12-06-2015, 09:21 PM
Russ Meyer was the Sergei Eisenstein of soft-core pornography, a man who wrote, shot, cut, and directed all of his pictures. His preoccupations – big-busted babes being leered at by lantern-jawed rubes – make Meyer a prime candidate for exclusion in most film-lover's Pantheons. Not mine! I've learned more about cinema from watching 5 minutes of Russ Meyer than I have watching all of shitberg's juvenile turds combined. (That goes double for his Holocaust theme-park ride, Oskar Schindler and the Temple of Doom.) He's a God, a brilliant filmmaker and an artist possessed with the rare ability of being able to find phallic imagery in a blinding snowstorm. And his films are as funny as all get-out. Tapoktro posted another version of the soundtrack here (Thread 185974). This is the original album without dialog and with several alternate tracks. Feast on it!

Track List
1. Prologue
2. Toys of Our Time
3. Here's Harry
4. Cherry & Raquel
5. Franklin & Cherry
6. Harry Fights the Apache
7. Harry's Theme
8. Franklin's Theme
9. Raquel's Theme
10. Cherry's Theme
11. Toys of Our Time!m4ZiVIqb!UC-seDwYhLtiiGImZZlxSg


12-06-2015, 11:02 PM
Thank you

12-07-2015, 10:27 AM
Back in May 2015, I saw this French documentary entitled: “Russ Meyer, le Saint des seins” (“The saint of breasts” literally which leaves out the pun on words in French) which depicted Mr. Meyer as a real “Auteur” who managed to keep his own vision without compromising to either the porn industry or the puritanical views of America. I had watched a few of his rarely aired movies but this documentary dissected the man’s work and showed his many contributions to the art of Cinema beyond the “big boob obsessed freak” niche he was put in by his condescending peers or snobby historians. I fully concur to your introducing notes especially the “shitberg's juvenile turds” bit. Brutal but so true! Thank you very much Dear Creedmore for bringing us this music and taking us to these higher pastures where the grass is greener and much more fulfilling.

12-07-2015, 03:11 PM
Back in May 2015, I saw this French documentary entitled: “Russ Meyer, le Saint des seins” (“The saint of breasts” literally which leaves out the pun on words in French) which depicted Mr. Meyer as a real “Auteur” who managed to keep his own vision without compromising to either the porn industry or the puritanical views of America. I had watched a few of his rarely aired movies but this documentary dissected the man’s work and showed his many contributions to the art of Cinema beyond the “big boob obsessed freak” niche he was put in by his condescending peers or snobby historians. I fully concur to your introducing notes especially the “shitberg's juvenile turds” bit. Brutal but so true! Thank you very much Dear Creedmore for bringing us this music and taking us to these higher pastures where the grass is greener and much more fulfilling.

I'M NOT ALONE!!! Delighted that you see the genius in Russ' art. There was a theatre in Chicago that played virtually all of his movies. A mid-week afternoon screening found dozens of businessmen at The Loop Theatre enjoying their lunch hour with Russ. His crowning image is in Super-Vixens where Vix masturbates with – not on – with a mountain. Read up on CH&R. The original negative was irreparably damaged by the lab, so Russ literally made a movie out of scraps from the editing room floor. The man redefined genius and had impeccable taste in tits! Viva la nipple!