tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 01:46 PM
I gave him special permission to post in his own threads.

I should not have to check each thread of his to see how all of you react!

The fact is:
MORE people thank him than condemn him!
"Credit to original poster" is not feasible where one is active on more than one thread!

The fact that he's using UPLOADED proves he's active on more than one forum.
It's not his fault.
It's yours that choose to be the way you choose to be!
If you venture outside the realm of FFS, you would see a common pattern.

"Honor amongst thieves" can only go so far when we are all pirates!

I'm only targeting a select few who choose to make my job difficult!
He gets far more grattitude than condemnation than you would like to believe.
Less than 2 dozen (24 for those who can't count) complain openly for no real reason.

Why you make it a personal and life-style is beyond me!
You don't see him lowering himself to your level.

It was even pointed out at several times, if Topaktro uses Premium-paid services, what should we do about people like OSTgems and others who use paid-referral links?

Why do you pose to be more important?
Where do you draw the line for loyalty?
You literally make no sense but make my job eaiser in getting rid of you.

Post all you want.
I'll only read keywords. It's not like any of you have the intellectual capacity to convey a real thought.

---------- Post added at 05:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 AM ----------


This all started because some people decided to act against the community of the forum.

I shouldn't have to open every thread of his and check what's going on and moderate them.
Or as you call them: "censor".

Some people who have a reputation of causing problems to the forum has given gratitude to tapoktro:

Excellent score.

And many more thanks then there was bullshit.

Think about that.

---------- Post added at 05:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 AM ----------

This is your one and only chance to vent.
For no reason.

As there is no real rule except for "honor amonst theives" (since we're all pirating music........................................)

Just remember who's spending their entire life and using up all their energy on one single person when there's an entire internet out there that does exactly the same thing!

10-21-2015, 01:53 PM
I love Tapoktro and everyone else who share all these marvelous music here, most of them which I would never be able to buy.

It make zero sense to me that people who are already doing illegal stuff anonimously (ie: sharing copyrighted material), get angry because someone also share his stuff around.

Really, who cares if is it was Boombu456, Zandozan, R2D2's Son or Tapoktro the original sharer?

Fuck the system and share the music! That is all that matters!

10-21-2015, 02:02 PM
Whenever I post something I nearly always ask people to mirror it and upload it elsewhere. Once you click 'upload', it's out of your hands.

I can understand to some extent people's irritation at what they perceive to be hijacking of their hard work, but that's more a thinking error than anything. We are after all in it together, just trying to make it easier to get rare and elusive material into the hands of compadres who want them. I have been around enough to see tons of rare things I've encoded, remastered, uploaded and the rest floating around YouTube, torrent sites and P2P networks, put up by complete strangers, and although I initially went through the same 'hey, that's mine, not yours' possessiveness, I moved on and now I always get a thrill to see it happen.

If you want credit, you can always tag the files and artwork. My old internet aliases are visible on a lot of early-noughties MP3 ID3 tags!

10-21-2015, 02:02 PM
I have always understood when one shares, kudo's to YOU because you are being granted something beyond your "Quarum" (or Forum;...pending) for the example privileges to enjoy and hopefully purchase at a later date. There are many a times a new source has been released and I purchased it; or for that matter, a boot leg or import, or created source. But I always say Thanks.


PS ....But I know one thing;...I've been on this site a looooong time and I've never gotten a virus from any of you good people, compared to "The Wide World" other sites, and I think the blessing is "Let's keep it as safe as possible". So in regards to the subject matter, ...I say "Thanks for the good work."

10-21-2015, 02:13 PM
So I'm to blame for Tapoktro downloading, converting to MP3 and then posting my vinyl rip of the District 9 expanded score?

Spark, I got nothing against you. But even Jessie sees eye-to-eye with me on Tapoktro...

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 03:00 PM
Spark, I got nothing against you. But even Jessie sees eye-to-eye with me on Tapoktro...

Nothing's been said to me ever.

Which leads me to believe there is nothing wrong when only a dozen people speak out against the hundreds of "thank you"s.

If there are secret agendas, I've not been privy to such actions.
You guys are really making this your own forum and I can only do so much to make EVERYONE happy.
If he rips you off, and posts in your thread: condemn him.
If he rips you off, posts his own thread: condemn him.
If he exists: condemn him.

No other moderator or admin has made it clear to me what to do with him and what to do when people speak up against him.

But, now, it seems a little more clear that there are ulterior motives behind everything.
Picking a TV show about political scandals and murder just seems more and more accurate every day I'm here!

Tell me what I should do.
Tell me what other mods/admins want done.

I'll end things where others fear to take action.

Right now, it seems like all mods/admins are easy push-overs with no balls.
The people run the forum.
And, it's not like any forum I've ever seen. There are no rules to treat mods/admins with respect.
There's no rule to treat ANYONE with repsect!

How can I choose to defend one person over another when everyone has a different opinion and says everything is "unfair" ?

You are to blame if you bitch outloud and make it a personal vendetta to shit all over the forum.
From one pirate to another, you have no right over anything as it is not yours to begin with.
We all pirate, illegally.
None of us are saints or more "better" than others.
We're all guilty of illegal action.
Throw "honor" into it just for personal reasons, and you're the only one that's going to shit on others for personal reasons.

So many threads get closed because people don't consider anyone else but themselves.
So yes, poitn that dirty finger at yourself because you made an active choice.

Sanico wasn't "kind" or "fair".
She was an absentee landlord!
A fairytale of a moderator where most would take advantage of that for their personal reasons.

There are ways to reduce all this so it isn't confined to one constant user.
That would be to disregard format and mirrors and merge everyone's threads into one.
Doesn't matter if it's an edit, promo, or FYC.
None of it will matter.
And everyone's posts will get buried over time when more people post.

But, at least, no one will have legitimate reason to complain and spam the forums with garbage and personal agendas.

I see nothing new about this matter.
I still see no one agreeing nor disagreeing about ostgems and his paid-links.
He uses links that give him money. Speed or no speed. He earns.
You can't pick and choose your battle "just because".

---------- Post added at 07:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 AM ----------

If Jessie has a problem with Tapoktro's wrong-doings, he knows what to do to him.

10-21-2015, 03:16 PM
So I'm to blame for Tapoktro downloading, converting to MP3 and then posting my vinyl rip of the District 9 expanded score?

Spark, I got nothing against you. But even Jessie sees eye-to-eye with me on Tapoktro...
You're acting like you composed the music. You don't own the rights to this stuff. You own an album. You bought a record and out of respect to those who put it together, shared their hard work with others for free. If you're afraid that someone is going to steal what you've pilfered, keep it to yourself lest you get an ulcer.

I wish the mods worked as hard as Tapoktro does to replace dead links with active ones. Yeah, it would be nice if he'd use MEGA instead of those shitty services that keep changing my homepage to Yahoo! He doesn't, so we'll just have to work with what we have or do without.

This comment will be up for a limited time. (FLAC only. MP3 is beneath me!) After that, I'm taking it down forever because it is the only power I have in an otherwise gray little nothing on an existence. Don't you dare ask for a re-up. Stealing what others share (even though it's technically all stolen property) is punishable by double-secret probation and a trip through the spanking machine!

This is a place to exchange soundtracks. Let's all get the fuck over ourselves and have a little fun!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 03:24 PM
I wish the mods worked as hard as Tapoktro does to replace dead links with active ones.

Impossible here.
Everyone demands a full and complete history of the content.
If John Willams shat it out, it must be iterated.
Everyone has too much loyalty for their own good, that they will never be happy unless everyone else besides them got perma-banned.

There's some vinyl-rips here that started over at private/elite torrent trackers.
The "Cloud Atlas" vinyl rip started from WhatCD torrent tracker.

The only "copyright" is held by the creators of the music.
Not by the pirates who spent time on it.

"Honor amongst thieves" can only go so far.
Don't make it a life mission.
There are better things in life to do than waste it on a single person.

In my case, I have to spend it on a few dozen specific people.
Every day.

Which is why I don't sign in for a few days until I get a PM or report in my email account.

---------- Post added at 07:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

Let's all get the fuck over ourselves and have a little fun!


(which Jessie has agreed to hoping here; despite views/opinions of certain individuals)

10-21-2015, 03:35 PM
Impossible here.
Not intended as a knock against you. More of a pat on the defendant's back.

