12-31-2004, 03:32 PM
MY friend came over the other day (he hasn't seen the end to ffvii) so i loaded up my save file from ages ago. I started and i couldn't really remember the controls. MY party Was Cloud Cid and Cait Sith and i went off to fight Jenova. After 1 of clouds 2xcut(never mastered it) and Knights of round she was dead. Then i went off to fight the first Sephiroth (Can't remember what he was called) and i did the same thing i did above but with a death blow from Cid aswell. And down he went. Then came the last Seph. I remembered him being so strong but once again basically Knights of Round killed him. I was shocked at how easy he was. I was on lvl 65-70 and that was the same lvl i was on the first time i killed him. Anybody else find him so easy?

Neo Xzhan
12-31-2004, 04:03 PM
Try it without KOTR and if he does Super Nova I'd like to hear you say again he's that easy as you claim he is.

12-31-2004, 04:06 PM
but the last time i versed him he did use supernova and i almost died but he did that move that lowers ur health to 1 so i could get some extras move in. and then i killed him. But he was so easy this time

Aerith Gainsborough
12-31-2004, 06:00 PM
Yes, he is very easy. Especially if you use KotR you can kill him with one hit. But even without KotR he's easy..... ;)

12-31-2004, 07:05 PM
yea.. i would have to say that he is kinda easy ... even tho im a fan. he just looks so bad ass and is a reble with a cause. but should try a no materia game... now thats hard.... im doing that right now... and its way hard

12-31-2004, 09:56 PM
Well, he's easy... I was dissapointed by the last fight, but what can you do. If you like a challenge, try it without all those powerful materias and he'll be pretty tough.

12-31-2004, 10:00 PM
Maybe you should try something more challenging, like the no materia challenge or single character challenge..?

12-31-2004, 10:45 PM
thats what im talking bout.... its really hard if u try todo a no materia game... there are some good things that go with it ... like no HP lowerage's or nothing.... but still .... no morphing to get better stats or nothing like that... or stealing...

01-01-2005, 04:18 PM
First time I ever did Safer Sephi...level 54 or so...didn't know wtf materias can expect I've seen enough of Sephi's attacks. Heck, I even TIMED supernova...complete waste of time, did it hit 2 minutes?

My fastest kill still is at 2 moves...4x-cut twice. Got a vid at home... of that.
Theroetically possible to kill Safer Sephi with only 1 move...Omnislash. I haven't had the luck in the timing of the "Time" bar to do that yet. Got a vid of "Debarrier" then home.

01-01-2005, 04:23 PM
I did him in my first playthrough without Knights of the Round. I did it without the amazing Materia stated. Hell, I did without flaming Omnislash for Christ's Sake! He is hard then. Later, I did it WITH those aforememntioned Materia. I destroyed him. At Level 63.

01-01-2005, 04:29 PM
First time through I beat him without out any of the Ultimate weapons, no KoTR, and no L4 Limits... He is too easy :(

01-02-2005, 05:25 PM
Well in the final match I used Cloud's Buster Sword and removed his armor. I also used Cait Sith and TIfa and had them kill each other off. SO it was Cloud vs Sephiroth with a Buster Sword and no armor. It was actually really tough. I beat him thnaks to Omnislash. The only materia I kept was 4x cut. I dont know if that made it easier lol.

01-02-2005, 06:34 PM
Sephiroth is piss weak. Ruby Weapon however.......

01-03-2005, 12:38 PM
Naw...Emerald :P

01-03-2005, 04:04 PM
Well, Emerald weapon has much more HP than Ruby, but Ruby counterattacks KOTR with Ultima, making him very hard to do damage to.

As for Sephiroth, I put so much time into my game getting everyone with ridiculous materia, such as master everything for everybody, I could probably just not hit any buttons and let my final attack-phoenix kill him. He was a bit too easy, yes, but so was Chaos, Kefka, Ultimecia, etc. The only really hard last boss I can remember fighting was Zeromus, and even he wasn't that hard.

01-03-2005, 09:00 PM
Actually, Ruby and Emerald have the same HP, namely 1,000,000. They were fu**ing hard. SS was easy compared to them.

01-03-2005, 11:04 PM
The hardest thing about Emerald is trying to beat him without the underwater materia, and Ruby always uses quicksand attack against two living allies, but as long as you enter the E.W fight with Underwater, and enter R. W fight with 2 chars Ko'd they both become do-able

01-04-2005, 08:37 AM
I beat Sephy way too easy, the last time I tried a no materia game I had my characters around level 70-75 and I had around 6400 hp a was still fairly easy, just used magic items...

01-04-2005, 12:05 PM
Sephy was something... but my favorite boss (or bosses as with this case) were fighting your aeons in 10... I got my ass handed to me so hard the first time through... Note to self; don't go into that battle with break damage barrier and aeons that have every spell yet your party only has 7k hp - -;

01-04-2005, 02:48 PM
You know you have Auto-Life permenently in theere don't ya? Safer-Sephiroth's my fave boss ever though.

