01-08-2005, 08:45 PM
anyone familar with it? its an anime shown on anime network. I first saw the dvd in suncoast, and thought "cool, an anime related to chrono trigger in some way" but after reading the back, and finding out it was kind of based on religion and set in the 1920's, it kinda drew back my interest. Like it just dind't sound like something that interesting to me.

it takes place in 1928, and from watching the extras on the dvds, like the directors commentary on the first one, they put a lot of work into it, like they are pretty accurate to the times as far as speech goes.

well my friend bought the dvd a few weeks later, and i wound up watching two fo the episodes on demand late one night when i was bored. and this show just hooked me like as soon as i started watching it. my friend has the first 2 dvds so i watched the first 8 episodes. its a lot better than i thought it was gonna be from reading the dvd cover. its quite interesting. its got a bit of comedy spread through it which is nice, but for the most part the show takes kind of a dark mood.

just wondered if anyone else has seen any of it. other than the name, it only seems to have a very loose affiliation, if at all with Chrono Trigger. but for something i looked at and orginally wrote off as something that would suck, it is a pretty dam good anime

01-22-2005, 10:37 AM
no one's seen it eh?

01-22-2005, 02:44 PM
First, there is absolutely no connection whatsoever to Chrono Trigger. Part of the name just happens to be similar.

I've watched part of the first disc, but it didn't grab me. I might go back and finish it someday, but I normally have pretty good instincts about what I'll like or not, and this one doesn't seem like I'd care about it.

Regarding the commentary track: It's only on one episode on the disc and features the ADR director and a couple of the voice actors. ADV Films does that a lot, although very few of them are worth hearing, if you ask me.

01-22-2005, 07:52 PM
First, there is absolutely no connection whatsoever to Chrono Trigger. Part of the name just happens to be similar.

I've watched part of the first disc, but it didn't grab me. I might go back and finish it someday, but I normally have pretty good instincts about what I'll like or not, and this one doesn't seem like I'd care about it.

Regarding the commentary track: It's only on one episode on the disc and features the ADR director and a couple of the voice actors. ADV Films does that a lot, although very few of them are worth hearing, if you ask me.

the clock that binds rossette and chrono is similar to the symbol for Chrono Trigger, thats about the only common thing i've picked up so far. i suppose its possible their could be some kind of link in later episodes, but i doubt it.

I occasionally find the commentary tracks interesting. i kinda liked the one on the first disk cause it explained a little about the time period, like the details they tried to use to keep it tru to the time period.

as far as not liking it. thats basically how i felt when i frst saw it in the store. it just didn't look like something that would appeal to me, but when i actually watched it, it just kinda hooked me.