12-02-2015, 07:55 AM
Hi, all.

This is my first post here.

I don't know where to post this in the web, so I'm sorry if I found the wrong place, but...

I recorded the sound output of my Nokia 1202-2 and Nokia 6020 through headphone output, playing both the built in ringtones and random MIDI files from some mobile Java games. Recorded through the line in port of a Dell Inspiron 15, using Adobe Audition CS6, 48kHz 16-bit (dithered) FLAC files. The volume was normalized to -0.1dB and the 20kHz hum that the phone naturally makes is removed through a notch filter using Adobe Audition CS6, before converting to 16-bit, but except that, no extra processing was done. Is anyone interested in such files? If so, I will upload them somewhere. If not, then please ignore :)

The Nokia 1202-2 set contains the original ringtones only, while the Nokia 6020 set contains (most? I got the phone used, so I can't be sure that I have all the original ringtones) the original ringtones AND the soundtrack of Alpha Wing 2 and Bobby Carrot 5: Forever (MIDI files extracted from the official Java archive).

I am also interested in recording the music of much older Nokia phones, the ones that make "beep-beep" sounds, but I don't have such a phone now.

If anyone wanted the recordings of those two phones, please comment so I may upload them.

Warm regards :)