01-04-2005, 08:14 PM
I did it with everyone on around level 40. First I Dispeled him then I cast Knights of the round, then I mimiced it. He didn't even manage to attack me. Jenova just took a Knights of the round and one attack and Bizarro Sephiroth was the same. I was ecstatic it went so damn well. I was thinkin' he'd kill me.

01-04-2005, 10:08 PM
one of my friends, his names Paul, decided to fight Sephiroth with base weapons and limit level set to 1, it took him a while but he beat Seph...

01-05-2005, 05:40 AM
Ruby was kinda piss once you know how...

2 chars dead, use W-item, Phoenix down + Megaelixir for revival...then do the same for the other characters.

Then Hades + KOTR. He stays frozen most of the time. There was one time when he unfroze and did Ultima and I was like "Oh Crap" but then another round of W-Summon killed him.

My argument for Emerald is that he can't be stopped with Hades and does the revenge stamps, Emerald rays and if unlucky, the eyes will open up. However, gambling with just W-summon KOTR + KOTR usually does the trick.

01-05-2005, 06:04 AM
You know you have Auto-Life permenently in theere don't ya?
auto-life is the only reason i made it... it just sucked cuz they'd kill my party in one hit so i had to finish based on DOT

01-06-2005, 12:53 AM
Man I beat Ruby 1 vs 1 with Cloud. It look 5 days of different strategies but I finnaly managed to do it. you wanna know the secret? There is this armor called Mystille or something like that that has 99% chance of dodging Ultima. HAHAHHAHAHA! My secret is out. After all these years lol.

01-06-2005, 02:51 AM
FF7 rocked but it was by far the easyist ever( i lied mabye that was FFX) but yea thats is why so many people like it. it wasnt hard but you could stillspend any where between 60 hrs to 200 hrs on it.( FF8 was better)

01-06-2005, 09:10 AM
I ain't a hardcore RPG-er so FF7 was still hard the 1st time through. However, one can do FF7, kill the weapons and do Sephi at under 35 hours. Only my 2nd RPG game.

My first one Dragon Quest/Warrior IV took 10 years (yes, TEN years) due to technical mishaps (yea, my nintendo died, and waited 4 years after that before getting the knowledge that emulators existed...) and other factors (like a 30 minute time limit imposed by my parents per session...impossible...) beyond my control.

So...I think you can see why I'm not too keen on learning a new RPG just yet...although I would definately play the next FF to come on PC.

01-06-2005, 12:43 PM
Just to mention, I defeated Sephiroth the first time round without KOTR because I didn't know what that was then (I only found them the second time round) and I still found him easy he just took a little longer.

01-06-2005, 12:44 PM
Just to mention, I defeated Sephiroth the first time round without KOTR because I didn't know what that was then (I only found them the second time round) and I still found him easy he just took a little longer.

01-06-2005, 12:49 PM
Just to mention, I defeated Sephiroth the first time round without KOTR because I didn't know what that was then (I only found them the second time round) and I still found him easy he just took a little longer.

Just to mention, I beat Sephiroth the first time without KOTR, because I didn't know they existed, and I still found him easy, he just took a little longer that's all.

Sorry about all those messages computer was giving me crap.

01-06-2005, 05:21 PM
i have my self beten the game a total of 86 or more times (yea i know i am upsest with this game) but every time i got full completion (items/wepons/matera/specalitems)
yea i am a freek but i love it and ruby was the hardest boss along with emrald wepon with out the underwatermatera

01-11-2005, 03:18 PM
I've done this game tons of times.
Sadly i found Sepiroth a bit easy.
I had cloud with 2x cut and the utlima sword and beat him quick.
Although my m8 took 4 hours! =)

01-11-2005, 03:35 PM
Totally agree....Sephiroth was WAY WAY too easy .... had more trouble beating the Weapons!!!

Unfortunately this seems to be a problem with the FF games - the end bosses are way too simple - Yu Yevon and Vegnagun from FFX & FFX-2 respectively are testament to that......

....maybe the programmers are being kind to us, knowing that to get that far in the first place we have been sitting there for over 100+ hours already!!!!!


01-11-2005, 03:41 PM
Hmm maybe, but they shouldn't be that kind! it's dissapointing to do all that work leveling up and finding everything just to find that the final boss is a pushover!

01-11-2005, 05:50 PM
Pushover, hah. Bizarro sephiroth was a push over but safer sephiroth was far from it. Safer sephiroth took me around 14 tryies to beat him once. But It took me only 3 my second play through. But I didn't have Kinghts of the round so that's what probally made it harder.

01-11-2005, 06:10 PM
The irks of Sephiroth (I do think up of these stuff at random moments thus I keep having to post).
- He has some sweet attacks but takes too long to use his best ones.
- Some monsters attack 2 times in 1 turn, why not him? Its 3v1 sheesh.
- The Materias offered in the game are far too strong. 4x-cut, HP plus, Magic Plus is kind of overkill.

Materias/Weapons are everything...I was ill-equipped the 1st time and got a beating!