in anyhow(yes he's my kitty too^^).

01-09-2005, 12:45 AM

well....some of them are........heh

these are funny. 2 years ago, i was whiked obsessed with ffvii, and one day, i told my friend i was gonna dress up like tifa, and she said i shouldn't cuz 1) it was against the dress code, 2) she said i would attract too many guys

01-09-2005, 12:48 AM
Thats funny and whats even funnier are some of the things on that list apply to me

01-09-2005, 04:17 AM
Yea the last thread that was exactly like this got closed... *dum dum dummmmm music*

Heres what i put in the other thread:

1) You accidently call your girlfriend your FF crush
2)You name your dog Red XIII (I think thats the name...)
3) You get your pick up lines from Irvine
4) You think that your boyfriend will come if you stand on a balcony and whistle at the ocean
5) You recognize Bahamut as your Lord and Savior
6) You have a RIP shrine to Aeris in your closet

Sephiroths Bride
01-09-2005, 04:19 AM
Most of the things listed I do. I have played FF to much. Will I stop? NO WAY

01-09-2005, 12:32 PM
have you seen the "You Know You Like Tifa Too Much When..." list?

REally?!..I'm gonna check it out right now...

01-09-2005, 01:55 PM
Hmm, I've tried the sword spinning one ( didn't cut myself though :-D )

some others I have done though are

Named my pet Red 13
Named my car Highwind
Bought material to make Clouds outfit
Own 2 copies of FF7 ( PC and PSX)
Currently locating and buying FF soundtracks

01-09-2005, 02:39 PM
wow, i've done like 89% of all this stuff. hehe...^_^;

01-09-2005, 08:15 PM
You've injured yourself trying to meteordrive the school bully??!!

01-09-2005, 09:20 PM
Hey Distant Dreamer! Which quotes from my list did you
like the most?!

01-09-2005, 10:35 PM
I can't believe I didn't get to this earlier.

If you had LOOKED within the first page! you would've found another thread exactly like this, and like that one, I am closing it because they're just spam fests.