10-22-2015, 09:22 PM

Has anyone thought to grab this? It's pretty cool. I know it's not a video game soundtrack, but it may as well be.

Junya Nakano, for those who don't know, was a composer for Squaresoft / SquareEnix. He's very good. He scored Threads of Fate (Dew Prism), Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception, and the obscure Squaresoft game Another Mind, contributed around two dozen pieces to the Final Fantasy X soundtrack, went half and half with Masashi Hamauzu for the Musashi: Samurai Legend soundtrack, did the arranging for the DS version of Final Fantasy IV alongside Kenichiro Fukui, went half and half with a composer called Yuji Takenouchi for an old arcade from 1993 called Mystic Warriors, and contributed tracks to Tobal No. 1 and Front Mission Gun Hazard - and those are just the more notable things he's credited for, he's done a lot more. He's definitely one of my favourite videogame composers.

Oh, and he's also released a few individual songs on his soundcloud since the release of Phantasm: Imaginary Town, Meteor, Lake, Ripple, and Defection.

EDIT: Well I'll be damned. I just accidentally found out that I could download all the songs for free through JDownloader! WTH.

Space Lion
11-06-2015, 01:35 PM
high-quality here (Thread 196338)