10-21-2015, 04:11 PM
I don't mind Tapoktro, I like him for his uploads and he has provided many great scores for me.
It's just the money thing.

10-21-2015, 04:25 PM
Honestly though I have learnt from being here that mentioning credit is just going to start a war.
This is a thread which I created when I first joined here. Or, should I say, when I revisited.

That thread... Whew, I'm glad that I learnt. A lot of people on that thread (Skelly, Hack3rman, etc.) weren't too happy with me. In fact, I was mocked for it.
From this, I have learnt that it is true that 1% of people actually care who the original uploader was. That's why I'm not too bothered about the non-credit-ness.
So I will say thank you to everybody who taught me in that thread. Except for Trekkies whom deliberately mocked me for lack of knowledge, but hey-ho.

10-21-2015, 04:31 PM
Y' know what really irks me about Tapoktro? I've never seen any evidence that he's "one of us".

Most people here are truly interested in film music, and really enjoy listening and sharing it. We have all sorts of convoluted custom projects we do in the name of our little hobby. Film mixes; expanded edits; DVD rips; etc. We do it all because we like that.

I've never seen that sentiment from Tapoktro. I've never seen much evidence that he gives a damn about film scores. All he does is upload them to a shitty filehoster for a few quick bucks. He acts as if he's on some sort of Warez site, which he isn't.

I don't care if he "steals" others' uploads. I don't even care that much if he "steals" custom projects. Is it a dick move? Certainly. But I've moved past all that. What really grinds my gears is his apparent apathy towards film music in contrast to our interest in it.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 04:35 PM

10-21-2015, 04:38 PM
To be honest, I was thinking of posting that but then I thought against it.

I was, honestly.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 04:47 PM
Honestly though I have learnt from being here that mentioning credit is just going to start a war.
This is a thread which I created when I first joined here. Or, should I say, when I revisited.

That thread... Whew, I'm glad that I learnt. A lot of people on that thread (Skelly, Hack3rman, etc.) weren't too happy with me. In fact, I was mocked for it.
From this, I have learnt that it is true that 1% of people actually care who the original uploader was. That's why I'm not too bothered about the non-credit-ness.
So I will say thank you to everybody who taught me in that thread. Except for Trekkies whom deliberately mocked me for lack of knowledge, but hey-ho.

But the only thing I took out of that thread that I knew for a long time:

Bluntly speaking: you can't do shit.

Ne'er true'r words spoken.

I frequently get PM's about people demanding respect and credit.
I get PM's about about something as much as someone not responding to a PM of 1,000 requests!

It's a steep learning curve here.
Which kind of sucks.
Almost feels like I should be making sticky threads out of a lot of case scenarios for people to judge.

We actually do kind of need that.
Since I'm frequently told what this forum is about and how it is run.
( with no proof of examples or links to any threads that would help their cause. typical )

---------- Post added at 08:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------

Y' know what really irks me about Tapoktro? I've never seen any evidence that he's "one of us".

He's not.
He's a part of multiple forums. All of which dominate in premium accounts for UL or Netload or other filehosts.
Shrine is the only place that has no dominence over a (premium) file host.

MEGA is free. When you're not getting your account closed.

But, I've seen him at other forums. Ones that I pay money to premium accounts so I can download full blurays (from other members; who also use UL or NL links).

It's just his misfortune that users here don't pay for premium accounts, let alone pay for music.

How can he attribute credit to every single post in every single forum where most places he goes to, you guys don't exit!
He copies/pastes text.
Not just links and info, but passwords and crap.
I used to be a member of about 7 different forums that were dedicated to Uploaded/netload and a few other popular filehosts that requried premium accounts to download full bluray movies. Or even remuxes of movie-only.

This forum, is unique.
People like him, Konio and a few others, have no real concept of that.

TehParadox is only one forum.
There are plenty more out there to keep track of.

Horton: A person's a person, no matter how small.

---------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 AM ----------

I was, honestly.

You should have. This thread is full out, balls out, free for all.

Let's fight!

---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 AM ----------

Actually... just please don't swear.

Not in the download section.

General Discussion. Uncensored.
Until someone decies to report your profanity.

But in download section, refrain from profanity where most aren't expecting it.

10-21-2015, 04:58 PM
That makes sense!
Anyway, I'm leaving.

Won't return here until Tapokshit is done.

Haha. Haha.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 05:02 PM
Anyway, I'm leaving.

Hey That's My Line!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 05:11 PM
That makes sense!
Anyway, I'm leaving.

Won't return here until Tapokshit is done.

Haha. Haha.

Talk to Jessie.
There's no real rules about what he does.
No mod or admin has really done anything.
Everytime he posts in your thread, you bitch.
I tell him he can create his own threads, you bitch.

I see nothing but bitches here.

I'm just a moderator.
Which means when you bitch in his thread or he bitches in your thread, I intervene.

Admins have the power.

If you want to leave, that's your own prerogative.
I haven't really seen much that happens in your threads where Topaktro is concerned.

This forum has really developed its sense of awareness before it was capable of understanding the responsibility.
If you ask me.

There are many more here to condemn, based on similar nature.

Do you have proof?
I need proof. Not opinion or conjecture.
I need links to posts. I need PM's forwarded to me.
Just like any other mod/admin.
We're not going to jump based on hearsay.
That's just silly.

I implore you to continue as you do.
Honestly, I've not seen Topoktro be a threat to you and what you share.

Worst case scenario, take it to the producers of the music and ask that he stop sharing.

It's quite selfish to presume such actions!

How can I make the forum happy if nothing works?
I tell him to make his own threads, nothing works.

The only thing that I see working is taking matters into my own hands and banning him permanently.
But, what would that say against other mods/admins who wouldn't do that?
Even after speculated they sympathize with the majority of members?

It's a lose-lose situation for all.
Members and mods/admins alike.

10-21-2015, 05:19 PM
TIL Tapoktro is not a bot. And that some people have a temper. A lot of it.

Carry on then.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 05:20 PM
When you ban someone, you have the option of deleting all their posts/threads.
You can essentially remove all evidence.

But, who's to say they won't use a VPN or proxy to create a new account?

Honestly, "stolen" is a hard word to drive.
To begin with, we all just "stole" the music. No matter the hard work put into it.
And, for some, very little or zero work.

We do have a thread for "music that may NOT be posted for legal reasons"....
I think, at this point, where members are concerned... we're splitting hairs.

I mean, if MEGA shuts down someone's account for too many infractions, who would literally dispute those to keep their account alive for pirated music?

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 05:21 PM
The Big Man Has A Point People...

10-21-2015, 05:27 PM
You're acting like you composed the music. You don't own the rights to this stuff. You own an album. You bought a record and out of respect to those who put it together, shared their hard work with others for free. If you're afraid that someone is going to steal what you've pilfered, keep it to yourself lest you get an ulcer..

I don't own the music and I never claimed to. In fact I've made that very statement before that I don't own. But have you ever done that? Ripped 4 sides from vinyl, edited it in Audition, converted it to an Apple-friendly format, then uploaded BOTH formats to please everyone. Try it sometime.

Most people here are truly interested in film music, and really enjoy listening and sharing it. We have all sorts of convoluted custom projects we do in the name of our little hobby. Film mixes; expanded edits; DVD rips; etc. We do it all because we like that.


He's not in it for the same reason we are. We invest and spend time on what we post to make the forum a better place, ie no same old scores posted over and over At least that's always been my goal - to post something that hasn't been posted before. Something specific. Film mixes.

10-21-2015, 05:28 PM
Tapoktro expected me to grant him full direct access to my hardrive. In turn he offered me sexual benefits.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 05:31 PM
It's Pointless Keeping On About It We Are All Here For The Same Thing, Our Love Of Music, Not to Argue Over Someone Who Just Shares These.

I Get That Things Posted Get Re-Upped By Him But That Way We Can Still Access These Files. I Am Past Careing Now.

But If We Are Willing to Give Up This Site Over Tap Or The MODs Then Why Come Back Everyday?

Just Be Happy And Listen to the Music.

10-21-2015, 05:33 PM
I liked most of his posts, though

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 05:34 PM
Still doesn't prove a whole lot.
Other places I can name take a whole lot more into account and would be pissed if their work got leaked here.

The so-named "Cloud Atlas" vinyl rip was originally on the WhatCD torrent site before it ended up here.

It doesn't matter how much work you put into it.
The fact it's on the internet is enough that it's no longer yours.

