The Scientist
01-04-2005, 02:59 PM
Ever wanted to have a Squall with 9999 HP
255 Str
255 Vit
255 Mag
255 Spr
255 Hit
255 Spd
255 Luck
(no I didn't forgot Eva, you just can't get it up like you want)
(without junctioning, that is)

It can be done ..

HP (+10 to MaxHP)
Devour: Ruby Dragon (Triple Demi x 5, then Devour, if not, Triple Demi, Devour, Repeat)
buy 100 Hp-J Scrolls (WHAT ?? you think I got the money for this ??? I'll get to this, just assume you can, OK ?)
Refine them to 10 Giant's Ring with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine them to 1 Gaea's Ring with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine it to 1 HP Up with Forbid Med-RF

Str (+1 to Str)
Devour: T-Rexaur (Triple Demi x 5, then Devour, if not, Triple Demi, Devour, Repeat)
buy 100 Power Wrists (you'll get the money)
Refine them to 10 Hyper Wrists with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine them to 1 Str Up with Forbid Med-RF
get 200 Dragon Skins (100+100) (Anacondeur, Blue Dragon)
Refine them to 2 Glow Curtains with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine them to 1 Monk's Code with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine it to 1 Str Up with Forbid Med-Rf

Vit (+1 to Vit)
Devour: Adamantoise (I think : Triple Demi x 5, then Devour, if not, Triple Demi, Devour, Repeat but I haven't done it so I can't say =) )
Get 5 Adamantines (Devour Adamantoise, they still drop items)
Refine them to 1 Vit Up with Forbid Med-RF
there is a way with buying 500 Vit-J Scrolls like the HP but it's too expensive

Mag (+1 to Mag)
Devour: Behemoth (why don't you Triple Demi x 5, then Devour, if not, Triple Demi, Devour, Repeat)
buy 100 Hypno Crowns (you think it's a lot of money, I don't ..)
Refine them to 10 Royal Crowns with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine them to 1 Mag Up with Forbid Med-RF

Spr (+1 to Spr)
Devour: Malboro (Triple Demi x 5, then Devour, if not, Triple Demi, Devour, Repeat) I've done it ..
buy 100 Force Armlet
Refine them to 10 Magic Armlet with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine them to 1 Spr Up with Forbid Med-RF

Spd (+1 to Spd) (Hint : Try combining with Auto-Haste !!)
Devour: nope, that sucks :)
Get 100 Cactus Thorns (they're usefull ??)
Refine them to 1 Hundred Needles (I could have found that myself) with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine it to 1 Spd Up with Forbid Med-RF
Get 100 Barrier (from Behemoth, but the Cactus Thorns are waaaay easier)
Refine them to 2 Aegis Armlet with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine it to 1 Spd Up with Forbid Med-RF

It can't, didn't you read above ?
Junction Tornado to Eva-J, only Ultima does better ...
I haven't tried Float for example

Squall HAS 255 Hit, whatd'ya want ?
Selphie too at LV100
If they don't at LV100, Junction 100 Triple to Hit

Luck (+1 to Luck)
Get 100 Curse Spike (Malboro, Forbidden Rare Item OFF)
Refine them to 1 Dark Matter with Tool-RF (Siren must be LV100) (info about Dark Matter) (Thread 19613)
Refine it to 1 Luck-J Scroll with GFAbl Med-RF
Refine it to 1 Luck Up with Forbid Med-RF

Money (Usefull, you know ..)
MMM : Mesmerize Money Maker (TM)

What do you need ?
All the abilities of Tonberry (Sell High, Call Shop ..)
What do you don't need : Rare Item ..
so, what do I do to get a lot of money
Go Ahead and fight some Mesmerizes ... you'll find them in Esthar Plains before Lunar Cry (Malboro too ..) and in the snow ..
this will net you a lot of Mesmerize Blades right ?
now get yourself a 100 of 'em ..
Refine them to 200 (100 + 100) Mega-Potions with Recov Med-RF
Sell them for a lot of money
100 Mega-Potions nets you a 750 000 Gil
since you had 100 Mesmerize Blades, you'll get 1 500 000 Gil
That's good enough to buy 100 Hypno Crowns or 200 HP-J Scrolls (From Esthar Pet Shop)
you see why it is so easy to get MaxHP without HP+..% ??
Why do you need all this crap ?
well, it's easy : My Squall has 9999 HP by junctioning stupid Blizzaga
this helps because :
- I can use Curaga etc to boost up other stats
- I don't have to use HP+80% and thus can use Auto-Haste instead or something like that
Same for Str and all the other I discussed

more info :
GFAbl Med-RF from Eden
Tool-Rf from Siren
Forbid Med-RF from Doomtrain
Recov Med-RF from Carbuncle

Sometimes there are easier ways to do this, example :
You don't HAVE to fight Adamantoises
You can Refine Minotaur for 10 Adamantines (2 Vit Up) and get it back on Ragnarok, then Card Mod it again and win it back
You can do this with many cards and spare a lot of fighting
but you'll sometimes need high LV GF's and that's why you better can Devour some monsters and kill them for the Curse Spike etc

Hope someone can do something with this info, and confirm the Eva Thing

01-04-2005, 03:06 PM
Wow you seem to know alot about FF. If you know this from experience and testing on the games i respect this information. But if you just copied this information from a site then i think its pitiful.

The Scientist
01-04-2005, 03:07 PM
nope, I did use some sites to find easier ways for Vit etc .. but I found most of 'em myself ...
I always hoped there was an easy way to get Spd Ups etc
so I kept looking near Cactuars .. and found the Hundred Needles trick
then I found the Mesmerize Money Maker (TM) and got to the HP trick
that's when I found similarities and all the rest came easy with a little searching

Yeah I know a lot about it, I played it 3 years ago, and finished it, but forgot to beat Omega Weapon, so 2 weeks ago I played it again ..