11-17-2015, 04:25 AM
So... okay... here we go. Back in May, my motherboard died/burned out (it was an MSI, so) and I was without a computer from then to about September 23rd, thats when I bought a new motherboard/cpu combo.-
Its an ASUS, and from local advice from a local computer place (whom I've gone to before for computer problems) and reviews on Newegg, I know its a good quality "mobo" (I love that word). And yada yada yada,
I got it up and running and it was running, there were no problems. But it was only for less than a week as one morning I turned it on and It wouldn't boot into Windows 7.
I took it to the computer "place"? (I don't know what else to call it) and the next day they called me and told me the hard drive[s] were going, but I would still be able to transfer important data (things I will never be able to get back, like music I've composed). So I am going to buy this ( and install Windows 7, again. And now for the point of this thread. I should be able to connect my hard drives to my computer to transfer data once it is up and running with Windows 7 on the new hard drive, right? Because with an operating system to use, and the fact that the hard drives aren't at the point that I can't transfer data, I see no reason why it wouldn't work. I am not sure if there are any "tech guys" on here (no offense) but I wanted to get your thoughts and opinions on this. (I'm posting this from my iPhone by the way if anyone is wondering.)

Edit: I just realized I maybe should have posted this in the questions thread but... Correct if I'm wrong :p

11-18-2015, 02:37 AM
One drive is the master and the other is the slave drive, so you need to move the jumper on the secondary drive to the proper position.
Read this article for a step by step tutorial. Let me know how it works out. :)

Yes this post ought to be HERE (

11-18-2015, 02:52 AM
It's a desktop. And that's what I thought, I'll post it there. I don't about this thread though, can I get it closed?

11-18-2015, 02:58 AM
It's a desktop. And that's what I thought, I'll post it there. I don't about this thread though, can I get it closed?

I am sure Sparktank will do it when he spots it.

11-19-2015, 12:58 AM
Zoran's link is a good one, however another option would be to buy an external USB3.0 HD enclosure and stick your faulty drive in there. Depending on what's wrong with the drive - if it doesn't spin when you connect / switch on, you can give it a tap or a shake - then leave it on until you've copied your essentials, because you never know when it's had it's last run. If however, your faulty disk is an SSD, then you're up shit creek. :)