Before I started sharing, the very first thing I shared was a collected work of "Kill Bill Volume 1" on Demonoid.com torrent site.
The text file, I customized with pertinent info and design that I would recognize.
Someone took it, changed the folder name (but not the tags or text file) and claimed it as their own.
They never said they spent the time looking for all the music, as much as possible.
They just took it and attached their name to it.
And, since then, they've been the sole creditor to the pirated, collected works of Volume 1.
But, I got over that. I remember it. But, I don't make it personal.
I'm not a moderator in hopes of finding him today.
It's not one of those cheesy cop/robber movies where a cop becomes a cop to catch a killer that killed the cop's father or anything.

The internet really is just open grounds.
Doesn't matter what forum or torrent site you go to.

It's time to be realistic.

---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

Tapoktro expected me to grant him full direct access to my hardrive. In turn he offered me sexual benefits.

I expect trolling out of this.
But this is a free-for-all thread.
So it is trolling.

10-21-2015, 05:39 PM
btw, it's not just tapoktro. you can add konio, aka email at tehparadox, to the list of folks who constantly grab the shares of others, without ever giving any credit.
just post something really goody goody and you'll see either one sharing them quickly afterwards. of course without giving credit.
afaik none of the main sharers here give a rats ass if tapoktro or konio use uploaded. the thing that gets us pissed off is simply the fact
of them never giving credit. heck, keving makes fun of this fact with his "a soon to be stolen post" sentence.
if tapoktro and konio would simply say thanks to ... after they grab the shares and add them to their hosters, you wouldn't see that much if any outrage.

as for the fact they get more thanks then bad rep... they get thanks from folks who usually never share at all, don't know better or simply don't care
who originally shared it here. but what folks mostly forget it the fact that if the key sharers stop, this forum will die very quickly and you'll only be left
by low quality spotify captures *cough cough* vivoensanse *couch*. though tapoktro and konio would simply move on to the next place.

I mean, if MEGA shuts down someone's account for too many infractions, who would literally dispute those to keep their account alive for pirated music?

mega doesn't check if the claim is coming from the actual right holders. basically anyone can file a infraction at mega and they wont validate it.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 05:44 PM
btw, it's not just tapoktro. you can add konio

There was a third preson, too.
One day, I sat here watching all the threads and links they used...
Konio uses about 4 different hosts.
Topaktro uses 1.
And this third person used another common host most people don't like.

Really can't remember who...
But there was 3 here.
All at tehparadox.

10-21-2015, 05:46 PM
what folks mostly forget it the fact that if the key sharers stop, this forum will die very quickly and you'll only be left
by low quality spotify captures *cough cough* vivoensanse *couch*. though tapoktro and konio would simply move on to the next place.

Most of the users here would also move on to "the next place" if the OST uploaders left here. Leaving only the ones who do projects with audio (DAK, myself, Mr. Gold, etc.) I could live with that.
And of course there's the VGM section.

10-21-2015, 05:46 PM
it was miamicool in the observatory with filefactory

10-21-2015, 05:49 PM
There was a third preson, too.

you mean collection?

Really can't remember who...
But there was 3 here.
All at tehparadox.

banan_44, email (konio) and szachtar92 are the main jerks over at tehparadox

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 05:51 PM
Most of the users here would also move on to "the next place" if the OST uploaders left here. Leaving only the ones who do projects with audio (DAK, myself, Mr. Gold, etc.) I could live with that..

A Few People Yes... Projects? Me? LOL Maybe Custom Covers.

---------- Post added at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

it was miamicool in the observatory with filefactory
Filefactory Isn't To Bad.

10-21-2015, 05:52 PM
A Few People Yes... Projects? Me? LOL Maybe Custom Covers.

The custom covers thread, yeah.

I was also thinking of those TV show songs you occasionally compile.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 05:53 PM
The custom covers thread, yeah.

I was also thinking of those TV show songs you occasionally compile.

I Stopped Those After Scream... They Were Not Popular..

10-21-2015, 05:57 PM
I Stopped Those After Scream... They Were Not Popular..

they just got buried by nick_vader's flood of shares ;)

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 05:58 PM
they just got buried by nick_vader's flood of shares ;)

Haha. Know Seriously They Were Not Popular Enough For Me To Continue. So I Stopped.

10-21-2015, 06:01 PM
The thing that bothered me the most about him was, if you really have to takeover/"stole" original uploader's work at least send him reputation/thanks back. I wrote to him once about this, but... as usual i got no response at all.

I said it botherED me, now i just ignore him.

10-21-2015, 06:03 PM
Here is my opinion about him : True, he never precised the source of what he shared, although he knows we all know where do its various scores come from. Anyway, thanks to him I got some sessions or expanded score I missed here (dead links), for example X Men Days Of Future Past or Sleepy Hollow (sessions)

10-21-2015, 06:03 PM
I want to see someone make an archive of all the times Tapoktro has actually deigned to utter words. As in, in a real conversation.

All I can remember is him telling Amanda that she was "jealous." :rolleyes:

10-21-2015, 06:05 PM
If I learned something here, as much as I love most of the people... There's some who will always, ALWAYS complain about something. And others who are very strong and counter-complaining too.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 06:05 PM
I want to see someone make an archive of all the times Tapoktro has actually deigned to utter words. As in, in a real conversation.

All I can remember is him telling Amanda that she was "jealous." :rolleyes:

Amanda Is The Only One To Get Anything From Him He Said "Amanda, Stop Shit Posting"
Otherwise I Have Never See Anything Else Just The Thread And "UPDATED"

But Still Makes No Difference Just That He Avoids Conflict And Problems....

10-21-2015, 06:08 PM
sully also got a respone from him

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 06:09 PM

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 06:11 PM
I got a response from him when I gave him explicit permission to have his own threads.
He told me he didn't want to piss anyone off.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that was futile.

But, he really doesn't want to get in anyone's way.

So giving him his own threads was the easiest solution, since so much stirred up whenever he posted in anyone's thread. :smrt:

Or so it seemed :smrt:

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 06:12 PM
I got a response from him when I gave him explicit permission to have his own threads.
He told me he didn't want to piss anyone off.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that was futile.

But, he really doesn't want to get in anyone's way.

So giving him his own threads was the easiest solution, since so much stirred up whenever he posted in anyone's thread. :smrt:

Or so it seemed :smrt:
There Is A Person Behind the Avatar.. *X-Files Music Plays*

10-21-2015, 06:14 PM
There Is A Person Behind the Avatar.. *X-Files Music Plays*

See? I told you. I was under the idea he was a bot.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 06:24 PM
It Would Seem You Are Not the Only One.

10-21-2015, 06:36 PM
I've received a response from him once, but it was monotone and lifeless. I think it was one word. So I'm still convinced he's a robot.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 06:39 PM
Well It Pretty Clear People Like What He Does And People Don't. It The Same With Everyone (People Hate And Like What I Do) But You Have to Live With It, Otherwise What Is The Point In Being Here.

10-21-2015, 06:43 PM
I haven't really seen much that happens in your threads where Topaktro is concerned.

Rango (Custom Complete Score) - [2011] (Thread 193843)
Iron Man 3 (Expanded Edition) - Brian Tyler (Thread 170910)

Seriously? You want more?

But you're right, this is the INTERNET. There's no real rules.
Well, I'm not leaving. It's just... I won't be sharing anymore here my custom work.

Fair enough, am I right?

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 06:44 PM
Ah Man!

If People Are Gonna Stop Posting These Things, What Is The Point (3/4 Of The Fun Is Talking About The Work And Product With These Mixes And Colelctions) Pointless Now, If People Are Stopping/Leaving....

10-21-2015, 06:48 PM
The fact that he doesn't put the full tracklisting makes me agree with Skelly. I don't think he has such a passion of music as we do.
But that constitutes nothing. To me, anyway.
But please... Put the full tracklisting.

His posts are extremely similar, but then he has posted other things like:

So is he a bot? I highly doubt it.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 06:55 PM
am I right?

If you want.

It's not like I open every thread every time someone posts.
I'm human.

I'm not a bot.

Do I know the shit that goes on in your life?

Do you ever take intiative to show what's going on?
Only when it's publicly open.

I've never received a PM nor report on your threads.

Other people report their own threads automatically.

"Same thread; same format" stopped working when no one liked anyone mirroring their own work.
Regardless of situation.

