11-06-2015, 03:23 AM
Meh, almost everywhere I go to talk video games. I am leveled with the same inane response by people. When I state my favorite game of all time is FFVII. The constant remark is, that game is so overrated or you just have nostalgia blindness. BullShiz, I still play my Fav. game 2-3 playthroughs a year. It is my go to game, and I think it has aged remarkably well in the face of modern gaming. I just get tired of hearing that I have nostalgia blindness. Anyone else suffer this?

Darth Revan
11-06-2015, 10:47 AM
Speaking as one who played it on it's release back in '97, yeah it is a solid game. The one thing I hate about FFVII, is the whole compilation of FFVII... with all the retcons etc. The main game was complete as it is, as was Hironobu Sakaguchi's intent... all FF's are COMPLETE. They don't need sequels/prequels/spinoffs etc...

I will admit, I haven't played VII in years literally... but I'm on the fence about whether it has aged well though.

11-07-2015, 06:04 AM
I see what you mean about all FFs being complete. That they are, but Idk. I kinda soak up any FF that comes my way. Sequel, prequel, spin-off I dont care. If it is FF I want it. Lol, guess that makes me a fanboy. ;)

Darth Revan
11-07-2015, 06:17 AM
To each their own... I have to admit, I have fallen out of the FF series from X onwards... with the exception for XI and XIV. As they are MMO's, they are a different animal to the console FF's, but (to me) are far superior than X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2 and XIII-3.

11-07-2015, 06:37 PM
I got real sucked into FFXIV for about a year. I played when the original game launched, it has sure come a long way since first launch. I ended up quitting, there wasn't enough content when I was into it. I've been thinking about going back, the Dark Knight is calling to me. But, one of the reasons I quit was the Toxicity of the FFXIV community. People would greif you for not having a peice of gear 5-10 points better than what you had currently. Not to include, the Hard modes of the primal battles were just painful. I like a difficult battle as much as the next guy, but dang. I will return someday, perhaps soon. I just got my PS4 a month ago, so perhaps the time is right.

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-07-2015, 08:32 PM
FFⅦ has become my 2nd favourite chapter in the franchise (it used to be the first). It was the first Final Fantasy I've played, to this day I still love its plot, setting and characters. Heck, I've enjoyed to some degree every "entry" in the Compilation, too (loved Advent Children mostly for the crazy stuff characters pull off, don't look at me like that, another favourite franchise of mine is Devil May Cry, I dig that kind of action).
I've been on the receiving end of that kind of remarks and I used to shrug them off, in the end I liked the game and that's all that mattered to me. That being said, I don't know if it has aged well throughout the years, but I am pretty sure I have aged; you see, one of the things I've come to value most in RPGs is "freedom/trial-and-error potential": I find Ⅶ rather lacking in both for a decent chunk of its length. When you've just left Midgar the World Map can't really be called as such, since you can't reach most areas, the most freedom you get for quite a while is the freedom to battle and Level Up. I understand technical limitations come into play, but what do you want me to say? Nowadays, I'm no longer able to stomach that There ain't no getting offa this train we on! As for the trial-and-error part, I don't know how to explain myself very well… I guess one example of what I mean would be the Midgar Zolom enemy: normally, you're simply not ready to win against it in battle upon "meeting", would have liked to see more enemies of that kind spread throughout the game, give me something which does pose a threat and could seriously kick my ass.

On to other stuff: its battle system is functional, but I think it is vastly inferior to the one used in Ⅹ-2. I'm dead serious about it: how many times in the series did we get to kill an enemy busy casting Firaga/preparing a technique with a simple Attack? [Probably the best kind of ATB system in the whole saga] I don't know about you, folks, but I recall being able to gain precedence over the enemy's turn only through the use of Limit Breaks and the likes. Back to Ⅶ, I think the Materia system is a way too powerful tool, not to mention it could be used to gain most Limit Techniques rather early in the game.

Personally speaking, I reiterate I still love FFⅦ, but I don't find myself disagreeing all that much with those which state it is overrated. Is it a game that works for the most part? Undoubtedly, barring a game-breaking Save Point bug and (again) a game-breaking glitch which plagued both the original PS release and PC port, to my knowledge, but there are other entries in the series which kick its ass in most aspects.

11-07-2015, 09:17 PM
I really liked Final Fantasy VII. Even at the time it was released my go to games were IV and VI. That all changed when IX came out. It's my favourite. I wish they would either remake it for ps3/ps4 or port it to iPad. To be fair, when the original FF came out I felt they were ripping off Dragon Quest and didn't play the series until my friend got FF IV. Also just to be fair, I feel that VIII is overrated and XII is just horrible (well everything but the music).

