11 squall
12-30-2004, 03:17 AM
need some quick help here. does any one know how to get an item to teach a gf the ability "initiative" or even "spd-J"? i know that 3 gfs all ready know the ability im just cought in a bit of a jam trying to get the perfect team.

Terra Fire
12-30-2004, 10:47 PM
hey i think you can buy sp-j scroll that gives GFs the ability (i think) but i'm not totally sure try it anyway :) hope helps

11 squall
12-31-2004, 06:14 AM
i've allready looked...unless you get it in one of the other esthar shops that you got to near the end or the third disk, because i forgot to got to them which really anoyed me.
ps. for got to tell you befor....im on the 4th disk so yea, mugging spd scroll from cerberus wont be much help for me.

Terra Fire
12-31-2004, 01:13 PM
ok.......hmmmmmmm do you have tonberry GF??? try its junk shop ability look in all of the pet shops you should find what you're lookin for.......i hope :)

11 squall
12-31-2004, 10:43 PM
allready have....nothing. but thanks for trying

Terra Fire
01-01-2005, 09:56 PM
okay sorry i couldn't be of more help......good luck though :)

01-01-2005, 09:58 PM
I think you have to level up your GF's more, and the ability will be allowed to be learned by gaining AP for the GF, as if you were learning another ability like Boost, or Card from a GF

01-02-2005, 12:57 AM
Nah, a GF can't learn any abilities that aren't on its list unless you use a special item. 11 squall --- I'm not sure about this, but have you tried the card game? I think you may be able to Card Mod what you want.

11 squall
01-02-2005, 01:30 AM
i found it! first off get "hundred needles" by refining 100 "cactas thorns". refine the "hundred needles" into 1 "spd up". do this twice to get 2 "spd up". refine them into 1 "spd j scroll", use amnesia greens on a gf to remove an unwanted ability and teach it spd j.

Terra Fire
01-02-2005, 08:33 PM
wow........i would never of thought of that.....congratulations :)

The Scientist
01-05-2005, 01:01 AM
There are only 3 GF's who can learn Initiative
Those are Cactuar, Pandemona and Tonberry
so you COULD divide them under your 3 characters ..
I have all of my characters a GF with Initiative and Abilityx4 but none of the 3 has Initiative used ..
It can only help to beat Malboro's and Cactuars. Both I can handle pretty well ..
In the fights that are important (Omega Weapon) it doesn't matter ..

11 squall
01-05-2005, 10:51 AM
yes, but in order to have all three of those gfs(the ones with initiative) split then one charactor would not have spd-j, now that i got that item i dont have to worry about it. initiative comes in handy with those hard battles, so i can cast auraon squall quickly and do extencive damage to the enemy before they can atack.

The Scientist
01-05-2005, 01:53 PM
There no enemies apart from Malboro that can kill you that quickly that you need Initiative. It's handy, I know, but certainly not the ability I would use ...
I'd think rather of Auto-Haste, which if you Junction Spd a little well, is nearly Initiative but both have their effects still after the beginning of the battle

01-05-2005, 01:57 PM
Personally I found initiative useful for taking on Omega Weapon........ Now there is a hard b******

The Scientist
01-05-2005, 02:02 PM
Personally I found initiative useful for taking on Omega Weapon........ Now there is a hard b******I don't get that at all ???

What's Omega Weapon first attack ? LV5Death now be quickly with Initiative and cast Holy War before his attack ... aaaah ... too late ..
You could as well Junction 100 Death to ST-Def-J to resist that attack ..

Oh, I know, maybe you need Initiative to do a quicly 2 500 000 dmge before he attack, I see, I understand ..

Certainly in a battle this long I think Auto-Haste is WAAAAAY more usefull than Initiative, and if you use both : I know there's something more usefull than initiative like Spd+40% or Vit+60% ...

(plz don't take it personal if it sounded like this)

01-05-2005, 02:04 PM
I don't get that at all ???

What's Omega Weapon first attack ? LV5Death now be quickly with Initiative and cast Holy War before his attack ... aaaah ... too late ..
You could as well Junction 100 Death to ST-Def-J to resist that attack ..

Oh, I know, maybe you need Initiative to do a quicly 2 500 000 dmge before he attack, I see, I understand ..

Certainly in a battle this long I think Auto-Haste is WAAAAAY more usefull than Initiative, and if you use both : I know there's something more usefull than initiative like Spd+40% or Vit+60% ...

(plz don't take it personal if it sounded like this)
Hes gotcha there Ultimatefffan