So yes, I do need more.
More brought to me at the time it happens and not after.

I'm human, as much as you.
Unless you presume me to be less than you.
Do you find yourself superior?
I dare you to answer that. I triple dog dare you, T-1000.

I dare anyone to place a value on anyone's life.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 06:59 PM
I guess because he really doesn't earn a shit from the shares, anyway, since it's probably a few cents by download or share.

Jessie used to use paid-links.
Until he didn't really earn enoug, just barely to pay for the premium services he uses.

People place too much into things they never know or explore to learn.

Like I always say, you're lucky to earn enough just to pay for a month of premium service.

I looked into it once for TehParadox to try share there for certain movies.
But, never thought it worth to be anything beyond renewing subscriptions.

Even others I spoke to (who weren't Topaktro) said it wasn't worth as much make it out to be.

What have I learned?
Nothing I already knew when I first created this thread.

10-21-2015, 07:00 PM
I guess because he really doesn't earn a shit from the shares, anyway, since it's probably a few cents by download or share.

A lot can be done from the money he is making. Sure, it may not seem like much, but pile everything that everyone has ever downloaded from him and see what it comes up to. What I'd do to have a couple of pennies every time somebody clicked a download button for music I don't have any rights to whatsoever.

50p can get me a 2L bottle of cheap cola.
�1 can get me a cheap pizza.
�5 can get me a new game.

But don't think this is me changing my mind.
I haven't been "Tapoktro raided" myself, and to be completely honest I wouldn't mind all that much if I did. People see the download link on the OP, they don't scroll down unless to say thank you.
I like Tapoktro for all the music he has provided me with. That's me and my opinion.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 07:02 PM
Well It Pretty Clear People Like What He Does And People Don't. It The Same With Everyone (People Hate And Like What I Do) But You Have to Live With It, Otherwise What Is The Point In Being Here.

It is a everlasting argument.....

10-21-2015, 07:06 PM
I guess because he really doesn't earn a shit from the shares, anyway, since it's probably a few cents by download or share.

Members are for the most part are smart enough to avoid his threads now.

10-21-2015, 07:10 PM
I download from him if the threads are his, and something that I would like.
If it's not, I'll download from the original uploader. Simple as that.

10-21-2015, 07:10 PM
1. I don�t like that Tapoktro does indeed make money using inherently copyrighted and therefore illegal material which originally was - I assume - shared freely without the intention of making some dough
2. HOWEVER: I (partially) got over my own dislike for him. Why? Simple, he keeps shares alive
3. So it�s everyones' decision to compromise: can you accept someone who makes money using your work but keeps shares alive?

P.S.: Sparky, love... not everyone on this forum is as dumb as a piece of bread. I think I understand the reasons for it but your cynicism tends to get the best of you :)

10-21-2015, 07:11 PM
he keeps shares alive


10-21-2015, 07:33 PM
Well, maybe I should act like el Tapo, then, and bump all my shit back up to the top with a "updated link" post.

*snarkyLOL* :awsm:

10-21-2015, 07:37 PM
I will admit, I did that with my ARK: Survival Evolved gamerip once.
*Lowers in his seat...*

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 07:39 PM

10-21-2015, 07:40 PM
Random [off topic] aside.. If we know that Sanico is truly gone..(confirmed by Jessie)..why do we keep his/her name in the moderator slot?

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 07:41 PM
Incase she/he returns (i assume)

10-21-2015, 07:41 PM

It's fairer what Tapoktro doing with my lossless rips compared to some present in this debate who exchanged them outside forum and blackmail other people with my stuff!!! Some people here don't doing NOTHING lately (two thumbs up for the exceptions), except contribute in this funny session or general discussion thread.


10-21-2015, 07:44 PM

I really, really wanted to post in your spaghetti lossless thread, but.. I found out my tunes for penne rigati lossless format.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 07:45 PM

10-21-2015, 08:04 PM

I really, really wanted to post in your spaghetti lossless thread, but.. I found out my tunes for penne rigati lossless format.

You not desirable in that topic, because on that thread link is always in function!!! http://s4.postimg.org/luzyl3d2h/hahaha.gif

Yours link disappear faster than this

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 08:11 PM
spaghetti lossless thread

Speaking Of, Any Reason This Is Still Stickered Thread And The Covers Is Not?.....

10-21-2015, 08:12 PM
You not desirable in that topic, because on that thread link is always in function!!! http://s4.postimg.org/luzyl3d2h/hahaha.gif

Yours link disappear faster than this

image file snipped..

I wish I could say that was funny..and made sense to me. But anyway..

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 08:27 PM
I personally think it should be unstickered aswell.

10-21-2015, 08:32 PM
I personally think it should be unstickered aswell.

Why do not you try to do? You need some help for that or maybe brain supply?

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 08:36 PM
I Reported Your PM, Why Do You Constantly?
Anyone Who Says Anything You Hate You Publically Insult.

Your Thread Does Not Need to Be Stickered, If So Every Thread With Download Should Be Like. Zombi's NOES Collection.
Skelly's Wolverine, DAK'S Clash of The Titans..... I Could Go On.

10-21-2015, 08:42 PM
You as their lawyer here? You MUST SPEAK only if you have thread with 400 LOSSLESS UPLOAD!!!
Until then, it would be better to shut up a little. You sounding stupid at every step!!!

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 08:44 PM
You as their lawyer here? You MUST SPEAK only if you have thread with 400 LOSSLEES UPLOAD!!!
Until then, it would be better to shut up a little. You sounding stupid at every step!!!


Makes No Difference Your Thread Is No More Special Than Any, If The Other Threads Are Un Stickered Then They All Should Be Is All I Am Saying. You Seriously Need to Chill.

Yes I Reported Your PM, Just Becuase I Am Gay I Did Not Appreciate Your Tone. I Found It Very Insulting And People Like You Need to Grow Up.

10-21-2015, 08:49 PM
You MUST SPEAK only if you have thread with 400 LOSSLESS UPLOAD!!!
Until then, it would be better to shut up a little. You sounding stupid at every step!!!

Wow. :laugh:

Well, I think we've all gotten our hatred of Tapoktro out of our systems. About now would be a nice time to close the thread.

10-21-2015, 08:53 PM
I don't mind what Tapoktro does. Provides reups and mirrors for those shares
that are lost in the wind. I've got a few things from him. Would be nice if he
did lossless, since some lossless things here are now only available in 320k and
only from him...

I don't have a problem with him as long as he does not create reups and mirrors
of my shares while I am still actively sharing them. It is unneeded. And takes away
from the threads I take so much time to put together and maintain..

10-21-2015, 08:53 PM

Makes No Difference Your Thread Is No More Special Than Any, If The Other Threads Are Un Stickered Then They All Should Be Is All I Am Saying. You Seriously Need to Chill.

You do not just talking nonsense you and look stupidly (I HOPE JUST ON AVATAR)

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-21-2015, 08:54 PM
Cut the crap, seriously. Follow your own advice and shut the fuck up.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 08:55 PM
I've Reported Your Posts And PM.

10-21-2015, 08:59 PM
to Leon Scott Kennedy

I not start with shit and certainly not stay owe to some Mr idiot who attack my work on forum!!!

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 09:01 PM
I Hardly Attacked Your Work I Ask Spark (The MOD) a Question As to Why It Was Still Stickered. You Attacked Me! With Your Insulting And Disgusting PM.

10-21-2015, 09:03 PM
Wow. :laugh:

Well, I think we've all gotten our hatred of Tapoktro out of our systems. About now would be a nice time to close the thread.


10-21-2015, 09:05 PM
I've Reported Your Posts And PM.

I just filled my drawers because that. It 's the only thing that you know, to sue each other!!!

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 09:05 PM

10-21-2015, 09:08 PM
This thread keeps getting more and more interesting.

I thought he was being was really snide at first, but maybe Sparktank was right when he said that "it's not like any of you have the intellectual capacity to convey a real thought".

10-21-2015, 09:17 PM
He's already done that. And got your HTTYD2 FYC in MP3. I think.

No, he took the webrip.
Says so in the thread (192k)

10-21-2015, 09:18 PM
That's It I Am Done With This Site!

Just lying to yourself, i'm not buying that. There is nowhere more place like this where
you can spit all day someone and to 11 thousand times!!!

10-21-2015, 09:27 PM
Oohhhhh. But he did it because he probably was worried about the watermark thing or else he'd have stolen it. For sure.