Cheers :)

Darth Revan
11-07-2015, 11:46 PM
I got real sucked into FFXIV for about a year. I played when the original game launched, it has sure come a long way since first launch. I ended up quitting, there wasn't enough content when I was into it. I've been thinking about going back, the Dark Knight is calling to me. But, one of the reasons I quit was the Toxicity of the FFXIV community. People would greif you for not having a peice of gear 5-10 points better than what you had currently. Not to include, the Hard modes of the primal battles were just painful. I like a difficult battle as much as the next guy, but dang. I will return someday, perhaps soon. I just got my PS4 a month ago, so perhaps the time is right.

Yeah, a lot of the community for XIV is toxic as Hell... the Official forums are proof of that. Still, the game is a lot easier now than it used to be... the HM Primals are cakewalks now for a undersized party of Lvl 60's. Tear Garuda Ex apart in under 3 minutes with a good group. Some of the newer content from the last patch is just insane and I admit, I haven't done the two 'current' endgame battles (Bismarck EX and Ravana EX, two new primal battles). There's been a plethora of patches which have introduced a LOT of new content as well as three new 'jobs' - Machinist, Astrologian and Dark Knight. Yoshi P and his team have really gone all out with XIV and the 3.1 patch coming on Tuesday... damn... the amount of content being delivered for free is insane.

11-07-2015, 11:52 PM
My biggest question is, are the Dark Knight, Gunner and Arithmatician base classes like the Gladiator, Maruater, Conjurer etc. or are they the upgraded versions of another like the Paladin, Warrior, White Mage? I couldn't seem to find that when I searched it. Plus that is great news to hear, that the Hard Mode Primals have been watered down. Hard mode Ifrit was brutal as heck. Not to include, the drop rate for the Primal Gear was next to nonexistant. I ran that battle at least 30 times and not a single Ifrit's Blade. That was the final straw back when I quit, well that and the Dhorme Chimera being a super-douche.

Darth Revan
11-08-2015, 12:11 AM
Dark Knight is a tank, Machinist is a DPS and Astrlogian is a Healer... they are unlocked ONCE you have access to Ishgard, so you need to play through to the 2.5 Main Story Quest to be able to unlock them. They start at level 30 as there is now base class for them, which is probably what SE has in plan for future jobs. The Primal drops are... cute... now, compared to the Ironworks gear at level 50...

The Hard Mode Primals are a joke... Garuda, Titan and Ifrit are cakewalks. Even the Extreme versions for these three are a joke. Ramuh Ex, Leviathan Ex, King Moogle Ex and Shiva Ex are still challenging, but nowhere near as tough as they used to be.

Drop rates have been increased a lot for event he relic weapon quest, with 3.1 giving 100% drop rate for the items needed for the relic which drop in dungeons (A friend of mine had to run Dzemael Darkhold 55 times or so to get the drop they needed... I only needed to run it 4 times...). Trust me... it's a different animal from what it was at launch.

11-08-2015, 12:26 AM
This is awesome news indeed. Now FFXIV looks like a buy for the very near future. I already completed the base story so, it seems I will be able to jump straight into the extended main story content. :)

Darth Revan
11-08-2015, 12:34 AM
Well... after completing the base story... you still need to get to the 2.5 main story arc... and there's a LOT between the end of the base game and Heavensward (Where Dark Knight, Astrologian and Machinist are) and it's new zones of Ishgard (where certain mounts can fly as the zones in this expansion are HUGE). A rather large conspiracy and political intrigue, along with numerous quests and mini arcs (Play the Hildibrand Mandiville arc... Yes, from the ORIGINAL FFXIV, Hildibrand is back and is hilarious... his WHOLE story arc) stand between you and Heavensward.

Find yourself a good server and Free Company... you should be able to get there relatively soon to Ishgard.

11-08-2015, 12:41 AM
On a seperate note LeonScottKennedy. I see your points on your opinon of whether FFVII has aged well or not. But, I think the Linear gameplay of FFVII is it's best quality. Who cares if you can explore every part of the map right away. It gives you something to look forward to and drives the story. I agree, the ATB isn't as flowy as FFX-2 which I agree, had one of the best ATB ever made. But, it also had one of the worst, if played correctly you could overpower an enemy simply because of the timing of your attacks and not your chararacter's strengths and abilities. I prefer FFVII's ATB to it, because it is more streamlined and SPD is taken into account for the order of turns instead of player response. The new installments in the FF franchise are indeed moving away from the ATB and into open world and action based combat. I'm fine with that, but they and their type of gameplay will always in my eyes be vastly inferior to old fashioned ATBs like FFVII's. I dont however agree that the materia system is over powered. In fact I thing it is a nice balanced system and with the right combos of materia you can pull off the same kind of late game power as any other FF. It is true, that if you apply yourself early game, you can unlock all but the Lv.4 Limit Break for each character. But this takes an incesant amount of grinding, that most players won't bother to do. I make it a mind to do it every playthrough, but I like to grind.

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-08-2015, 09:03 AM
On a seperate note LeonScottKennedy. I see your points on your opinon of whether FFVII has aged well or not. But, I think the Linear gameplay of FFVII is it's best quality. Who cares if you can explore every part of the map right away. It gives you something to look forward to and drives the story. I agree, the ATB isn't as flowy as FFX-2 which I agree, had one of the best ATB ever made. But, it also had one of the worst, if played correctly you could overpower an enemy simply because of the timing of your attacks and not your chararacter's strengths and abilities. I prefer FFVII's ATB to it, because it is more streamlined and SPD is taken into account for the order of turns instead of player response. The new installments in the FF franchise are indeed moving away from the ATB and into open world and action based combat. I'm fine with that, but they and their type of gameplay will always in my eyes be vastly inferior to old fashioned ATBs like FFVII's. I dont however agree that the materia system is over powered. In fact I thing it is a nice balanced system and with the right combos of materia you can pull off the same kind of late game power as any other FF. It is true, that if you apply yourself early game, you can unlock all but the Lv.4 Limit Break for each character. But this takes an incesant amount of grinding, that most players won't bother to do. I make it a mind to do it every playthrough, but I like to grind.
Oh, I see the merits of a Linear kind of gameplay and I do enjoy unlocking new area "piece by piece", I like to think I'm dealing with an enormous puzzle, still, part of me can't help thinking that by not allowing me to stray off too far from the given path, you kill some of the challenge. Every battle system has its ups and downs: I personally prefer something which rewards my reflexes (no small thanks to Devil May Cry), so X-2's system has been very welcome for me; VII's, on the other hand (and a few "sequels'"), makes it too easy to exploit the AI and have it act the way you want to.
I must apologize, I've been partly mistaken about the Materia, forgot you get most good stuff later on in the game. As for grinding, you're talking to another crazy guy which leaves Shin-Ra's H.Q. around level 40, unlocks stuff like Bolt 3 when still reaching Corel and gets Omnislash when it still costs+50000 Battle Points. Travelling back to Junon as soon as you get the Buggy and activating the Alarm in the area with an elevator and some Shin-Ra infantry works great for EXP, it is my favourite place, at least.

11-09-2015, 07:09 AM
I feel you in some way, when you say a game that rewards your reflexes. I am a fan of the Dark Souls series, if any game I have ever played rewards reflexes that is the one. I admit, it is a very rewarding feeling to narrowly escape the torrential fire of a swooping dragon, To land that blow to his underbelly. I played the first, second and third Devil May Cry games. Loved the series, though I never got around to playing the fourth or the remake of what I asume was part one. My first DMC, was DMC 3 and is still my favorite in it's series. You sir are also a man after my own heart, you explained most every playthrough of FFVII I have done. I am a bit of a Grind eccentric myself.

Nostalgia gamer
12-09-2015, 03:48 PM
Meh, almost everywhere I go to talk video games. I am leveled with the same inane response by people. When I state my favorite game of all time is FFVII. The constant remark is, that game is so overrated or you just have nostalgia blindness. BullShiz, I still play my Fav. game 2-3 playthroughs a year. It is my go to game, and I think it has aged remarkably well in the face of modern gaming. I just get tired of hearing that I have nostalgia blindness. Anyone else suffer this?

I am completely wrong person to talk to this about, but I say just enjoy it and ignore all comments.I recently got a comment called a foul word and attacked for defending ff7 by a extreme ff6 fan side part, and that is considering I can't stand cloud strife and sephiroth.I find both to be dull boring unimaginative characters who don't inspire me.Then again:I think few of the ff villains come off as interesting at all, as most are:Mwahahahahaha, and that is as far as most go.

I think the other problem, is the world and characters in the most part never clicked with me.I think most of the stories click better with anime fans, and people who like action and motorcycles.

Is ff7 a bad game? No.Is it overrated by both square Enix and the fans? Yes.Does it get put on a pedestal and a moat built around it often? Yes, and that is why it's overrated.I think there are a bit too many of both extremes:Haters and fanboys who worship it