He didn't take mine beacuse I asked him not too until I said it
would be okay. But so long as I am alive, there is no reason
for it to exist and be shared anywhere other than my own

10-21-2015, 09:28 PM
The issues are:

a) Tapoktro EXCLUSIVELY re-uploads posts from other, never originating them himself.

b) He does so sometimes mere minutes after the original post is made.

c) Never once, not EVER, does he ever acknowledge his source, even when that information is easily available.

d) He never comments, offers thanks, or responds to his own threads except to provide new links - but when there is something new to be mirrored, he is there like a flash.

He is 100% doing this for the money. I'm aware that a lot of people appreciate him because he provides mirrors and helps keep things available... but it is, shall we say, somewhat galling to spend a packet of money importing some rare thing, spend hours transferring some piece of troublesome vinyl, sticking together booklet scans, writing programme notes, conducting original research in the course of making your post informative and valuable, tagging, encoding, etc... and then within fifteen minutes Tapoktro has downloaded the thing, turned it into an MP3, mirrored it in an anonymous, unoriginal thread, is obviously making money-per-click, and receives thanks for his efforts. Meanwhile, the people who put in the trouble, who work for the community, and don't entirely like that sort of behaviour... receive the tired old "we're all pirates, you can't expect honour among thieves" lecture and then are basically told to shut up.

Those people wonder why their efforts are treated with such apparent disdain by FFShrine's staff when it is their efforts that create and maintain the community, and they wonder why Tapoktro is given free reign - and is even defended by moderators, whilst those same moderators attack those people for their hypocrasy and even say that Tapoktro is in the clear because he is frequently cheered. It doesn't matter whether he's doing something wrong, only that if what he does is popular then it should continue. The very first post in this thread states that "more people thank him than condemn him", credting the original poster is "not feasible", complaints are made "for no real reason", that the complainers are lowering themselves and "make no sense" - then the complainers are explicitly told they will not be listened to or treated fairly ("Post all you want. I'll only read keywords."), personally insulted ("It's not like any of you have the intellectual capacity to convey a real thought."), and then threatened with banning.

That sort of attitude - and THIS sort of thread which doesn't pay even SIMPLE LIP SERVICE to people's concerns and low morale - is what makes people say things like "I'm leaving".

Even if somebody official said "I understand that this pisses you off, because sometimes you work really hard on a post and it hurts you to see it immediately appropriated and used to line somebody's pockets, but we just can't do anything about that" that would at least be SOMETHING.

I haven't been affected by Tapoktro, for some reason - I wade into this discussion not as a part of the angry mob, but as the voice that says "I know why these people are mad".

10-21-2015, 09:38 PM
I don't own the music and I never claimed to. In fact, I've made that very statement before that I don't own. But have you ever done that? Ripped 4 sides from vinyl, edited it in Audition, converted it to an Apple-friendly format, then uploaded BOTH formats to please everyone. Try it sometime.
I don't have to. My time is spent scouring the web to bring you rarities. As far as I'm concerned my time is just as well spent as yours. The only difference is you don't hear me griping about it. It's kinda' like people who beg for "Thanks!" � not you, Dak! � or plead that you add to their reputation. Here's a shock: reputation points aren't going to put food on your table or secure a better spot in heaven. It's a game! If the only reason some people post links is to get a "Thanks!," I say you are here for the wrong reason. Didn't your parents ever teach you that the best thanks are the unsolicited ones?
Look, I do not want to get into an argument. It's a message board for soundtracks, not brain surgery. If you don't like someone, don't respond to their PM request for a link. It's as simple or difficult as that.

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-21-2015, 09:41 PM
"People are going to pirate your piracy," rings a bell?

It's annoying what Tapoktro does? Sure, but in all honesty, folks: be thankful the Shrine doesn't have many users like him/her. Oh my God, we happen to spend bucks, scan booklets, rip/encode stuff which soon gets stolen and we're not given a mere mention, either!
Thousands of folks out there had the same thing happen to 'em far more times than any of you affected and they didn't whine like you, why? Because they understood that's the kind of shit happening often in the "sharing underworld". Don't like it? Circumvent a bit the problem by being selective about the users you share stuff with, or crap like that.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 09:44 PM

10-21-2015, 09:48 PM
Tangotreats, thank you so much!
I hope that our "I am superior than you" moderator reads carefully
what you have said, especially these paragraphs:

It is, shall we say, somewhat galling to spend a packet of money importing some rare thing, spend hours transferring some piece of troublesome vinyl, sticking together booklet scans, writing programme notes, conducting original research in the course of making your post informative and valuable, tagging, encoding, etc... and then within fifteen minutes Tapoktro has downloaded the thing, turned it into an MP3, mirrored it in an anonymous, unoriginal thread, is obviously making money-per-click, and receives thanks for his efforts. Meanwhile, the people who put in the trouble, who work for the community, and don't entirely like that sort of behaviour... receive the tired old "we're all pirates, you can't expect honour among thieves" lecture and then are basically told to shut up.
Those people wonder why their efforts are treated with such apparent disdain by FFShrine's staff when it is their efforts that create and maintain the community, and they wonder why Tapoktro is given free reign - and is even defended by moderators, whilst those same moderators attack those people for their hypocrasy and even say that Tapoktro is in the clear because he is frequently cheered. It doesn't matter whether he's doing something wrong, only that if what he does is popular then it should continue. The very first post in this thread states that "more people thank him than condemn him", credting the original poster is "not feasible", complaints are made "for no real reason", that the complainers are lowering themselves and "make no sense" - then the complainers are explicitly told they will not be listened to or treated fairly ("Post all you want. I'll only read keywords."), personally insulted ("It's not like any of you have the intellectual capacity to convey a real thought."), and then threatened with banning.
That sort of attitude - and THIS sort of thread which doesn't pay even SIMPLE LIP SERVICE to people's concerns and low morale - is what makes people say things like "I'm leaving".
Even if somebody official said "I understand that this pisses you off, because sometimes you work really hard on a post and it hurts you to see it immediately appropriated and used to line somebody's pockets, but we just can't do anything about that" that would at least be SOMETHING.

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-21-2015, 09:50 PM
Tapoktro is given free reign because he/she isn't infringing rules of the forum, technically. We don't go after folks which create mirrors/encodes of stuff already posted in the forum.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 09:51 PM
Tapoktro is given free reign because he/she isn't infringing rules of the forum, technically. We don't go after folks which create mirrors of stuff already posted in the forum.

Again. :this:
We will just keep going in circles......

10-21-2015, 09:53 PM
Let's uh... Let's close this thread. :)
Otherwise this will just become the next Gay Marriage thread.
Sparky has provided the information needed to anybody who would like to complain about Tapoktro.
It is needless to continue this argument.

10-21-2015, 09:58 PM
Once I get my Mac working again, I'm going to start posting mirrors of other uploads in their own threads. Let's see what happens. :D

The issues are:

a) Tapoktro EXCLUSIVELY re-uploads posts from other, never originating them himself.

b) He does so sometimes mere minutes after the original post is made.

c) Never once, not EVER, does he ever acknowledge his source, even when that information is easily available.

d) He never comments, offers thanks, or responds to his own threads except to provide new links - but when there is something new to be mirrored, he is there like a flash.

He is 100% doing this for the money. I'm aware that a lot of people appreciate him because he provides mirrors and helps keep things available... but it is, shall we say, somewhat galling to spend a packet of money importing some rare thing, spend hours transferring some piece of troublesome vinyl, sticking together booklet scans, writing programme notes, conducting original research in the course of making your post informative and valuable, tagging, encoding, etc... and then within fifteen minutes Tapoktro has downloaded the thing, turned it into an MP3, mirrored it in an anonymous, unoriginal thread, is obviously making money-per-click, and receives thanks for his efforts. Meanwhile, the people who put in the trouble, who work for the community, and don't entirely like that sort of behaviour... receive the tired old "we're all pirates, you can't expect honour among thieves" lecture and then are basically told to shut up.

Those people wonder why their efforts are treated with such apparent disdain by FFShrine's staff when it is their efforts that create and maintain the community, and they wonder why Tapoktro is given free reign - and is even defended by moderators, whilst those same moderators attack those people for their hypocrasy and even say that Tapoktro is in the clear because he is frequently cheered. It doesn't matter whether he's doing something wrong, only that if what he does is popular then it should continue. The very first post in this thread states that "more people thank him than condemn him", credting the original poster is "not feasible", complaints are made "for no real reason", that the complainers are lowering themselves and "make no sense" - then the complainers are explicitly told they will not be listened to or treated fairly ("Post all you want. I'll only read keywords."), personally insulted ("It's not like any of you have the intellectual capacity to convey a real thought."), and then threatened with banning.

That sort of attitude - and THIS sort of thread which doesn't pay even SIMPLE LIP SERVICE to people's concerns and low morale - is what makes people say things like "I'm leaving".

Even if somebody official said "I understand that this pisses you off, because sometimes you work really hard on a post and it hurts you to see it immediately appropriated and used to line somebody's pockets, but we just can't do anything about that" that would at least be SOMETHING.

I haven't been affected by Tapoktro, for some reason - I wade into this discussion not as a part of the angry mob, but as the voice that says "I know why these people are mad".

I hate quoting entire paragraph-long threads like this, and I've never found myself agreeing with anything you said, but I 100% agree with you here. You know how we fill. You get it. Thank you.

I don't have to. My time is spent scouring the web to bring you rarities. As far as I'm concerned my time is just as well spent as yours. The only difference is you don't hear me griping about it. It's kinda' like people who beg for "Thanks!" – not you, Dak! – or plead that you add to their reputation. Here's a shock: reputation points aren't going to put food on your table or secure a better spot in heaven. It's a game! If the only reason some people post links is to get a "Thanks!," I say you are here for the wrong reason. Didn't your parents ever teach you that the best thanks are the unsolicited ones?
Look, I do not want to get into an argument. It's a message board for soundtracks, not brain surgery. If you don't like someone, don't respond to their PM request for a link. It's as simple or difficult as that.

Jesus Christ, now you're saying I do it for reputation and for thanks and likes? Again, That's another thing that I have stated I'm not here for. I don't give a flying fuck about likes, rep and thanks. Sure, I've said maybe once or twice that it's nice when now and then someone will say "thanks for your hard work" (when you post something you actually work hard on and pour your time and effort into, you'll understand), but I don't need likes and rep to survive on here like some other people do. I don't know you, I've never seen you before until today when you decided to chime in. If you've ever posted something that *you* specifically worked hard on (searching for rarities doesn't count, sorry Charlie), like, say...ripping vinyl for several hours, you'd get it. Even tangotreats gets it. You said it yourself - it's not brain surgery.

10-21-2015, 10:02 PM
Jesus Christ, now you're saying I do it for reputation and for thanks and likes?
I guess you must have missed the part where I wrote "not you, Dak!"

10-21-2015, 10:04 PM
Tapoktro is given free reign because he/she isn't infringing rules of the forum, technically. We don't go after folks which create mirrors/encodes of stuff already posted in the forum.

Absolutely, I know that. I don't question that he isn't breaking the rules as they stand - I posit that perhaps this situation is not necessarily one which should be completely deferred to the rule book; perhaps fluffier concepts like humanity and decency should be considered. It is, after all, humanity and decency that leads to sharing. I say again; why is the focus on attacking Tapoktro's detractors and defending Tapoktro? Why are people who complain about Tapoktro threatened with banning in the same breath that Tapoktro's actions are officially sanctioned? I repeat my earlier statement:

Even if somebody official said "I understand that this pisses you off, because sometimes you work really hard on a post and it hurts you to see it immediately appropriated and used to line somebody's pockets, but we just can't do anything about that" that would at least be SOMETHING.

Mirrors and encodes are one thing - I don't think there's one of us who has never re-encoded something, uploaded it somewhere else to help somebody who can't access Mega / SolidFiles / Whatever, provided an MP3 of something big to help people on metered connections, re-uploaded a dead link, etc. That's part of sharing. There's a big difference between that mentality and the mentality which re-encodes and re-uploads EVERYTHING, ALWAYS, at the speed of light, exclusively for financial benefit.

When the forum doesn't make that distinction, it makes the good people believe that their efforts aren't noticed or appreciated.

I haven't got a single issue with Sparktank or any other moderator - and I respect the work they put in... I do, for what it's worth, think that the official line being taken here, whilst undeniably consistent with what's in the rulebook, treats the people here - for we ARE people, living breathing humans sitting here behind our screen names - unnecessarily harshly.

I've said my bit and I hope it's helpful to somebody.

I hate quoting entire paragraph-long threads like this, and I've never found myself agreeing with anything you said, but I 100% agree with you here. You know how we fill. You get it. Thank you.

Thank YOU; that means a lot. :)

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 10:04 PM

10-21-2015, 10:04 PM
I guess you must have missed the part where I wrote "not you, Dak!"

Maybe I did. I read it fast, and this thread is getting me a little heated. I see it now, I apologize.

But for real though, spend DAYS (or months (Thread 190117)) working on something and then have Tapoktro download it, convert to MP3 and post it as his own. Then tell me how you feel.

Davros Blofeld
10-21-2015, 10:05 PM
He is 100% doing this for the money. I'm aware that a lot of people appreciate him because he provides mirrors and helps keep things available... but it is, shall we say, somewhat galling to spend a packet of money importing some rare thing, spend hours transferring some piece of troublesome vinyl, sticking together booklet scans, writing programme notes, conducting original research in the course of making your post informative and valuable, tagging, encoding, etc... and then within fifteen minutes Tapoktro has downloaded the thing, turned it into an MP3, mirrored it in an anonymous, unoriginal thread, is obviously making money-per-click, and receives thanks for his efforts. Meanwhile, the people who put in the trouble, who work for the community, and don't entirely like that sort of behaviour... receive the tired old "we're all pirates, you can't expect honour among thieves" lecture and then are basically told to shut up.

If there is such demand for mp3 versions without all the scans etc then maybe original posters should just include a smaller mp3s only version of their works to start with? Personally I would always go for the FLAC or best version but for their own reasons lots of people are more concerned with small size or wide compatibility and they will go for the "product" that suits their needs, and thank the provider who makes it available to them. If someone has found a gap in "the market" and is exploiting it, closing the gap cuts them out of the picture, or at least restricts the available opportunities for exploitation.

I'm sure it would irk people to issue "substandard" versions of their hard work, but not to do so when there is demand is like a studio only releasing their movies on blu-ray and saying "screw you!" to all the people who still use DVD.

10-21-2015, 10:07 PM
It is needless to continue this argument.

It's not entirely needless.

Some people fail to understand why so few enjoy Tapoktro's presence here.

Sure, I've said maybe once or twice that it's nice when now and then someone will say "thanks for your hard work" (when you post something you actually work hard on and pour your time and effort into, you'll understand)

Agreed. Check out my sig. Almost everything is a project I have done regarding ripping music from sound mixes, and more often than not these projects turn out very well. There's a reason not a lot of people do what I do, and that's because it takes time. A hell of a lot of time. Took me seven months to do Wolverine and the X-Men. So I also feel a little justified in asking for someone to just say a little "Thank you" in reply, to let me know that at least some one appreciates the work I've put into this.

The best thanks indeed are "unsolicited ones", but thanks at prompting are fine too.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 10:08 PM
If there is such demand for mp3 versions without all the scans etc then maybe original posters should just include a smaller mp3s only version of their works to start with? Personally I would always go for the FLAC or best version but for their own reasons lots of people are more concerned with small size or wide compatibility and they will go for the "product" that suits their needs, and thank the provider who makes it available to them. If someone has found a gap in "the market" and is exploiting it, closing the gap cuts them out of the picture, or at least restricts the available opportunities for exploitation.

I'm sure it would irk people to issue "substandard" versions of their hard work, but not to do so when there is demand is like a studio only releasing their movies on blu-ray and saying "screw you!" to all the people who still use DVD.

:this: actually is a valid point!

Agreed. Check out my sig. Almost everything is a project I have done regarding ripping music from sound mixes, and more often than not these projects turn out very well. There's a reason not a lot of people do what I do, and that's because it takes time. A hell of a lot of time. Took me seven months to do Wolverine and the X-Men. So I also feel a little justified in asking for someone to just say a little "Thank you" in reply, to let me know that at least some one appreciates the work I've put into this.

The best thanks indeed are "unsolicited ones", but thanks at prompting are fine too.

I heartly appreciate everything you do.

10-21-2015, 10:09 PM
If there is such demand for mp3 versions without all the scans etc then maybe original posters should just include a smaller mp3s only version of their works to start with? Personally I would always go for the FLAC or best version but for their own reasons lots of people are more concerned with small size or wide compatibility and they will go for the "product" that suits their needs, and thank the provider who makes it available to them. If someone has found a gap in "the market" and is exploiting it, closing the gap cuts them out of the picture, or at least restricts the available opportunities for exploitation.

I'm sure it would irk people to issue "substandard" versions of their hard work, but not to do so when there is demand is like a studio only releasing their movies on blu-ray and saying "screw you!" to all the people who still use DVD.

Annnnnd that's why I'll usually post my edits in FLAC and ALAC to please both the PC and Mac users. Now and then I'll do MP3

10-21-2015, 10:09 PM
If there is such demand for mp3 versions without all the scans etc then maybe original posters should just include a smaller mp3s only version of their works to start with?

That'd wouldn't change Tapoktro's habits. He's doing it for clicks and cash, not to give more options to people. But I do like your idea.

10-21-2015, 10:11 PM
If there is such demand for mp3 versions without all the scans etc then maybe original posters should just include a smaller mp3s only version of their works to start with? Personally I would always go for the FLAC or best version but for their own reasons lots of people are more concerned with small size or wide compatibility and they will go for the "product" that suits their needs, and thank the provider who makes it available to them. If someone has found a gap in "the market" and is exploiting it, closing the gap cuts them out of the picture, or at least restricts the available opportunities for exploitation.

I'm sure it would irk people to issue "substandard" versions of their hard work, but not to do so when there is demand is like a studio only releasing their movies on blu-ray and saying "screw you!" to all the people who still use DVD.

Now this I agree with; although it can quickly get out of hand. At one point I was doing a FLAC with scans, a FLAC without scans, a scans-only archive, -V0 MP3, -V6 MP3, AND 256kbps AAC. Screw that. Now I do a FLAC, sometimes a -V0 MP3 if I'm in the mood, and if you want something else, then you can make it yourself or somebody else can do it. I'm very happy and grateful for mirrors, and COMPETENT re-encodes - nothing makes you scream like somebody downloading your lovely FLAC and re-encoding it to 96kbps MP3 with BladeEnc... ;) FLAC can be played on ANY system and can be encoded into ANYthing else, so that's well worth producing. Everything else, nah, life's too short for that.

10-21-2015, 10:12 PM
I have nothing against Tapoktro (or anyone for that matter). Helps me complete many OST I need for my collection, that no one else has here. The only run in I had with Tapoktro was recently that he requested when I send him a PM for a link to not send singe PM, but to send one PM for all. I got a little bent out of shape but its a taken care of between us now. Now I/we have a better a understanding. I am so blessed to have found this forum and the sharing with all of you.

I give kudos, thanks and reputation likes, as much as I can because everyone here as been so giving in sharing things. Even though I am new here, I like that this is a close-knit community. even family has ruff times. Lets just enjoy the time we have and give thanks to all who have made what we share even possible. Life is so precious (and great music Lol..). So Say We All!

10-21-2015, 10:20 PM
YOu people need to get a life if all you do is bitch about takpotro

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-21-2015, 10:22 PM
Absolutely, I know that. I don't question that he isn't breaking the rules as they stand - I posit that perhaps this situation is not necessarily one which should be completely deferred to the rule book; perhaps fluffier concepts like humanity and decency should be considered. It is, after all, humanity and decency that leads to sharing. I say again; why is the focus on attacking Tapoktro's detractors and defending Tapoktro? Why are people who complain about Tapoktro threatened with banning in the same breath that Tapoktro's actions are officially sanctioned? I repeat my earlier statement:

Even if somebody official said "I understand that this pisses you off, because sometimes you work really hard on a post and it hurts you to see it immediately appropriated and used to line somebody's pockets, but we just can't do anything about that" that would at least be SOMETHING.

Mirrors and encodes are one thing - I don't think there's one of us who has never re-encoded something, uploaded it somewhere else to help somebody who can't access Mega / SolidFiles / Whatever, provided an MP3 of something big to help people on metered connections, re-uploaded a dead link, etc. That's part of sharing. There's a big difference between that mentality and the mentality which re-encodes and re-uploads EVERYTHING, ALWAYS, at the speed of light, exclusively for financial benefit.

When the forum doesn't make that distinction, it makes the good people believe that their efforts aren't noticed or appreciated.

I haven't got a single issue with Sparktank or any other moderator - and I respect the work they put in... I do, for what it's worth, think that the official line being taken here, whilst undeniably consistent with what's in the rulebook, treats the people here - for we ARE people, living breathing humans sitting here behind our screen names - unnecessarily harshly.

I've said my bit and I hope it's helpful to somebody.

Thank YOU; that means a lot. :)
tangotreats, this may not mean much coming from me, since I've never been active in this part of the board, but I am a moderator and I am sympathetic to the complaints, still, I'd like to say there's a limit to how much sympathetic I can be.
Before some of you come and say "I'd like to see you spend hours on something, share and have it stolen soon after," I'll have you know that it happened a lot of times over the years, with the game guidebooks I've shared (can't claim I've scanned each and every single one of those I'm currently sharing, but I've put my hours into scanning/fixing up through Photoshop/Optimizing the PDFs enough), yet, you'll hardly find complaints from me; to somewhat quote your words in the thread linked up earlier, tangotreats: "if you are thin-skinned and get worked up so easily over these incidents, you're in the wrong line of work."

Now, I've read this thread, it seems that no matter what has been done "about" Tapoktro, some users weren't happy. What the heck do you want us to do? I repeat: I am sympathetic to the "general feeling", but feel less inclined to be sympathetic toward those users who complain about Tapoktro. I think folks went a bit overboard with the hostility. I'll try to fix this message later.

10-21-2015, 10:22 PM
Maybe I did. I read it fast, and this thread is getting me a little heated. I see it now, I apologize.

But for real though, spend DAYS (or months (Thread 190117)) working on something and then have Tapoktro download it, convert to MP3 and post it as his own. Then tell me how you feel.
He can't steal from you what isn't legally yours to begin with. It's like calling a cop to report that a home invader robbed you of an ounce of coke. Good luck!
Another point: Chances are people who still buy vinyl are going to digitize the music anyway to preserve the original. Right? It's not like they're making the transfer enitirely to earn reputation points among their peers. Is it that much harder to upload it to MEGA and post a link?
If you want to bitch about anyone, scream bloody murder about those who take and never put back. I've downloaded dozens of soundtracks from Tapoktro that I might not otherwise have been able to track down. Again, if you don't want Tapoktro to get his hands on your stuff, don't send him/her a link.
And may there be peace in the Middle East.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 10:25 PM
That being??

10-21-2015, 10:26 PM
YOu people need to get a life if all you do is bitch about takpotro

SAys the guy who's never posted a single thing. All requests. If you'd ever actually uploaded something that you spent time on, you'd understand.

Make like a tree and leave

He can't steal from you what isn't legally yours to begin with. It's like calling a cop to report that a home invader robbed you of an ounce of coke. Good luck!
Another point: Chances are people who still buy vinyl are going to digitize the music anyway to preserve the original. Right? It's not like they're making the transfer enitirely to earn reputation points among their peers. Is it that much harder to upload it to MEGA and post a link?
If you want to bitch about anyone, scream bloody murder about those who take and never put back. I've downloaded dozens of soundtracks from Tapoktro that I might not otherwise have been able to track down. Again, if you don't want Tapoktro to get his hands on your stuff, don't send him/her a link.
And may there be peace in the Middle East.

I get that. I know the music is not mine. And I see where you're coming from. But I feel like you're still not understanding. You need to see where I'M coming from. And Skelley. And all others who work hard on our edits.

And there's no stopping anyone from getting your links. I never sent him a link for my D9 vinyl, and yet he still posted it somehow. You need to understand that, too. The only way to *really* crack down on people not getting your links is to not even make a thread and only send it out to certain people. Then everyone else misses out.

After we're done with Tapoktro we should really discuss something else that is very important, too.

Taking down the record companies and storming their gates to get all the music??

10-21-2015, 10:36 PM
tangotreats, this may not mean much coming from me, since I've never been active in this part of the board, but I am a moderator and I am sympathetic to the complaints, still, I'd like to say there's a limit to how much sympathetic I can be.
Before some of you come and say "I'd like to see you spend hours on something, share and have it stolen soon after," I'll have you know that it happened a lot of times over the years, with the game guidebooks I've shared (can't claim I've scanned each and every single one of those I'm currently sharing, but I've put my hours into scanning/fixing up through Photoshop/Optimizing the PDFs enough), yet, you'll hardly find complaints from me; to somewhat quote your words in the thread linked up earlier, tangotreats: "if you are thin-skinned and get worked up so easily over these incidents, you're in the wrong line of work."

Now, I've read this thread, it seems that no matter what has been done "about" Tapoktro, some users weren't happy. What the heck do you want us to do? I repeat: I am sympathetic to the "general feeling", but feel less inclined to be sympathetic toward those users who complain about Tapoktro. I think folks went a bit overboard with the hostility. I'll try to fix this message later.

LOL, I can't really argue with myself, can I? ;)

It means a lot - and I thank you for your comments. I know what you're saying, and I stand by those earlier comments. Going nuts when somebody re-uploads or does something with your work and doesn't credit you... is just one of those things we all have to suck up and live with. We're talking about somebody who has done it EIGHT THOUSAND TIMES (literally; check his post count) - seven times a day for the past three years - to me, to you, to DAK, to everybody who ever worked on an upload or went the extra mile to make something a little bit special. The issue at this point is, I think, probably less about Tapoktro and what he actually DOES (seeing some of the recent posts which state things like "MP3s will be provided when Tapoktro steals my upload tomorrow" suggest, of nothing else, a quiet acceptance) and more to do with the staff of FFshrine who don't appear to understand or care why the stuff he does pisses so many people off - and why the anti-Tapoktro folk have to fight tooth and nail for some kind of official acknowledgement of their problem, but Tapoktro receives defence when he doesn't even participate in the discussion. That he will continue to post download links but won't participate in a conversation which ATTACKS HIM PERSONALLY should tell you all you need to know about what his priorities are - Upload everything, make money, sod off until somebody posts something, repeat.

The guy has never taken one of my uploads - I don't know why - but I can ABSOLUTELY see why this guy drives people mad.

Cheers LSK and everybody. :)

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 10:39 PM
After we're done with Tapoktro we should really discuss something else that is very important, too.

That Being??

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 10:42 PM
Speaking Of, Any Reason This Is Still Stickered Thread And The Covers Is Not?.....

That's an arrangement between him and Jessie. I can't touch it.

10-21-2015, 10:42 PM
That Being??
What's for dinner?

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 10:43 PM
That's an arrangement between him and Jessie. I can't touch it.
Fair Enough, That Is All I Wanted to Know. (The Argument And Awful PM Were Not Warrented)

What's for dinner?

A Bit Late For Me Here.... You?

10-21-2015, 10:43 PM
LOL, I can't really argue with myself, can I? ;)

It means a lot - and I thank you for your comments. I know what you're saying, and I stand by those earlier comments. Going nuts when somebody re-uploads or does something with your work and doesn't credit you... is just one of those things we all have to suck up and live with. We're talking about somebody who has done it EIGHT THOUSAND TIMES (literally; check his post count) - seven times a day for the past three years - to me, to you, to DAK, to everybody who ever worked on an upload or went the extra mile to make something a little bit special. The issue at this point is, I think, probably less about Tapoktro and what he actually DOES (seeing some of the recent posts which state things like "MP3s will be provided when Tapoktro steals my upload tomorrow" suggest, of nothing else, a quiet acceptance) and more to do with the staff of FFshrine who don't appear to understand or care why the stuff he does pisses so many people off - and why the anti-Tapoktro folk have to fight tooth and nail for some kind of official acknowledgement of their problem, but Tapoktro receives defence when he doesn't even participate in the discussion. That he will continue to post download links but won't participate in a conversation which ATTACKS HIM PERSONALLY should tell you all you need to know about what his priorities are - Upload everything, make money, sod off until somebody posts something, repeat.

The guy has never taken one of my uploads - I don't know why - but I can ABSOLUTELY see why this guy drives people mad.

Cheers LSK and everybody. :)

You are totally killing it right now. It's like you can read my mind :p

10-21-2015, 10:49 PM
The issue at this point is, I think, probably less about Tapoktro and what he actually DOES and more to do with the staff of FFshrine who don't appear to understand or care why the stuff he does pisses so many people off - and why the anti-Tapoktro folk have to fight tooth and nail for some kind of official acknowledgement of their problem, but Tapoktro receives defence when he doesn't even participate in the discussion.


tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 10:51 PM
What the heck do you want us to do?

I'm at end's meet trying to keep people happy.

He's no longer posting in people's threads. So there's that, at the very least.
I don't know the exact date I PM'ed him telling him he can create his own threads. But it was recent.

I shouldn't really have to open every thread he makes just to make sure no one is lynching.

10-21-2015, 10:55 PM
Fair Enough, That Is All I Wanted to Know. (The Argument And Awful PM Were Not Warrented)


A Bit Late For Me Here.... You?
Leftovers. :(

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 10:56 PM

10-21-2015, 10:57 PM
He's no longer posting in people's threads.

Are you sure?
Today, 05:51 AM
Thread 89644

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-21-2015, 11:00 PM
Hm, folks, just what do you think the Staff can do about Tapoktro? Oh, this discussion brings me back to 2004, good times… And good thing I don't mind dealing with this stuff.

- The rules mentioned earlier? Though I agree that sometimes it would be best if the Staff doesn't "follow the book so blindly," those are the official rules, normally, a member of the Staff is required to act only when "they" are infringed. Tapoktro isn't infringing them, at present, I'm not going to mention the whole issue with the "risk of creating a precedent". He annoys users, I get that, still, the way he goes about it isn't really violating any rule currently in effect, we can't really act without causing someone to wonder: "Just where did that come from?"

- Unfortunately (for some, at least), this board is "open", it means that we might get the kind of person which isn't as passionate as us about the stuff we do, and is ultimately sharing for personal gain. It sucks? Again, for some it does, but the rules of the Shrine aren't forbidding anyone from making money out of their uploads (their business) and it wouldn't be entirely right to stop those trespassers from making money out of someone else's effort, either, because more often than not that very effort isn't the originating user's property EDIT: I mean, it's not like most of you created your expanded/whatever from scratch… More than likely they got sourced off somebody else's work.

10-21-2015, 11:02 PM
Wow! Where's the Michael Jackson popcorn gif when you need it?

10-21-2015, 11:03 PM
Are you sure?
Today, 05:51 AM
Thread 89644


Wow! Where's the Michael Jackson popcorn gif when you need it?

LMAO how has that not popped up yet?

I thought of it the other day. I wanted to post it, I forget where it was.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 11:03 PM
Are you sure?
Today, 05:51 AM
Thread 89644

he should be.
i won't speculate why he didn't for that.
and i'm not going to search all his posts.

best i can do for that is move his post to a new thread.
since that one was pointed out to me.
and it was pointed out without hostility.

James (The Disney Guy)
10-21-2015, 11:04 PM
Wow! Where's the Michael Jackson popcorn gif when you need it?


10-21-2015, 11:07 PM
And it was pointed out without hostility.

This was unnecessary.

10-21-2015, 11:09 PM
LMAO how has that not popped up yet?

I thought of it the other day. I wanted to post it, I forget where it was.

Mr. Sullivan would have posted that gif.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 11:09 PM
This was unnecessary.

There's a lot of that in this thread.

10-21-2015, 11:13 PM
I think I'm pretty much done here, I've said what I wanted to say and let my feels out.

Unless some other jackhole comes along defending tapoktro. Then my blood will boil again lol

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 11:15 PM

Don't ask me. You guys are posting it.

The only real thing we can do is isolate his posts to his own threads.
But only a few people PM about posts needing to be moved. I can't know these things when they happen.
It's not humanly possible to monitor everything.

So when people "Boom" about his posting, and expecting me to know about it, it's quite unrealistic.

"It takes a village."

10-21-2015, 11:19 PM
There's a lot of that in this thread.

It's obvious that you haven't read Tangotreats' comments.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 11:21 PM
Okay, everyone has vented.

And everyone knows the situation now.
There is nothing actionable from him that we can do to end this for everyone.

If anyone sees (new) posts of his posted in a thread, PM me with a link so i can move it.

That's really all the best we can do.

So now that it's out of our system, going to close the thread.